girl line

Chapter 105 Playing GG in a piece of laughter

Chapter 105 Playing GG amidst laughter
"Admit defeat! I don't want to kill you!" At this moment, Liu Zhuangtian's voice sounded in the control room, and she got through the communication with Liu Nianfeng.

"Dear student Liu Zhuantian! You are really strong!" Facing Liu Zhuantian's persuasion to surrender, Liu Nianfeng replied in a breathless voice, "But I haven't lost yet, I still have a chance!"

"Impossible! All your weapon systems are finished! How can you have a chance?" Hearing Liu Nianfeng's answer, Liu Zhuangtian felt extremely baffled. She really couldn't understand the opponent whose cards had all been lost. , Why does he still think that he can turn the tables?
"Forget it! Since you don't want to admit defeat, then let me do it!" After Liu Zhuangtian finished speaking, he directly cut off the communication with Liu Nianfeng, and then controlled his psionic cannon to shoot a third round of Qi. And this round of salvo completely destroyed only 20% of the fleet remaining in the battleship, and the star battleship of Liunianfeng had completely disappeared into the universe.

"Wait...something seems wrong...these three or four seconds have passed...why am I still in the wheelhouse of the battleship?" Suddenly, Liu Zhuangtian realized that something was wrong.I have clearly destroyed Liu Nianfeng's warship, but why haven't I quit the game yet?

"Could it be that Liu Nianfeng hasn't failed yet?" A rare panic flashed in Liu Zhuantian's eyes. At this time, the time for using the "Star Secret Technique·Jue" has passed, and Liu Zhuantian can no longer rely on this star secret technique. To find your opponent, you can only come to the quantum radar, and want to find your opponent through the quantum radar.

"No...not any large target...only this small thing..." It was just that the news from the quantum radar made Liu Zhuangtian even more puzzled. There were no large moving targets around him, only a small one. The little guy the size of a car is moving towards him quickly.

"What the hell is this?" Even Liu Zhuangtian couldn't figure out what this little thing was approaching at such a fast speed.Liu Zhuang didn't recognize this little thing until it was getting closer and closer to him, and finally within the shooting range of the ship's high-performance camera.

"Escape's actually an escape pod..." Liu Zhuangtian said to himself incredulously. There are quite a few escape pods in every star warship. The admiral, the starship girl, and various auxiliary logistics soldiers escaped.

It's just that such an escape pod is very small, the size of an ordinary car, equipped with an old-fashioned nuclear engine, and has a top speed of only one knot... Unless such an escape pod is rescued by other star warships, or there is an interstellar ship nearby. The door, or there may be a planet on which to settle, otherwise such an escape pod will only have a dead end in the universe.

Such an escape pod is a standard configuration of every star warship, even the star warship in the game is no exception.In reality, the escape pod may be a vital life-saving magic weapon, but in the simulated actual combat, the escape pod is useless at all... An escape pod with only one section of power and no weapon system, even if it escapes from the damaged battleship So what, as long as the opponent finds out, there is only one dead end.

So the virtual actual combat has developed to this day, and after thousands of years, no genius admiral has come up with a way to turn defeat into victory in an escape warehouse, until our Fleeting Maple appeared.

At this time, the escape pod was approaching Liu Zhuantian's battleship at a speed of more than 40 knots. This speed was twice as fast as that of the Xingchen light cruiser itself. What Tian found difficult to deal with was that the escape pod was too small and too flexible. Even with Liu Zhuantian's fighting instinct, it would be tantamount to wishful thinking to destroy such an escape pod.

As for why this escape pod can have such an unreasonable speed, Liu Zhuangtian also figured it out very quickly. After all, Liu Nianfeng's star secret technique wind can last for a long time, and the escape pod is also a part of the star warship. It is not unreasonable that the secret art of the stars can be applied to the escape cabin.

But although Liu Nianfeng's last move surprised Liu Zhuantian and made it difficult for Liu Zhuantian to hit the target, but to be honest, Liu Zhuantian was not too worried.It's just an escape pod without weapons, so what if the speed reaches 40 knots due to the acceleration of the star secret technique wind?
Do you want to collide with yourself and die together?

joke!This is just a crispy escape pod, even if it hits his own battleship, it will leave a dent at most, and the one who will die at that time will be Liu Nianfeng himself.

