Chapter 81

"Savages, obediently go underground and eat dirt!"

Otoyu roared excitedly, his face was flushed, and Gouyu in his scarlet eyes turned rapidly like a wind wheel, and the sharp light directly hit Yun Nin's neck.

Unlike being chased and killed by Yun Nin to a place of helplessness before, where he could only fight the crowd with a few, this time the number of each other was about the same, and there were a full five of them on their side. It's gone.

With no scruples in his heart, the Taidao in his hand is like a mad tiger out of the cage, showing its fangs unscrupulously, expressing the depression in his heart.

Nigong Hao's body is still sealed in the scroll.


[Strengthening of Legs—Jeting], dull and introverted bang, the muscles in Guanyue's calf bulge strangely, the protruding muscles are as hard as stone, and the muscles bounce like firecrackers, the internal blood vessels are swollen, and the blood It was scorching hot, and the speed of the flow suddenly accelerated, and the trunk of the bucket thick and thin under his feet broke with a "click", and his whole body rushed out like a fired shell.

The figure flew across the air, pointing directly at the three cloud ninjas beside Kushina.

This is a plan negotiated before the war.

Their goal is always to save people, not to annihilate the secret work of Yun Ninja, which must not be mistaken.

If the cart is turned upside down and no one can be rescued in the end, what's the use of killing all the cloud ninjas in this way? To put it bluntly, saving Kushina is the most important thing, or Kyuubi is the most important thing.

Uchiha Ye and the other four Jonin from the Uchiha family took action together to deal with the masters among the cloud ninjas, while Guanyue and Minato cooperated to rescue Kushina.

[Wrist Strengthening], open.

The muscles of the forearm of the right hand holding the dagger swelled violently, the blue meridian protruded under the skin like a small snake, the jumping electric arc on the blade was suddenly compressed to the center due to the sudden acceleration, the thunder light solidified for a few minutes, and flew away Yun Nin's long knife stabbed fiercely into the opponent's left chest.

draw the knife.

Blood gushed out like a fountain.

Yun Nin's face still had a bit of bewilderment and horror, and he didn't react until he died. Why did the speed suddenly become so fast, why did the mere boy have such powerful strength, and swallowed with a feeling of unwillingness? With his last breath, his twitching body fell to the ground.


The blood-stained short knife cut through Yunin's main artery, and the blood splashed like a water pipe burst. No.2 Yunin covered his neck, waved the long knife in his hand helplessly, and lay down limply. Guanyue was stabbed again in the left shoulder, but fortunately, there was not much blood, and the wound healed in no time.

Trading injuries for lives, Guanyue has become more and more comfortable with this style of play.

"Sister, it's all right."

Guanyue looked at Jiu Xinnai, and grinned, revealing her white teeth, contrasting with a string of blood splashed on her face.

The remaining cloud ninja was tied up by Kushina with a Vajra blockade, and Minato directly wiped his neck, and the chains that bound Kushina were also easily cut off by Minato. .

"Guanyue, your shoulder... is it alright?"

Jiu Xinnai moved his wrists, and he didn't look like he was being kidnapped. His expression was extremely calm, and his eyes fell on Guanyue's shoulders as soon as he turned around. However, through the tattered clothes, only black and red blood stains were smeared. On the shoulder, it is smooth without any wound.

So much so that Jiu Xinna hesitated when asking questions, it was indeed Guanyue's resilience that frightened people to death, and she couldn't even say that she was comparable to her strength.

"It's nothing serious, just make it up when you go back to the village."

Guanyue moved his shoulders freely, with a nonchalant expression on his face, this injury is really nothing to him, the injuries he suffered before are really strong enough, compared with this knife now, it is like being bitten by a mosquito Not much difference.

Compared with his own injuries, he felt more distressed about the short knife in his hand. After many fierce battles, the life of the short knife has come to an end. Clearly visible cracks spread across the knife, giving people the feeling that it will be broken at any time .


Sighing, Guanyue retracted the dagger into its sheath, took out another kunai, and stood with Kushina and Minato.

At this time, the outcome of the battle between the two sides in the forest was already clear.

The Konoha side is stronger, and the five jnin are enough to crush the cloud ninja side. Except for Kurokawa's tyrannical strength, Yuzi and Uchihano's entanglement, the remaining cloud ninjas have been slaughtered.

"Damn, Konoha, these shameless guys."

Kurokawa was extremely depressed, and secretly cursed the Konoha people for making a team of five Jonin, and all of them were Uchihas. Two jounin, five Uchiha jonin are enough to deal with nearly twice as many enemies.

Normally speaking, it is rare to see so many Uchiha family jonin acting collectively. However, after finally coming out of the common sense, he hit the jackpot. Kurokawa's mood has sunk to the bottom and floated A touch of despair.

The defeat is set!

Even though the other four Jonin from the Uchiha family did not join the battle, but Uchiha Ye was the only one, although as time went by, Kurokawa showed a tendency to fail.

The blood successor limiter is the existence that stands at the pinnacle of the ninja world, this is the truth.


With a roar of unwillingness, carrying all kinds of envy and hatred for the blood successor limiter, Kurokawa's big head flew seventeen or eight meters away, and his burly body hit the ground with a thud, and there was a patch of red in midair The blood mist slowly drifted down.

Uchiha's eyes were bright red, and the whites of his eyes seemed to be stained with a touch of red. The boiling murderous intent was like boiling hot water, gurgling and steaming, and he couldn't rest for a while.

Stretched out his foot and kicked the dead body under his feet, Sharingan swept around to confirm that this guy was dead, Uchiha Ye curled his lips, "Otoha, go and pick up the head, bring it back to the Yamanaka family to dig the bottom , there should be a lot of good things in it... Take this thing back with you."

Every jonin corpse is a treasure, especially their heads, whether it contains ninjutsu or information, they are very valuable. If you buy them on the black market, the starting price is tens of millions.

Araki, that is, the cloud ninja jonin who was killed by Guanyue, the body was collected by Guanyue. It was his spoils, an absolutely rich spoils.

Otoha lightly put Kurokawa's head and body together. If you accidentally shake the brains inside into a paste, it will be worthless. It is still hot inside and has not cooled down, so be careful point.

"Well...someone is here should be Yun Nin's reinforcements, there are about twenty people, what should I do?"

Guanyue squinted at Uchihano, as the most powerful person here, it is obvious that this guy is now the leader of their group.

"Twenty or so people, how about the strength of the chakra?"

"so so······"

Uchiha Ye laughed immediately when he heard the words, and licked his lips, the murderous intent that had been suppressed just now appeared in his eyes again!
"Then...of course it is to kill them all."

(End of this chapter)

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