The limit of Douluo Continent

Chapter 107 Blood Clot

Chapter 107 Blood Clot

Xiang Zeyu only felt that he had slept for a long time, and when he opened his eyes, he only had a stronger feeling, very up...

This is not to say that the stomach is full (in fact, Xiang Zeyu is very hungry now), but that the meridians are filled with a lot of soul power. Where does this soul power come from?Naturally, it won't come from spiritual objects, at least Xiang Zeyu can feel the breath of blood-red soul power from it.

The soul power filling the left meridian is very pure, at least the soul power of the soul saint level can be compared with it.

Xiang Zeyu sorted out his memory and found that there was only one source, which was Liang Sheng's suppression of his soul power when he ran away!The blood-red soul power has a strong assimilation ability, so far it is only known that the Xuantian Gong soul power has not been assimilated, but can suppress the blood-red soul power.

Now it seems that the assimilation ability of the blood-red soul power is limited, and it is very difficult to assimilate the soul power of the soul saint level. After bringing the soul power into the meridians for such a long time, a small part of it is "stained red".

This small portion of soul sage-level soul power is enough to break the balance of the two kinds of soul power, and the Batian Gong soul power escaped from Xuan Tian Gong is compressed around the loose contract fire.

As the dominant soul power, the blood-red soul power occupies the outer layer and meridians of the dantian.

Hey, it seems that I have found a way to quickly increase my strength. Is this the golden finger of the traverser?
Xiang Zeyu grinned silently and smiled triumphantly.

"It seems to be recovering well, and I can still laugh, but I don't know if it has affected my nerves, it's so silly."

The indifferent voice pulled Xiang Zeyu back to reality, turned his head, and saw Xia Ruoxuan who was reading a book!Xiang Zeyu's is all stretched into a circle.

Well, I was very surprised. Xiang Zeyu thought that the No.1 who woke up should be a roommate, or a school doctor wearing a white horse shirt.

Only then did Xiang Zeyu glance around deliberately, it didn't look like a college infirmary, but more like a family's room.

"Here is that?" Xiang Zeyu asked.

"this is my house."

Xia Ruoxuan did not put down the book in his hand, and replied calmly.

Xiang Zeyu is completely messed up, what a miracle!Even if they want to act to block the mouths of those guys in the academy, they don't have to be so direct, can we discuss it! ! !
"You think too much."

Xia Ruoxuan glanced at Xiang Zeyu out of the corner of his eye, and seemed to be able to read his mind, "I didn't bring you back, if possible, I want to throw you out of here."

"Uh, well, I'm a bit confused, can you tell me what happened?" Xiang Zeyu's little brain was a little insufficient.

Xia Ruoxuan said that she knew, of course she wouldn't tell Xiang Zeyu about the wrong place of the needle during bloodletting~, but you really don't know if you didn't say it?Xiang Zeyu didn't lose consciousness at that time, his mind was not so clear, and his behavior was only occupied by desire, but he still knew what happened.She didn't say that Xiang Zeyu didn't point it out. Anyway, it's okay now. Xiang Zeyu was still very grateful for being able to come out to save him at that time. Why did he say now?Because at that time he just wanted to kill her...

"The dean is your grandfather?!"

This news is very explosive (probably he thinks so, others have already known~), Xia Ruoxuan’s surname is Xia, and Xiang Zeyu’s surname is Xia if he is not mistaken. The name Xia Shangzhou is random enough, and my name is Qin Hanjin
The dean should be the old man who helped him register, Tan Haobo's teacher, also a strong man who can suppress himself with arrogance...

So who was the last woman I saw in my consciousness?so familiar.

Just when he was wondering, he walked in from outside the room, and it was Dean Xia Shangzhou with a very casual name.

Dean Xia Shangzhou has white beard and hair, but his body is very tough, there is no sign of hunchback in Xiang Zeyu's consciousness, and he is as strong as a middle-aged man.


"Lie down first." Xia Shangzhou pushed Xiang Zeyu back on the bed who wanted to get up, and then touched his wrist with his other hand to feel his pulse.

"The blood is still very strong, but it's still within tolerance." Xia Shangzhou said again: "Do you feel uncomfortable?"

"No." Xiang Zeyu said his feelings truthfully.

Xia Shangzhou nodded.

Xia Shangzhou suddenly interjected, "Grandpa, he's not normal."

You are not normal, Grandpa is very normal.Xiang Zeyu glanced at Xia Ruoxuan.

"Oh, why an abnormal method?" Xia Shangzhou asked with great interest.

"The person who hasn't eaten for five days says he doesn't have any special feelings. Can he be normal?" Xia Ruoxuan put down the book in his hand and said.

"..." Xiang Zeyu was speechless.