So, although Liu Zhuangtian tried hard to use the psychic cannon to destroy Liu Nianfeng's escape pod, but the speed of the escape pod was too fast and too small, even the psychic cannon specially designed to deal with Zhan Ji He also couldn't hit the target, and finally Liu Zhuangtian watched as Liu Nianfeng's escape pod approached to the side of his battleship.

"What on earth does this guy want to do? Do he really want to rely on this little escape pod to sink me?" At this moment, Liu Zhuangtian still didn't understand what Liu Nianfeng wanted to do, but she never thought that Liu Nianfeng is stupid and wants to rely on the way of collision to die together, there must be some way that he didn't think of.

"Ding dong! I found the human escape capsule, model qxuyj-8100, which is being stored and protected!" Until Liu Zhuantian heard the notification sound from inside the battleship, Liu Zhuangtian suddenly understood what Liu Nianfeng was up to.

"Quick! Close the hatch!" Liu Zhuantian immediately ordered the starship girl to close the hatch to prevent Liu Nianfeng from coming to the cab.

"Sorry admiral... the hatch control is out of my control, please manually control it through the bridge!" Let psionic energy and psionic energy be wasted elsewhere.

Therefore, in the entire Star Warship, only the power system, weapon system, communication scanning system and other vital systems are connected to the starship girl itself, and the rest of the systems such as hatches, interior lighting, and escape storage systems are all manually operated. Manually controlled systems... In general, these systems have auxiliary pilots in the battleship to manually control them through the console. Star Admiral and Starship Girl cannot rely on their own thoughts to control themselves.

As a result, in the face of Liu Nianfeng's invasion, Liu Zhuantian had no choice but to get out of the ghost resonance state and rush to the console, trying to prevent Liu Nianfeng from entering through the buttons on the console.

But here comes the problem, Liu Zhuangtian has received the most professional star admiral training since he was a child, and this most professional star admiral training does not include the manual control of the bridge, let alone details such as how to control the hatch educate.

As a result, Liu Zhuangtian faced the densely packed driving console with all kinds of buttons, and could only turn his eyes black, unable to do anything. The hatch of the cockpit was automatically opened, and Fleeting Feng rushed like a fierce tiger. came in.

"You are stupid... There is no such tactic in the world!" Seeing Liu Nianfeng rushing in, Liu Zhuangtian felt panic and helplessness that he had never felt in his life.

She is very strong, but after all, she is just an admiral of the stars, not a martial arts master. Facing a man with 12 pack abs like a tiger, even Liu Zhuangtian, who is like a god, has become useless at this moment .

"You lost!" Liu Nianfeng was not polite, and his mighty body directly hit Liu Zhuantian's body, forcing Liu Zhuantian to back all the way, and finally the two hit the glass curtain wall of the cockpit, while Liu Zhuantian His body was also tightly squeezed by Liu Nianfeng.

"Are you admitting defeat?" Liu Nianfeng pressed his two hands tightly on both sides of Liu Zhuangtian's face, fixed the other's small face in front of his own, then lowered his head, the distance between the tips of their noses was not much different Just a millimeter.

Liu Nianfeng's heavy breathing directly rushed into Liu Zhuantian's nostrils, washing Liu Zhuantian's brain, making Liu Zhuantian's consciousness of always being awake at this moment become dissociated and blurred, like a small boat in a storm Generally, you can't tell the direction, and you can't tell the sun and the moon, and you can only feel the huge impact from nature.

And the muscles on the opponent's body that were as strong as bulging like stones, the dizzy eyes with a bit of confusion, and the majestic and violent male hormones rushing in through various channels, like an irresistible flood. into Liu Zhuantian's body... Even Liu Zhuantian fell under a man's body at this moment.

"Are you admitting defeat?" Liu Nianfeng questioned again, at the same time, one hand reached into Liu Zhuantian's clothes presumptuously, pinched the tender flesh around Liu Zhuantian's waist, and then began...began to scratch... …

"Haha...I admit defeat...don't scratch me...I really admit defeat!"

Even after thousands of years, even if women occupy the high point of human society, their genes have not changed much, just like all normal women, facing a man stronger than themselves, even if it is Liu Zhuang Tian also showed an exaggerated smile like a little girl, fell under Liu Nianfeng's hands, and typed GG amidst laughter.

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(End of this chapter)

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