The limit of Douluo Continent

Chapter 55 Self-Introduction

Chapter 55 Self-Introduction
"Very good. Next, please introduce yourself to let everyone get to know each other. Let's start with you."

Tan Haobo casually pointed to a student sitting on the far right side of the classroom.

"Lei Zhi, the martial soul is a dagger, a level [-] combat soul master of the agility department."


Then Xiang Zeyu didn't continue to pay attention to listening, he began to concentrate on feeling the changes in himself.Xiang Zeyu didn't have Tang San's luck, and even with such a powerful soul force, he couldn't penetrate any of the eight extraordinary meridians.

But Xiang Zeyu didn't gain nothing, his soul power became more pure under this high pressure, and his soul power also broke through to level 29.

What's more important is that Xiang Zeyu is now in a very strange state, Batian Kungfu does not need to be under his deliberate control to operate in his body by itself.

Xiang Zeyu can feel that his soul power will increase with every breath, but this increase is not very obvious. The Batian Kungfu that runs on its own is not equal to the lifting force that he has increased by deliberately running the Batian Kungfu. The degree of improvement About twenty to one.

Although it is a lot less, but the victory is long-lasting!One can't just sit and practice 24 hours a day, one has to deal with various things, at least filling one's stomach and resting are necessary.

And Xiang Zeyu's current state is 24 hours of exercise and practice, during which he can do anything, even if he sleeps, he will increase his soul power, and the improvement throughout the day will definitely not be less.

This is a plug-in!Xiang Zeyu had tears in his heart.If he could, he really wanted to roar up to the sky, "Labor and capital are going against the sky!!!"

Of course, in fact Xiang Zeyu didn't dare to do this, otherwise Tan Haobo would really crush him to death.

In addition, Xiang Zeyu has another harvest, which is the change in his mental strength. Xiang Zeyu did not break through the pain limit that Zhan Xiao said, but under the pressure just now, Xiang Zeyu's body seemed to be split In general, this pain is not something ordinary people can bear, especially in the end when the body exploded directly, and there were no less than a hundred wounds on the body. Such pain did not make Xiang Zeyu fall into a coma in the first place. It shows how firm Xiang Zeyu's will is.

After going through all this, it would be a strange thing if his mental power didn't increase.

Xiang Zeyu looked out the window, his eyes were covered with a faint purple color.

A little bird just flew across the sky outside, in Xiang Zeyu's eyes, how slow the flying movement is, and the trajectory of its flapping wings can be seen in Xiang Zeyu's eyes.

With a closer look, even the tiny lines on the feathers on its body can be clearly seen.

Ziji magic pupil, the second realm is subtle.

According to Tang San's introduction, the Ziji Demon Pupils in the Subtlety Realm can react everything in front of him to his nerves at a slowed down speed, responding in the shortest time.

Xiang Zeyu is not yet in this realm, but he is very close to this realm, and maybe he will officially enter the subtle realm in a short time.

"Hi everyone, my name is Yingyueqiu."

The female voice like an oriole drew Xiang Zeyu's sight back.

"It's her?" Xiang Zeyu murmured.

The person who spoke was the only girl among the five people who persisted until the end.That black-haired girl with a natural voice but an ordinary appearance.

At this time, it was her turn to introduce herself. Ying Yueqiu lowered her head slightly, her fingers interlaced and stirred restlessly, and two blushes appeared on her face.

"Wuhun is a phantom sound butterfly, a 29th-level mind control system soul master, please give me your advice." There is a soft feeling in the tone, which can easily make people feel protective.

Phantom Sound Butterfly!Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a phantom sound butterfly, no wonder her voice is so beautiful!
The Phantom Sound Butterfly is also a very rare existence among spirit-type soul beasts. Its terrifying ability lies in its attack methods. It uses sound to attack the enemy or make them fall into an illusion. If it is only sound, there is still a way to deal with it, but it The voice also has a spiritual attribute, even if you are deaf, you will know the way. Such an attack can be described as unsolvable.

Yingyueqiu, the owner of the Huanyindie Wuhun, obviously inherited the characteristic of Huanyindie, which is why he has a voice like the sounds of nature.If Xiang Zeyu's guess is not wrong, Yingyueqiu's first and second soul skills are likely to be related to the sound.

Then it was the turn of the proud red-haired boy.

"Liu Peifeng, the martial spirit is the White Snake Sword, a level 31 assault-type battle spirit master."

In terms of soul power alone, Liu Peifeng was already number one in the class.

Although they knew the answer a long time ago, the students still took a breath, 12 years old and 31 levels, this is definitely not a genius, but a monster.

"Zhan Xiao, the martial spirit is Taidao, a level 29 master of agility and attack."

"Lu Yu, the martial soul is a golden mad lion, a level 28 assault soul master."

Finally it was Xiang Zeyu's turn, and everyone pricked up their ears, waiting for the first tester to report his soul power.

Xiang Zeyu stood up and shook his body, a layer of blood madness fell from him, "Xiang Zeyu, the martial spirit is Fang Tian's painting halberd, a 29th-level attack system battle spirit master."

Tan Haobo looked at Xiang Zeyu with softer eyes, "Breakthrough? It's not too much of a waste of that pill."

"Han Yun, Wuhun is a lollipop, a level 24 food system assistant soul master."

After that, the martial souls that were reported did not have any special martial souls, and the soul power only fluctuated from level 24 to level [-].

"Okay, all students go back tonight and make mental preparations. From tomorrow onwards, I will show your strength and dismiss the get out of class." Tan Haobo just took a few steps and then turned back, so frightened that the students who had just left their seats shivered.

"One more thing, Xiang Zeyu seems to have damaged the classroom floor and will go to the financial office to pay the compensation." After saying this, Tan Haobo strode away contentedly.




Lu Yu looked at Tan Haobo's back, "How is he? Isn't he very powerful?"

"Can the soul saint be strong? We will reach this level in the future." Xiang Zeyu smiled confidently.

"That's not the point, the point is that his teaching ability is very strong." Lu Yu looked at Xiang Zeyu and Zhan with a smile on his face, "Boss, brother, you believe it now."

"How do you know his teaching ability is strong even if he didn't attend class?" Zhan Xiao retorted.


Lu Yu said: "Didn't you see that he has managed this class well?"

Zhan Xiao glanced at Lu Yu contemptuously, "That only shows that his management and leadership skills are strong, which are completely different from his teaching skills. Are you overwhelmed?"

"Uh... I have nothing to say."

Xiang Zeyu touched his belly and said helplessly: "Okay, I'm hungry, let's go eat first. Song is still waiting for us in the dormitory."

Zhan Xiao raised his right hand, "I agree!"

Han Yun also raised his right hand in agreement.

Xiang Zeyu didn't wait for Lu Yu to express his opinion before he said: "Three to one, let's go and eat."

"I just want to say that I'm hungry too." Lu Yu felt very innocent.

"Uh... unanimous vote."



Before returning to the dormitory, the four of them heard a dog whine from the dormitory in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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