The limit of Douluo Continent

Chapter 102 The Newest Elixir

Chapter 102 The Newest Elixir

Lu Yu fell backwards slowly, blood gushing out from a slanted opening on his chest.

The referee was in a hurry, "Zhuo Wenxuan died quickly! Saved someone!!"

Zhuo Wenxuan's powerful healing ability is not allowed to be the captain of the medical team. Under normal circumstances, his task is very leisure, as long as he watches the game and sleeps in the specially built hut next to the ring.

He doesn't need to treat minor injuries, it's his job to treat major injuries.

As soon as the referee in No. 3 ring yelled, Zhuo Wenxuan rolled over from the reclining chair immediately, and disappeared into the hut the next moment without a trace.

"Hey, hey, you can let me down now!" Zhuo Wenxuan said in the arena like a wretched woman.

The teacher who was holding Zhuo Wenxuan in one hand shuddered suddenly, goosebumps fell all over the floor, and he threw Zhuo Wenxuan out like a trash with a disgusted expression on his face.

Zhuo Wenxuan's speed was naturally not so fast. In order to better protect the safety of the students, the academy specially arranged for Zhuo Wenxuan a soul sage of the agility department to be a "carriage" to ensure that he was there whenever he was called.

Zhuo Wenxuan cooperated with the soul sage of the sensitive attack department not once or twice. He was thrown out and quickly summoned a martial spirit ready to treat him at any time. Before the treatment, Zhuo Wenxuan inspected Lu Yu's wound.

"Hey, four ribs just broke, and some internal organs were damaged. Fortunately, his heart is fine. As long as he doesn't die like this, I can't guarantee his death." Zhuo Wenxuan analyzed, but his tone was frivolous and unconvincing.

"Then you should heal quickly!" Han Yun shouted loudly. Among the four brothers, Han Yun's assessment is the easiest. Food-type soul masters only test the effects of soul power and soul skills.

"You have a bad temper. Seeing how sad you are, the two of you can't be..." Zhuo Wenxuan smiled wretchedly, "Let's be gay!"

Han Yun was full of black lines, he really wanted to kick this guy.

Because there was no one to challenge Zhan Xiao, the referee allowed him to leave the ring temporarily. Seeing the enraged Han Yun hugging his shoulder with one hand, he said softly, "Don't be impulsive. If you offend his third child, there is really no hope."

"Little Yunyun..." Lu Yu's weak voice came, and he simply called his name for a while without saying much. He believed that Han Yun could understand what he meant.

Han Yun calmed down. Zhuo Wenxuan had heard of Zhuo Wenxuan's powerful healing ability for life and death. Xiang Zeyu's broken bones can be seen again.

Lu Yu is Han Yunfa's youngest. The relationship between the two is different from that of Xiang Zeyu and Zhan Xiao who call themselves brothers after only a dozen days of knowing each other.

Han Yun lowered his head quietly, no one knew what he was thinking.

"Now is the right time. I'm in the mood to treat people quietly." The sapphire rotated in the air and was surrounded by four soul rings. The precious light was dazzling, and the light spots fell and melted into Lu Yu's body.

Lu Yu's sad wriggling showed signs of getting closer to the middle. Zhuo Wenxuan knelt down halfway at this moment, and pressed his palm on the side of the sad, continuously sending soul power. The quick treatment of internal organ injuries can't be done without the correct guidance of the internal organs. Lu Yu is still in danger.

Lu Yu is now conscious and can guide himself, but Lu Yu's understanding of internal organs is better than Zhuo Wenxuan?It was him who suffered from the wrong growth, Lu Yu was very sensible and handed everything over to Zhuo Wenxuan.

It took Zhuo Wenxuan a long time to stand up, wiping off the non-existent sweat, "Okay, take it down to rest for a while, and I will personally prepare some elixir for him in three days and he will be alive and kicking again."

Just as Lu Yu was supported by Han Yun and walked down the stage, he staggered and stabilized his figure with the help of Han Yun.

The referee in the No. 3 ring shuddered, and said with a wry smile: "Teacher Zhuo, Lu Yu, who is just recovering from a serious injury, really needs to make up for it. I just happen to have some medicines for strengthening the body and strengthening the vitality here, so I don't need to bother you to waste your mind. "

Zhuo Wenxuan's eyes widened: "You don't believe me?"


Zhuo Wenxuan turned to Lu Yu and asked, "You don't believe me either?"


