girl line

Chapter 128 The Lost Space Carrier

Chapter 128 The Lost Space Carrier

"This is an aerospace carrier waiting for the owner to claim it!" This is how the shopping guide replied to Liu Nianfeng. "Three years ago, a temporary small wormhole appeared around the Zhiyuan star. At that time, the wormhole has disappeared, but there is a space carrier in that position!"

"Later, after our research, we found that this space carrier should have belonged to a starship girl, but we don't know what happened, which caused the space carrier and her original owner to cancel the reincarnation. relationship, turned back into the body of an space carrier, and then returned to our Star Reach through that small wormhole."

"In the end, the Zhiyuan Star military decided to temporarily park this space carrier as a lost item in our 4S store. If no one claims it after ten years, the space carrier will be released from the relationship with the original owner. Our 4S store conducts secondary sales."

"So now the body of this space carrier is still in the state of lost and found. Unless the owner or the owner's immediate family members come to claim it, this space carrier is not for sale...Mr. Admiral, don't count on this space carrier It's gone... Even if you have money, you can't buy it!" The shopping guide finally said.

"It turned out to be like this!" Hearing this answer, Liu Nianfeng was a little disappointed, but the story of this space carrier aroused Liu Nianfeng's curiosity... a ship that lost its owner but was able to return to it through a small wormhole. The space carrier body of the Zhiyuan star is an extremely miraculous thing in this way, and there may be a mysterious and unpredictable legend in it!

"Then it's okay for me to take a look at this space carrier outside!" Liu Nianfeng said to the shopping guide.

"It's all right! You can watch as much as you want!" the shopping guide replied.

As a result, Liu Nianfeng took his starship girls to the vicinity of the glass curtain wall, and admired the legendary space carrier through the glass curtain wall... Because the owner did not pay for it, this empty spaceship The body of the Celestial Mothership is still in the state it was three years ago... dilapidated and battle-damaged.

This is a very huge space carrier, with the naked eye, Liu Nianfeng can only see the position of the bow.But in such a part of the place, Liu Nianfeng saw at least 200 signs of damage, including three huge lacerations... The whole piece of equipment was torn off, revealing the damaged mechanical parts inside , It can be seen from this that this space carrier has definitely experienced a desperate battle.

This space carrier is only clearly visible on the painting near the bow. As the owner of the space carrier, the starship girl can draw her favorite picture on the blank position of her star battleship according to her own wishes. Except for those particularly boring and rigid starship girls, most of the starships have their own characteristic pictures, which can fully reflect the owner's hobbies.

For example, the owner of the star warship seems to like children very much, so at the front of the ship's bow, there is a cute picture of a baby... The baby in this picture is grinning and laughing at everyone, A naive romantic, extremely cute look.

"Hey! What a cute child!" Liu Nianfeng couldn't help but admired, but something unexpected happened. Ning Hai and Ping Hai, who were standing in place just a second ago and full of curiosity, seemed to lose their support for a moment. The strength of the body made the two of them go limp at the same time. If it wasn't for Hongyu who was beside him in time to grab the two of them with each hand, otherwise they would have been in close contact with the ground.

"Ning Hai! Ping Hai! What's wrong with you? Are you too tired?" Liu Nianfeng hugged the two cuties in a panic and asked very nervously.


"Mom..." Ning Hai and Ping Hai suddenly burst into tears without any warning. The tears flowed out of Ning Hai and Ping Hai's eye sockets in a gushing state, like a flood that broke a bank.

The two of them kept calling the word "mother". The mournful cry was so sad that Liu Nianfeng was at a loss for a while. He couldn't figure out why his two most beloved starship girls suddenly started crying bitterly.

Most of the people were at a loss to appease Ning Hai and Ping Hai together with Liu Nian Feng, only Hong Yu was sticking to the glass curtain wall, carefully looking at the photo of the baby, and then turned to look at the appearance of Ning Hai and Ping Hai. , after making comparisons over and over again, Hongyu hesitated for a while, then walked to Liu Nianfeng and said to him, "Admiral, do you think that the baby photo on the bow of the ship looks similar to sister Pinghai?"

"How is this possible..." Liu Nianfeng said without thinking, "How could this baby be..."

In the middle of the conversation, Liu Nianfeng stopped talking, Hongyu's words kept lingering in his mind, and he couldn't help but start to compare the appearance of the baby and Ping Hai in this photo... The more the comparison, the more Liu Nianfeng felt Fear.

Although it is said that the baby's appearance changes every day, even the parents will not be able to recognize it after three years, but in fact, if you compare carefully, you can still find many similarities... And with the increase of these similarities It was discovered that Ning Hai Ping Hai's appearance gradually overlapped with the baby's photo.

"Ning Hai! Ping Hai! Could it be that that photo is a photo of you when you were young?" Even though he knew it was inappropriate to ask these questions at this time, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help his curiosity and confirmed to Ning Hai and Ping Hai.

"'s Ning's Ning Hai's photo..." Ping Hai, who had calmed down a little bit, answered Liu Nianfeng's question with a choked voice. Coupled with the mother who kept shouting in their mouths before, Liu Nianfeng immediately guessed that this The original owner of the space carrier should be the mother of Ning Hai and Ping Hai!

Combined with the story of this battleship, Liu Nianfeng can further speculate that the mothers of Ninghai and Pinghai have been missing all the time. They don't know where their mother is... Until this moment when they saw their mother's star battleship, they couldn't bear it. Unable to control his emotions, he began to cry bitterly.

"Let me ask you! Who is the original owner of this space carrier?" Liu Nianfeng immediately rushed to the shopping guide's side and asked anxiously.

"This is a secret. Unless the original owner's immediate family members, I can't answer you." The shopping guide said awkwardly.

"If you don't tell me who the original owner's name is, how can I know if I am her immediate family member!" Liu Nianfeng said very painfully.

"This... the original owner of the battleship is definitely not Liunian, I can be sure of that!" The shopping guide replied with some fear.

"I..." Liu Nianfeng almost didn't catch up, and after a while, he pointed to Ning Hai and Ping Hai who was still crying and said, "These two are my starship girls, one is Jiang Ninghai, the other is Jiang Pinghai, See if the original owner of this star warship is surnamed Jiang!"

"This is indeed Jiang's surname..." The shopping guide felt that his brain had become a mess.

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(End of this chapter)

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