"It's really a bit abnormal to say that, but don't you feed him every day, my dear granddaughter?" Xia Shangzhou said with a strange face, "Could it be all deducted from you."

Xia Ruoxuan, who has always been calm, twitched the corners of his mouth very rarely this time, "He is a big eater, it's not normal to only drink some porridge and water every day without feeling hungry."

"So that's how it is." Xia Shangzhou laughed and said, "Young people have a good appetite."

"Not bad." Xiang Zeyu smiled awkwardly.

Xia Ruoxuan really wanted to give each of them the washbasin used to hold porridge and let him feed each other, so that they could feel what it would be like to have cramps in their hands...

"Do you want to eat something?"

"I eat a lot."

"Eating is a blessing."

"OK then!"

"Xuanxuan, go and prepare some meals."

"No." Xia Ruoxuan resolutely refused, she didn't want to make her hands cramp from cooking, "You can solve it yourself or buy it in the cafeteria, I won't do it."



Xia Ruoxuan refused to cook, only the old man did it himself, he couldn't starve the guests, could he?

The dining table was filled with a lot of delicacies. It is not difficult to see that Xia Shangzhou has the qualifications of a housewife.

Xiang Zeyu swept away more than half of the things on the table, and the old man was speechless. He thought he had done a lot, but now it seems that he has done less.

It's still Xia Ruoxuan who has a high level of consciousness. He hasn't moved his chopsticks since the beginning, and has been quietly reading a book.

The old man also put down his chopsticks, and Xiang Zeyu was embarrassed to eat a set of postures that were all eaten by you alone, so he put down his chopsticks silently.

Xia Shangzhou smiled and said: "Young people continue to eat, if it is not enough, I will continue to do it."

Xiang Zeyu smiled awkwardly, "It's almost the same. Overeating after not eating for a long time will cause great harm to the body."

"There are not many young people who know how to keep in good health." Xia Shangzhou gave Xiang Zeyu a look of approval.

"Let's talk about your current situation first." Xia Shangzhou said: "You have a blood faint. The symptoms of a blood faint are that the more tired you are, the more vigorous your blood will be. Ordinary people will die after all. You are lucky." Because you are a soul master, soul masters are very resistant to blood anorexia, blood anorexia can hardly endanger your life, but there are exceptions, once a soul master's blood anorexia erupts, it is more fatal than ordinary people. A few days ago You already have a deep experience."

Xiang Zeyu nodded half-understanding, "Can blood Jue be cured?"

"It can't be cured, and it can't be cured yet."

"Then how did I survive?"

"I used a special method to temporarily seal the blood in your body. You should be able to find the location with a glance."

Xiang Zeyu closed his eyes, and concentrated on detecting the blood clot next to the heart. The blood clot beats with the beating of the heart, just like Xiang Zeyu has two hearts. This blood clot is the place to seal the blood.

Xiang Zeyu opened his eyes, "The heart side, this position is not very good."

If Xiang Zeyu was going to ask Zhuo Wenxuan to help take out the blood clot in other places, but the position on the side of the heart is very dangerous, and if he is not careful, he will hurt the heart.

Xia Shangzhou nodded undeniably, and explained: "This position is the most suitable. The syndrome of blood stagnation starts from the heart. When the blood qi is too strong in this position, the blood qi can flow to the blood clot in time to prevent the onset of the disease. When the blood qi is depleted, it can be replenished in time. .”

"It's a disaster after all."

"So you have to improve your strength quickly. After the soul sage reaches the soul sage, the blood is basically harmless to you."

"It's a bit far away." Xiang Zeyu looked out the window. It wasn't that he lacked confidence, on the contrary, he was full of confidence. His goal was always the Titled Douluo who was farther than the soul saint!

Through the window, you can see a black bamboo forest. If Xiang Zeyu remembers correctly, this kind of bamboo should be called Moyuzhu, a kind of good spiritual creature, the most important part of which is reproduced by asexual reproduction. Can be used as medicine.

This bamboo forest is at least ten years old, and there is no shortage of century-old Moyu bamboos.

"Who else was in the room that day?" Xiang Zeyu asked suddenly.

Xia Shangzhou had expected that Xiang Zeyu would ask this question, and said with a smile, "Didn't you guess how much?"

"Where is she, I'll go see her." Xiang Zeyu asked.


Xiang Zeyu stood up abruptly, "Gone? When did you leave? Where did mother go?"

"This time Liwei and your father passed by here, originally intending to visit you. Unfortunately, you happened to be ill. Fortunately, your parents came, and your condition improved so quickly."

"You can't intervene in what they are going to do, because you are too weak and grow too slowly. You are now their burden."

(End of this chapter)

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