"You don't believe me either?"


"You guys make me so sad." Zhuo Wenxuan was heartbroken, filled with grief and indignation, "Today I will show you the latest pill I have developed."

Except for Liu Peifeng, everyone in the arena took a step back subconsciously, and focused their eyes on Liu Peifeng.

Liu Peifeng's complexion changed drastically, and he asked uncertainly, "Me?"

Ring referee No. 3 thought to himself, this kid is domineering and arrogant, so he should be made to suffer.

Han Yun said angrily, "Prince Liu, don't you dare?"

"I'm not afraid of anything."

Liu Peifeng snorted coldly and said angrily, "Bring it!"

Zhuo Wenxuan squinted at him, "I won't give you what you want."

Liu Peifeng's face turned purple, and Han Yun laughed unscrupulously, turning a blind eye to Liu Peifeng's murderous eyes.

"Xiang Zeyu!"

Xiang Zeyu was still fighting with Du Fei, and he knew that Lu Yu was injured. He could only be anxious and had no choice but to stop at the beginning of the challenge. Affected by his mood, he couldn't fight wholeheartedly. It was obvious that he was tired of dealing with his defeat.

His long hair was a little messy, his clothes were dirty, his physical fitness declined rapidly during the battle, his breathing became slightly faster, and his soul power had dropped by half.The giant sword in his hand was somewhat deformed, and the edgeless blade was also twisted to varying degrees.

Suddenly someone called him, Xiang Zeyu quickly distanced himself from Du Fei, and Du Fei didn't take the opportunity to kill him, so Xiang Zeyu followed the sound.

The boulder hanging in Xiang Zeyu's heart fell. Although Lu Yu didn't look very good, at least he was not in danger. Now he could fight with all his strength, so he looked at Zhuo Wenxuan.

"Find me?"

"Do you want to be infinitely powerful?"

"Do you want to have inexhaustible physical strength?"

"Do you want to defeat your opponent?"

Zhuo Wenxuan asked three consecutive questions, which made Xiang Zeyu bewildered. Isn't this a waste of words?Strength is what he pursues. Without strength, the martial soul can't hold it; when a person is weak, who doesn't want to have endless physical strength?Of course, opponents are used to defeat them. What else needs to be asked?

Xiang Zeyu nodded immediately, this is what he thought.

"Okay, very good, take it and use it."

Zhuo Wenxuan chuckled, and threw an exquisite jade bottle to Xiang Zeyu, "This is today's elixir."

Out of the need to prove himself, Zhuo Wenxuan added another sentence, meaning that this is the elixir that Xiang Zeyu will try for him today.

Xiang Zeyu smiled wryly in his heart, it seems that he can still cheat today, after taking the elixir, Xiang Zeyu made a final effort to show off the jade bottle to the referee.

"Can I take the pill?"

The referee nodded.Du Fei made a gesture of letting go, he is not afraid of pills, he also has pills, Zhuo Wenxuan's pills are famous "poison pills", it's fine if you don't put yourself down, what else can you say Increase strength.

Well, hopeless.

Pulling out the cork, there was a blood-red elixir inside. After sniffing the elixir, there was a unique scent of elixir. Perhaps it was an illusion that Xiang Zeyu still smelled blood.

"What kind of pill is this?" Xiang Zeyu asked.

Zhuo Wenxuan replied: "You don't care about the pill, as long as it can help you."


Xiang Zeyu closed his eyes and swallowed the elixir, it was a bit bitter, but after the bitterness was sweet.As for the effect, nothing happened, but the body is warm and comfortable. If you use it in winter, you can definitely save a lot of money.

"It doesn't seem to be working?"

Everyone was amazed, could it be possible that the "poison" pill can also turn into a good pill?
The referee of No. 3 ring said: "If there is nothing else, I think I should bring student Liu Peifeng to the dean to deal with."

"Why!" Liu Peifeng became even more angry.

"Just based on your intention to kill people just now." Zhuo Wenxuan replied.

"Murder? Is he dead?"

Liu Peifeng looked at the referee contemptuously, and laughed wildly: "Even if he dies, what can you do to me?"

"Your Highness, Second Prince, haven't you understood the situation yet?"

Zhuo Wenxuan straightened his clothes, "Here is Tiandou, Cangyu, not Chiyue. Don't think that you can do whatever you want with Chiyue behind you. If something happens to Lu Yu today, your status as the second prince will not help you."

(End of this chapter)

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