The limit of Douluo Continent

Chapter 84 Fighting Tan Haobo

Chapter 84 Fighting Tan Haobo

The tungsten steel giant sword was left in place, and Xiang Zeyu's explosive speed without the tungsten steel giant sword's [-]-jin weight constraint can be imagined.

As soon as Xiang Zeyu made a move, it was his own special trick, the three-stage thrust. He hadn't been able to use this move before due to the weight of Fang Tian's painted halberd. He is proud of his stunt.

Three thrusts, the first thrust directly between Tan Haobo's eyebrows.

So cruel, but I like it!
Even Tan Haobo, who was strong in defense, dared not take the blow head-on without the possession of a martial soul.

As soon as Qian Jun shot, Tan Haobo dodged the stab with just tilting his head. The stab was dodged, but the electric current flying around on the halberd couldn't dodge it.A large amount of electric current rushed towards Tan Haobo, causing substantial damage to Tan Haobo. Xiang Zeyu's current power of electric current is beyond his reach, but the stinging pain of electric soul power entering his body will never happen even if Tan Haobo is already a seventy-level soul sage. I felt uncomfortable, my face was numb from the electric shock.

The second stab, this one is stronger and faster than the first stab, this time the target is Tan Haobo's throat.Tan Haobo hit the head of the halberd with an uppercut from bottom to top, and Fang Tian's painted halberd was bounced high.

Xiang Zeyu forcibly twisted his waist and swung Fang Tian's painting halberd to draw a big circle, and the third stab followed. Xiang Zeyu had already used this stab to the extreme, and saw the electric current spread out, and a little bit of cold light came out of it Then it came out, and then the shadow of the halberd was like a dragon, and the wind and rain swept in!

With a sharp thrust, the Sky Painting Halberd let out a soft moan, and the target of this thrust was Tan Haobo's heart! ! !The target of each of the three consecutive blows is one of the weak defenses of the human body or a fatal physiological weakness.

From the cold light, Tan Haobo felt the crisis. Tan Haobo was able to reach the seventieth level at such a young age. Apart from his own talent, he had experienced many life and death experiences.Avoiding danger has long been an instinct.

Tan Haobo let out a low cry, his muscles like granite swelled first, his skin was covered with bluish-black hair in an instant, and his height also increased by more than half a meter.

Tan Haobo after completing the spirit possession is simply a humanoid bear. Well, he has a pair of sharp horns, so it is more appropriate to say that he is a bull.In fact, Tan Haobo's martial spirit is a bull.

Xiang Zeyu had an urge to hack people, and this urge was not aimed at Tan Haobo but at Han Yun behind him.

Eight soul rings, two yellow, two purple, and four black, circled around Tan Haobo's body. Damn, didn't it mean that Tan Haobo was just a soul sage, so he became a Contra?It's no wonder that the defense is perverted to such an extent.

Han Yun was also dumbfounded. It was he and Xiang Zeyu and Tan Haobo who had been involved in science popularization before, so it turned out that his intelligence had already fallen behind.

Tan Haobo, who had completed the possession of the martial soul, immediately lit up his third soul skill to add defense to himself, and a layer of dark blue streamer emerged from his hair. above.It can be seen that the bluish-black hairs stood up instantly, like steel needles.

Xiang Zeyu's Fang Tian's painted halberd sparked sparks in front of Tan Haobo's chest, and the tip of Fang Tian's painted halberd was forced against his chest so that he could not advance an inch.This skill can be used to perform boulder breaking in the chest.

Tan Haobo's body shook, and Xiang Zeyu flew upside down like a shell.

Tan Haobo's eyes flickered, and he bumped into Xiang Zeyu who was flying upside down with big strides on his side, and caught up with Xiang Zeyu in three steps.Xiang Zeyu, who was in the air, had nowhere to take advantage of this collision and was sure to be hit, but Xiang Zeyu didn't have the slightest awareness of being hit again, and instead smiled strangely.Fang Tian's painting halberd suddenly turned into white light and dissipated.

What is this for?Surrender?

Tan Haobo frowned unconsciously, a bad premonition appeared in his heart, and his feet sped up a little in vain.

Suddenly Tan Haobo lost Xiang Zeyu's sight.He looked around, but still couldn't find Xiang Zeyu.

how come?Could it be that he can still fly?fly?on top! ! !

Tan Haobo looked up, and as expected, Xiang Zeyu was really there, looking at him with a smile.Behind Xiang Zeyu, Ying Yueqiu embraced him with both arms, and the butterfly wings flapped on her back.

Huanyindie not only gave Yingyueqiu a good voice, but also attached to her ability to fly.

Gusts of evil wind blew from behind, Tan Haobo subconsciously took two steps forward, the evil wind was still approaching rapidly.

Ding ding ding! ! !

Amidst a series of ear-piercing grinding sounds, Mars pulled out long fire snakes behind Tan Haobo,
One knife can't break through the defense, but what about hundreds of knife cuts in the same part?

Zhan Xiao's mad slash also had a dark attribute, corroding Tan Haobo's skin little by little during the slash.

At first, Tan Haobo only felt that his back was getting hot, and then the pain occupied the nerves, and the corrosion of the dark elements continued to amplify the pain.

"You little devils are not finished yet, are you?"

Tan Haobo raised his head to the sky and roared angrily, the fourth spirit ring was full of light, he raised his foot and stomped hard.

Bull trampling, start!

A circle of dazzling yellow light burst out instantly, and the terrifying power spread out to a diameter of 20 meters before gradually subsiding.

Within the trampling range, Zhan Xiao was immediately sent flying by the terrifying force, his whole body trembled violently, the air in his body was shaken up for a while, and a hot stream surged up his throat.There was also the backlash effect after the second soul skill Crazy Slash was forcibly interrupted, Zhan Xiao couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood in the end.Quickly mobilize your own soul power and adjust the state of your body.


"I'm fine, don't worry about me."

Zhan Xiao's weak voice was unconvincing.Han Yun knew what he was going to do without being told by others. He sprinted to Zhan Xiao's side, and made a lot of lollipops in one go and handed them to Zhan Xiao.

At the same time, the other side didn't stop, Lu Yu took a big mouthful of air into his chest cavity, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

The second soul skill Lion King roars, activate!

Lu Yu's roar was like the roar of a male lion. The loud lion's roar resounded all over the field, making people's eardrums ache.

The air twisted for a while, and an invisible lion rushed towards Tan Haobo, and the blue and silver grass that broke as it passed fluttered and fell in the sky.

The wind was blowing, the clothes were hunting, and when the invisible lion completely penetrated Tan Haobo, Tan Haobo's body could not help but lean back slightly.Under normal circumstances, the roar of the Lion King alone would not be able to make Tan Haobo like this, but just now when he was attacked by Zhan Xiao, he had a tendency to freeze his body backwards, so he was shaken by Lu Yu's roar.

Xiang Zeyu turned his head away and nodded to Yingyueqiu.On the contrary, he knew how to throw him high into the sky, and flew down from the air with a flap of butterfly wings. When he landed in front of Lu Yu, he yelled at Tan Haobo, who was unstable.

After Lu Yu's lion king roared, another invisible lion pounced on Tan Haobo. This time, Tan Haobo was thrown flying under the impact of the invisible lion.

Of course Yingyueqiu doesn't know the soul ability of Lion King's Roar, but don't forget her second soul ability Encore, this soul ability can copy the soul ability about sound.

The Roar of the Lion King is precisely a soul skill about sound.

(End of this chapter)

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