The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 9 What a Busy Day

Chapter 9 What a Busy Day

When Shuo Mao and his party did not enter the village, Yuan Fei received the news.

Sarutobi is now in his golden age, whether it is his personal strength or his control over the village, he is at the peak moment.

Taking time to open the window, the smoke in the room soon cleared, and after a while, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Sarutobi responded.

"Master Hokage, excuse me."

Shuo Mao pushed the door and entered, Jiu Xinnai and Guan Yue followed behind him, the two little guys were pale, they were both injured by 'hopscotch', and their stomachs were about to pop out.

"Suo Mao, I'm back at last! Thank you for your hard work this time." Yuan Fei talked to Shuo Mao, but his eyes couldn't help looking at the two red-haired children. Needless to say, he knew that these two were members of the Uzumaki clan. The red hair is as iconic as Uchiha's Sharingan and Hinata's white eyes, "Little guys, what's your name?"

Looking at this energetic third-generation Hokage, there are many differences from the old image in the screen in my memory. The only similarity is the thin monkey body. Sarutobi in his prime still maintains a slender body. Figure, I don't know how many women in the envy village want to maintain their figure.

By the way, if I remember correctly, this ninja prefers to peep with a crystal ball...

Compared with the younger brother whose own thoughts started racing again, Kushina was the first to react, and answered Sarutobi's question crisply. On the way here, Shuomo had told them, and the girl still kept in mind what the elder told them. In Konoha, you can't cause trouble casually.

After simply asking a few questions, looking at Guanyue who was a little distracted and Kushina with a tired face, Sarutobi quickly ended the meeting and ordered the siblings to take a rest.

When the two little guys left, Sarutobi put away the gentle smile on his face, "Sakumo, are these two little guys left in the Uzumaki clan?"

"I don't know about this... Mist ninja invaded the country of Uzumaki, because I was worried about Kushina and Guanyue, I didn't entangle with Mist ninja, and after killing a few groups of pursuers, I directly I'm back, but I see that the Uzumaki clan is determined to die, I'm afraid..."

Shuo Mao didn't finish his words, but the implication behind his words was easy to understand.

Sarutobi sighed, picked up the pipe, and began to fill it with tobacco leaves, which had been exhausted before...

The Uzumaki Clan is finished, which basically means that Uzumaki Country, a hard-core ally, has been swept into the pile of old papers and has become a mere phrase in the literature.

For Konoha, who lacks allies, this is really not good news. No matter how small the Uzumaki Country is, it is also a country recognized by the five major countries. In many cases, it is very convenient to have such an ally to support one or two, at least it can give the villagers Confidence, we are not fighting alone, we also have allies and brothers...
What a pity!
As Hokage, Sarutobi has no time to hurt the spring and the autumn. All he has to do is to deal with what may happen next. The destruction of the Uzumaki Kingdom may make some restless guys take the opportunity to clamor.

Shuo Maoan stayed quietly by the side, like a graceful statue.

His field of expertise is fighting the enemy on the battlefield, and political struggles like this are not his game, so, at this time, it is good to be quiet.

When Sarutobi was racking his brains for the future of Konoha Village, Kushina and Guanyue also stepped into the territory of the Senshou Clan. They are the Uzumaki Clan and are staunch allies of Konoha. Both sides have extremely profound histories Yuanyuan, of course, cannot be treated as ordinary guests. Speaking of which, they are still relatives with the Thousand Hands Clan. As the landlords of Konoha, there is absolutely no reason for their children to live outside.

As soon as the siblings left the Hokage Building, they bumped into a blond beauty with choppy waves and ponytails.

"Are you members of the Uzumaki clan?"

Seeing the iconic red hair, the blond beauty's eyes lit up, and she stepped over in two or three steps, blocking their way.

"Excuse me?"

Jiu Xinnai looked at this beautiful sister in confusion, not knowing who she was, but Guan Yue recognized her, but unfortunately she had to pretend not to know her.

"Senju Tsunade, members of the Senju clan, we should be considered relatives, Grandma Mito asked me to come pick you up." The blond beauty introduced herself generously.

Needless to say, the final result was to use kinship to get closer. After a few words, the two siblings who had just arrived were abducted by Tsunade and went straight back to the solemn old house of the Senshou Clan.

"The atmosphere here is so heavy..." Guanyue looked around, looking at the residence of the mysterious Thousand-Handed Clan.

Today, the Senju Clan has long since declined. The First Ninja World War led to the fall of the Second Hokage. The Senju Clan also suffered heavy casualties in that battle. They have disappeared in recent years, rarely showing their whereabouts, and have become extremely mysterious.

However, the power of Konoha is still firmly in the hands of the Hokage [-], replacing the declining Senshou Clan, replacing the bloodline inheritance with the method of master-apprentice inheritance, successfully creating such a powerful existence as the Hokage [-], and still dying He suppressed the Uchiha clan so hard that he couldn't raise his head.

"Guanyue, don't look around, it's very rude." Jiuxinna followed the rules in every move at this time, and even reprimanded Guanyue, she was not as vigorous as before.

Guan Yue responded with a bitter face, and followed behind her sister in a well-behaved manner, secretly muttering in her heart, today is really going to exhaust their siblings to death, after a day of driving, they have to keep meeting with 'big shots' , Being visited as a protected animal, staring at their hair is really uncomfortable.

"Don't be so nervous, there are not many people living in the old house, mainly Grandma Mito lives here, it's okay to relax a bit." Tsunade couldn't see the irritable temper at all, and his smile was like a bright sun.

But it’s right to think about it, the second ninja world war has not yet started, the current Tsunade is not one of the famous three ninjas, and he has never experienced the life and death again and again, so naturally he will not be what he will be in the future, of course , This gamble seems to be inherited from the nature of the first Hokage.

Under Tsunade's comfort, Kushina's overly tense nerves relaxed slightly, but when she remembered that she was about to meet a living legend, she unknowingly became nervous again. Similarly, Guanyue is also a little nervous now. nervous.

Regarding the name Uzumaki Mito, the memory of her previous life is really lacklustre, and there is no useful information at all.

I only know that this is a member of the Uzumaki clan, the wife of the first generation of Hokage, and the first generation of Kyuubi Jinchuriki. I have never heard of her life story at all, so I don't know what kind of temperament this is.

(End of this chapter)

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