The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 513 Fighting, Chapter Two

Chapter 513 Fighting, Chapter Two
"How come? This is too...perverted?"

Didala was riding on the back of the white clay bird, and he could clearly see the movement below. He saw that Fei Duan was punched and half of his head was smashed, and the monster made by that guy in Jiaodu was killed with a single blow.

Especially the punch that repelled Shura Dao, the howling wind of the punch created an air wave that even he who was in the air was shaken by the aftermath.

"No wonder it can kill the third's a scary monster."

Didara swallowed, his heart beating like a drum.

In front of the hut.

"The third generation of Raikage? It's already been used!" Guanyue smiled and looked at Shura Dao who had given birth to four arms again, and the smile on his face became more and more ferocious, "Come on, electrocution."

He raised his right hand high, and the flashing electric lights in his palm danced like a silver snake between his fingers and palms.

It swung down suddenly, like thunder from nine days.

Infinite flashes of lightning shot out from the void, and countless thick thunder and lightning rained down on Shura Dao, Thousand Hand Zen, and the wooden house behind them.

And the source of the wind that sits in the cabin.

The blue light of thunder annihilated everything. Wherever the eye could see, there were continuous patches of thunder light. In the sky, Didara drove the giant clay bird to avoid the center of the thunderstorm. Yin released such a terrible ninjutsu, it was simply cheating!

In the forest, Jiaodu, who was planning to make a move, also stopped in his tracks. The shining thunder reflected in his emerald green eyes, and his expression could not be seen clearly under the black mask.

Boom! !

The ground trembled violently, the ice on the creek shattered, the snow in the forest shook, and white snow mist filled the air.

The copper-green brilliance tore apart the thunderstorm, and a huge house-like palm swept out, slapping Moon Watching away like a mosquito.

When the thunder light faded, I saw that the copper-green light was a burly giant with a tengu face, with wings on his back, two knives in his belt, and four arms, standing between the sky and the earth. His majestic body looked like a mountain from a distance, tall and tall. majestic.

Seeing this ferocious giant, everyone couldn't help feeling a touch of fear in their hearts.

This is an instinctive emotion. Facing such a killing weapon like Susanoo, fear is a natural emotion.

Uchiha Genzong was on the forehead of Susanoo, and the murderous intent in his scarlet eyes was surging like a tide.

He hated, wished he could cut Guanyue into pieces, the technique of the great calamity had been destroyed, and the work of destroying Muye Village hadn't officially started yet!In this way, he was stillborn, and it was foreseeable that as long as Guanyue survived, he would not be given the opportunity to continue using the Great Disaster Jinri.

"You bastard! You bastard! If you dare to spoil my good deeds, you should be damned, you should be damned!!!"

His long-cherished wish was finally about to be fulfilled, but he was obstructed and destroyed at this last step, and the anger in his heart was soaring that he could no longer maintain his usual calmness.

Not only Guanyue, but also Qianshou Zen was in his heart. He vowed that he would stop the whirlpool to watch the moon, but he was forced to escape before fighting for two rounds...
Condescendingly looking down at the seven black figures in the forest, they were the avatars of Thousand Hands Chan and Six Paths, just now facing the attack of Electrocution, he and Shura Dao were summoned by Animal Dao to avoid the blow.

"Tsk tsk! That move just now was very exciting! Not bad, not bad."

The neck turned and made a clicking sound, and Guanyue had a bright smile on his face.

The howling wind in the sky has stopped, and the natural disaster that has not yet been conceived has died. He no longer needs to worry about the safety of the village, and he can let go of his hands and feet and have fun with these guys.

boom! !

Susano almost stepped down with one foot, like a mountain pressing down, just lifting his foot to land brought a howling wind, and big trees were broken in the wind, and even uprooted, like a hurricane passing through .

When that foot landed, the ground was shaking, with the foothold as the center, a circle of spider web-like cracks spread out quickly, the ring-shaped shock wave overwhelmed a large area of ​​trees, and the white snow was flying high up in the sky.


Uchiha Xuanzong was astonished, Susano's feet were not firmly stepped on, and it felt like being stung by a small stone.

It's just that Susano is so big, how can there be a stone that can hit his feet?

"Ha! Get up for me!!!"

Under Susano's feet, Guanyue squatted halfway, his hands supported the soles of Susano's feet, his face was full of excitement, such an enemy is strong enough to fight!

The muscles of the whole body continued to swell, and the body became huge in an instant. The originally loose clothes instantly turned into tight clothes, which were in danger of being torn at any time.

Breathing out, amidst the roar of thunder, he held up Susano's huge body and stood up abruptly. With this force, his hands turned into fists, and countless fist shadows shot up into the sky. It hit the soles of Susanoo's feet.

In Uchiha Genzong's inconceivable eyes, the majestic force coming from under Susanoo's feet made him lose his sense of balance, and he staggered back like a drunk, retreating five or six steps in a row, relying on the wings flapping behind Barely controlling his body, he regained his footing.

"Ah! Sure enough, a big body is an advantage!"

Standing on the broken ground, Guanyue shook his head and moved his legs, stretching his body, in order to push back the big Susano, he exerted all his strength.

"It's been a long time since I've exercised like this... my body is going to rust, it's better for the big guys to play with the big guys."

Guanyue stomped on the ground with one foot, the ground roared, and a huge clay puppet stood up. It was a hundred meters away, and its two arms were extraordinarily thick. Susano pounced on it like a hungry tiger, his fists shining like steel squeezed the air, causing a sonic boom.

Boom! ! !

With interlaced fists and palms, Susano, who hastily fought, was forced to retreat again, trampled down patches of forest, and left a series of deep footprints on the ground.


Uchiha Xuanzong's eyes widened, the corners of his eyes were cracked, and he didn't notice the blood flowing, he just stared at Guanyue standing on the clay puppet's bald head.

Susanoo's other two arms stretched to his waist, and he pulled out two huge Susanoo swords.

The copper-green long sword swept across the sky, leaving two arc-shaped light bands in the field of vision. The two swords, one on the left and one on the right, slashed heavily at the ribs of the clay puppet. Half of the blade was stuck deep inside, forcing The clay puppet had to stop its pursuit.

"Tch! Four arms, this is cheating! Cheating!!"

Standing on top of the clay puppet, Guanyue stomped his feet indignantly. His clay puppet just fabricated its shape with earth escape technique, and then used the fruit of Renren to endow it with a soul so that it can move flexibly. But to put it bluntly, Guanyue is manipulating it, like An oversized shadow clone.

It's okay to fabricate seventeen or eighteen arms for a clay puppet, but the main problem is that his soul can't play with so many arms. This is completely different from the thing that keeps flying forward like a chariot, and the complexity is not the same. layered.

(End of this chapter)

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