The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 58 Kato's Observation

Chapter 58 Kato's Observation (Please recommend)

Weird power cannot be confronted head-on.

Seeing Naoki's fist that shakes mountains and earth, Kato Duan has a corresponding awareness, not to mention a hard fight, even if he gets close, he will be affected by the storm caused by the boxing. If his earth escape technique is not fast enough , I was afraid that he would suffer serious injuries just now.

Injury is a trivial matter, but losing such a big face on the first day of leading the team is a fatal matter. If it is really overturned by the little guys in the mock battle, the team will not be able to lead.

There are two purposes for holding this so-called mock battle. The first reason is to find out the basics of these little guys. Many things cannot be grasped clearly through written reports. Only by field experience and seeing with your own eyes can you understand grasp.

The second is to show off his muscles and establish his authority as a team leader. In his impression, genius is synonymous with arrogance. Only by using strength can he subdue these little guys, so that he can lead the team.

"These bastards are tough enough."

Hiding behind the dense leaves, watching Guanyue and the others rushing towards them through some gaps, Kato Dan smiled wryly. It is really not easy to subdue these little guys. Too much force is worried about causing them excessive blows, but It's not easy to find a balance among these little guys who can't suppress these little guys with a light hand.

Even if he's a Jonin.

"This kind of combat power is almost approaching the level of Chunin... Genius is really difficult to deal with, um, it's so dangerous."

Kato broke his feet slightly, arched his back, and jumped back quickly, avoiding the short knife entwined by the electric arc. The green leaves were burned into black lumps by the jumping electric arc, and his eyelids could be seen. Jump straight, these bastards are really merciless in their attacks.

"Ah, it looks like I have to give them some color."

Both hands swiftly formed seals, and Kato Duan instantly condensed chakra, his body suddenly fell to the ground, and his right palm lightly patted the ground.

The earth escapes, cracks the earth and turns the palm.

The seemingly light palm of the high-level earth escape technique cracked the ground, and a huge crack appeared on the ground, and the bottomless crack continued to expand, and gravel and giant trees fell into the ground. into it, the big tree Guanyue and the others stood on also fell into it——

"I go!"

The Moon Watcher screamed, and the moment the big tree under his feet swayed and fell, he jumped up quickly. He wanted to jump out of the cracked ground, but the ground cracked faster than he expected, and he couldn't get out of the ever-expanding deep ditch. I just barely nailed the short knife in my hand into the steep rock wall, hanging on the rock wall so as not to fall into the deep ditch...

It should be like this.

After losing her balance, Otome and Guanyue made the same choice. Even though she stood higher than Guanyue, it was a pity that she still failed. The man is one step ahead, she even has that subtle distance from the rock wall, the sharp tip of Xiaotai's knife cuts through the rock, but it cannot be nailed, and keeps sliding down

Until he stepped on Guanyue's shoulder, after a short pause——


Guanyue screamed without grace, it wasn't that Otome's kick was heavy, it was just a means of venting excitement when people instinctively fell.

If Kato can't make a move, this hands-on play is really not soft at all, the cracks created are wide and deep, at least with the eyes of watching the moon, you can't see the bottom. Fear of the unknown is an instinct that people cannot get rid of. You can subdue fear with willpower, but don't try to eradicate human instinct.

Earth escapes, rock steals sticks.

When falling rapidly, Guanyue didn't just sit still, she vented the pressure in her heart with a shrill scream, and her hands were firmly sealed like a rock.

Boxy rock pillars of the same length and width protrude from the stone wall, neatly arranged together, closely connected with each other, without a single gap, and the first layer on the top stopped growing, and the bottom layer grew again. Double, in two or three seconds, a whole triple stone step made up of rock stealing sticks protrudes on the steep rock wall.

The falling body collided with the stone steps made by myself, and the quite powerful impact made the stone steps made of rock stealing sticks tremble very slightly. The triple structure made it quite resistant to impact, and there was no reason for the fall. broken by the power.

The C-level earth escape technique of the Rock Stealing Stick has been thoroughly understood by Guanyue. After thousands of times of tempering, the manipulation of the Rock Stealing Stick has reached the point where it is easy to control. There is no need to deliberately control it. With the same mind, each rock pillar can be easily controlled.

Not only for attacking and killing enemies, but also for auxiliary use like this.

"Hiss, this little guy's earth escape is really not bad! He is indeed Lord Bai Fang's apprentice."

For the three people's every move, Kato Duan naturally saw in his eyes, he was just testing Guanyue and the others, not killing them, he had to monitor the three people's actions at any time to avoid accidents, that would be his negligence.

Guanyue's Earth Dunjutsu shocked him. If Guanyue tried his best to display powerful high-ranking ninjutsu, he would not be so surprised. A real master is not limited to how many powerful ninjutsu he masters, but how much ninjutsu he has mastered. The use level of ninjutsu, the simpler the ninjutsu, the better the talent pattern of a person can be seen.

According to his judgment, Guanyue's use of the Earth Dungeon Technique has already been regarded as a breakthrough, which is quite a bit of a strong man's demeanor. Of course, more training is needed to make this piece of raw jade shine brightly.

Collapsing on the stone steps, before Guan Yue could take a breath, a black shadow in the sky immediately fell down, pressing on his body.


Coincidentally, the falling heavy object hit his chest. At that moment, Guanyue felt that his lungs were about to be squeezed out. He couldn't lift it up in one breath, and almost suffocated to death. Fortunately, someone The heavy object jumped off the pad very consciously, which made him relax.

"Guyue, are you... are you okay?" Otome's rare face was slightly red, because the fall was too violent, she sat on Guanyue directly. It may take a long time for the delicate body to recover its mobility.

Although the girl was fine, she didn't need to think about how sad the pads were, which made her very embarrassed, and she couldn't maintain her usual cold face.

"It's okay, it's okay, although your weight is heavier than I guessed, but my physique is... Well! Pain!"

Before finishing speaking, the pink fist quickly expanded in the field of vision, and then... an indescribable pain and soreness came from the nose, and a few drops of dark red blood dripped down, but it burst in an instant His capillaries healed, but the sour pain couldn't go away for a while.

 Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets!

  Say the important thing three times.

(End of this chapter)

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