The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 70 Rescue operation, wanton

Chapter 70 Rescue operation, wanton
Containing Nigonghao's body, Otoha sealed it in a scroll and prepared to take it back to the village for burial.

"They haven't gone far."

Guanyue opened his eyes, and Jiu Xinnai's breath remained all the way, it was so conspicuous, and it came from the throbbing of the blood, which made him feel sad. Find out the changes.

"Catch up, I'm going to kill them, kill them."

Yiyu growled in a low voice, clenched his hands into fists, his pupils turned into burning red, and the black Gouyu slowly rotated in it, boiling with murderous intent, making people dare not look directly at it.

"Otoyu, have you opened your eyes?"

Although I was saddened by Ninomiya Hao's death, I was still very pleasantly surprised to see Otoha's blood-red eyes. I am sincerely happy for my friend. When Otoha returns to the village, he will definitely be vigorously cultivated by his family. The name will really fall on his head.

Opening eyes is so important to the members of the Uchiha clan. There is even a saying in the village that only the awakened Sharingan can be the real Uchiha. This sentence alone shows its importance.

Moreover, Yiyu's right eye is actually a Shuanggouyu, which makes Guanyue a little stunned.

He has a very good relationship with Otoha and Otome. We have been together for a long time, and he knows a lot about Uchiha. He knows that opening his eyes is only the first step. The practice of blood successor limit is not easy at all. It's just that the eyes are just double hook jade.

Like Yiyu, one of his eyes is a double gouyu when he first opened his eyes, and he has already won at the starting line.

Minato was also taken aback for a moment, and then a little smile appeared on his sad face.


With a light reply, Yiyu's face was completely devoid of the reserved arrogance of the past, and there was only murderous intent lingering in his crimson eyes.

"Guanyue, catch up with them, I will kill them with my own hands, even if... I risk my life."

Guanyue nodded without any dissuasion, made a mudra with her hands, and closed her eyes.

"Tch, cunning thing."

With a low curse, Guan Yue's face was very ugly, and he spat hard.

"What's the matter? Guanyue, is there a problem?" Minato hurriedly asked, the anxiety in his eyes couldn't be concealed.

"Yun Nin and this group of bastards didn't know what method they used to destroy all the auras on the road. They were so chaotic that they couldn't feel the aura of sister at all."

When the geese pass by, they leave sound, when people pass by, they leave traces, and when water passes by, the ground is wet.

As long as someone passes by, there will inevitably be traces left, smells, footprints, etc. are more conspicuous. In addition, there are traces of chakra that are overflowing. Chakra scattered into things will not dissipate quickly. Only It will take a certain amount of time to be wiped clean by the force of nature.

But Yunin obviously used some method to speed up this process. There was no trace of Chakra left by Kushina in the air, only seventeen strangely obvious Chakra breaths leading to different directions.

Either one of them is the right path, or all of them are wrong paths, it depends on how the pursuers choose.

After listening to Guanyue's explanation, Minato and Otoha's expressions darkened.

"I will try again."

Guanyue closed her eyes, without any seals, her thoughts began to sink, she 'examined' her body a little bit, she could clearly hear the sound of her heart beating like a drum, as the heart contracted and beat, the blood flowed like a tide General ups and downs, flowing in the blue blood vessels.

[Brain power strengthening], double.

In an instant, it seemed as if thousands of sharp needles had been pierced into his mind, stirring his brains to melt, a line of dark red blood flowed down his nostrils, and he let out a muffled grunt, watching Otoyu and Minato anxiously beside him Unbearable, but helpless.

The sharp pain didn't dissipate, but continued to attack. His face was twisted in pain, but he still insisted on analyzing and sensing his own blood, trying to grasp the vague sense of blood relatives.

After several years of research, his cognition of the fruit of everyone is constantly changing, and he always finds it difficult to describe it accurately. In the end, he can only lament that it has the power of 'demon'.

The fruit of everyone, the word "person" is wonderful, it seems narrow, but it is inclusive and broad, this person can refer to oneself, why not refer to others, it can be one of oneself, or it can be innumerable and infinite so big.

However, the research in this aspect is more difficult than developing one's own potential, and it has not achieved much so far. The only result is that it can faintly sense the location of Jiu Xinnai, which is based on the ability enjoyed by their bloodlines. Others, he had tried, without success.

It may be that his strength is still too weak, or there are other limitations, which are temporarily unknown.

Fortunately, this crude achievement came in handy today.

With double brain power strengthening, his perceptual acuity has been raised to a higher level, his mind is clear, his mind is quick, and he senses the distant sister who has not been traced. From being extremely vague to becoming clear little by little, he even has an illusion that he 'Look' at Kushina.

Kushina's hands were tied behind his back, and he hid in the mountain forest under the hostage of a circle of cloud ninjas. And excited face.

The girl blinked her eyes and twisted her bound hands. She always felt that someone was watching him, not Yun Nin who was beside her, but... a feeling that was far away but very close, weird and awkward It made her feel very unhappy, depressed, and wanted to beat someone up.

"Hurry up, little girl, don't play tricks."

The thick-browed man looked at Jiu Xinnai and threatened him coldly, but it was only a verbal coercion, and he didn't dare to do anything. He had already taken a great risk by electrocuting Jiu Xinnai before. If he wanted to do it again, he would not stimulate Renzhuli unless it was necessary.

Jiu Xinnai glared at him, but only snorted coldly. Because she was stunned by the electric shock, she didn't know that Nigong Hao died at the hands of this person. Otherwise, she would have exploded with her violent temper. Like patience, hypocrisy and obedience.

"Cough cough!"

With a violent cough, the weird vision was instantly shattered, Guan Yue suddenly fell to his knees, and propped himself on the ground with one hand to prevent himself from falling down.

At this moment, it's not just bleeding from the mouth and nose, it should be said that bleeding from the seven orifices, the whole person's face is distorted like a ghost, in the middle of the night, it can really scare people to death, the heart-piercing cough lasted for more than ten seconds. Stop, at this time the grass on the ground was smeared dark red, and the smell of blood was very pungent.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

He stretched out his hand and rubbed his chest, finally managed to calm down, ignoring the blood stains on his face, Guan Yue's eyes showed excitement.

"I found it, I found my sister."


"Then what are you waiting for, let's go!"

Otoyu clapped his hands violently, impatiently like a lion trapped in a cage, he couldn't bear it for about a moment.


Guanyue removed the double brain enhancement, the torture-like pain gradually eased, and immediately rushed out first, followed by Otoha and Minato.

The three figures gradually merged into the darkness and disappeared in the north of the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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