The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 504 Unlucky Cloud Ninja

Chapter 504 Unlucky Cloud Ninja

The whole body of the rocket is pitch black, with a round head and a long tail of flame, following Ai closely like a shadow.

Faced with these rockets with dog noses, Ai's mood at the moment can no longer be described in words.

If it's just a rocket attack, to be honest, he is not afraid. After testing the lethality of a wave of these rockets at first, he has a clue in his mind. The destructive power is indeed amazing, but it is nothing to him. What he is distressed about is the person who fires the rocket attack.

Shura Dao, that is, the third generation of Raikage.

The best way to deal with these tracking rockets is to solve them from the source, that is to say, to capture the thief first, to capture the king, and to shoot people first and shoot horses.

However, Shura Dao made from the corpse of the third generation of Raikage inherited its terrifying defensive power, conventional ninjutsu and other physical attacks are useless, at least, the many methods he mastered were not able to deal with the third generation Shadow tricks that cause damage.

And the appearance of Shura Dao here proves that all those subordinates were sacrificed.

Thinking of this, Ai's heart ached like a twist.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The rocket exploded, and the air waves rushed forward, making Ai's hair messy.

The thick-knuckle palm waved like a cattail fan to disperse all the smoke and dust. Ai's eyes wandered back and forth on the six clones, his heart was so heavy that he could hardly breathe.

Xi and a few other people didn't see him coming, only a loud sound came from the bottom of the cliff. He had just approached the edge of the cliff to take a look. A group of huge, ferocious dogs were chasing his subordinates.

"It can't go on like this!"

Ai's heart was cold, and he held back his impatience and anger. While entangled with Shura Dao and Hungry Ghost Dao, he also tried his best to think of a way to break the situation.

Cloudy Village.

The wind and snow were getting bigger and bigger, and the snowflakes falling from the sky were as big as mats. Many old cloud ninjas were stunned.

They have never talked about such a big snowflake in their lives!Is this fucking dreaming?
"Hurry up, are you just waiting to die? Get moving and go out of the village!"

Tutai shouted hoarsely, running in the streets and alleys, urging the cloud ninjas to leave the village.

Seeing that there was no movement for a long time after the four generations of adults left the village, on the contrary, the wind and snow were getting bigger and bigger. Seeing that the momentum was wrong, Tutai and a group of elders decisively issued an order to move the village out. At this time, they must not stay in the village any longer. Let the wind and snow be buried alive, leaving here is a wise choice.

Although traveling in such weather is undoubtedly a high-risk thing, at least there is a glimmer of hope than sitting and waiting to die.

The middle and lower ninjas teamed up to protect ordinary villagers from moving, and the upper ninjas took the lead to clear the snow on the road. The snow kept falling. As long as the cleaning was not done for a while, the originally opened road would be buried by the snow.

Long queues of people filled the streets and alleys, slowly moving towards the outside of the village, a sad atmosphere permeated the entire village, the cries of children and the sighs of the old people were like heavy hammers hitting the cloud ninjas Not to mention the entire country of thunder, just the village can't protect...


"it hurts!"

The child lying on his father's back covered his head and screamed, his eyes filled with tears.

The crackling sound became more and more intense, and before I knew it, the heavy snow stopped.

But no one is happy about it.



The wrinkled-skinned old man touched his bald head and caught the soybean-sized ice lump.

Seeing the ice lumps slowly melting in his hands, the old man's wrinkled face was wrinkled like a walnut.

"Quick! Get to the house quickly, it's hailstorming."

The old man yelled, or rather, without the old man’s reminder, the hailstorm had already fallen, and the villagers on the beaten street were crying for their fathers and mothers. Desperately looking at the houses on both sides and rushing inside.

It was useless for Yun Nin to shout loudly.

The hailstone was only the size of soybeans at the beginning. Under the pressure of Yun Nin, the villagers stabilized their position and took refuge in the house in an orderly manner. However, when the hailstone the size of a chicken fell, a strong man nearly two meters tall was directly beaten. Turning over, the top of the head was bloody, and the skull collapsed, revealing a big bloody hole.

An atmosphere of panic spread instantly. Facing the horror of death, not many people could calmly deal with it.

The ninjas were okay, but the ordinary villagers collapsed and ran around like crazy.

"Hail, what the hell is this... Hail in winter?"

Hail looks like a product of winter, but in fact it's the opposite. Generally speaking, hail is only seen in summer or at the turn of spring and summer. I've never heard of hail in winter, at least on earthen platforms. I have never seen winter hail in my life... This is the first time I have seen it today.

The earth platform stood on the roof of a house, with an eggshell-like rubber layer above its head. Hard hailstones hit the soft and elastic rubber and flew out.

He picked up a hailstone that rolled to his feet, the size of an egg, dark white in color, hard as a stone, and if he was hit by this thing, he would either die or be injured.

The hand holding the hailstone on the earth platform was shaking, not because of the cold, but because of fear.

The hailstones that fell like pear blossoms from the torrential rain attacked Yunyin Village mercilessly. In just a moment, an unknown number of people fell under the attack of the hailstones. The earth platform spit out a large number of rubber covers to protect the villagers on the street. There are also many junin who also shot to resist the hail.

However, in the face of the continuous hailstorm, even the Junin are powerless.

The number of casualties immediately rose linearly, and more than 40 people fell under the attack of hail just as far as the earth platform could see.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Holding two children in the hands of the earth platform, looking at the corpses buried in the hail on the street, the hail was stained red with plasma, the bloody red light was so shocking, and a feeling of despair arose in his heart.

If this continues, Yunyin Village will really end.

Suddenly there was a high-pitched and sharp piercing sound, and the earth platform subconsciously looked up and followed the sound.

A black sphere flew across the sky at high speed, and the huge chakra fluctuations could almost be felt by a ninja.

And Tutai was no stranger to the black sphere, and a light flashed in his eyes. The tailed beast jade was Kirabi, and his mood immediately became excited. If it was Kirabi, the power of Eight Tails might be able to open the situation.


The Tailed Beast Jade rushed into the black clouds, detonated, and instantly burst into shining light. The shock wave formed by the explosion crushed the hailstones that had not yet fallen in midair, and dispersed the dark clouds. As the center, the shock wave rushed in all directions like a sea wave, pushing away the cloud cluster.

The warm sun shines among the mountains in winter.


Seeing the warm but not glaring sun, many villagers who survived strong collapsed at this moment, kneeling on the ground and crying loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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