girl line

Chapter 135 This is not playing according to the routine! [Thank you for adding more]

Chapter 135 This is not playing according to the routine! [Thank you for adding more]

"Li Dahu! Are you crazy? If you dare to make a move, the video of you beating a man will also be spread all over the Internet the next day. When I see it, what face do you have to show up!" Seeing a hand-to-hand fight At the beginning, Guanghui shouted eagerly and intelligently.

Hearing what Guanghui said, Li Dahu, who loves face, really hesitated. Yes, it seems that the video of him beating a man in public is even more embarrassing!But if he just let this Liu Nianfeng go, it would be embarrassing for him to spread the word!

When Li Dahu was struggling, Chicheng flicked his fox tail and said, "I have a plan to get the best of both worlds. Since everyone is an admiral, then use the admiral's way to decide the winner! There happens to be a virtual cabin here." , you two admirals are competing here, and the loser will be at the disposal of the winner?"

Chicheng finally showed his fox tail... well, Chicheng's fox tail was exposed.

"Hehe! This Fleeting Maple has finally fallen into my hands. I heard that he cares most about this Guanghui. He is still a young man. For the sake of Guanghui, he even fights with that pervert Liu Zhuangtian, trying his best to fight."

"Now he has two elite-class, two peerless-class, and a prehistoric-class starship girl in his hand, and he has just defeated Liu Zhuangtian, which is when he is most complacent. In addition, there is also a It's his favorite glory, so this Liunianfeng will definitely accept my proposal without knowing what to do, and have a virtual battle with this Li Dahu!"

"This Li Dahu is a fierce general in the Xuzhou Star District. He has been honed on the battlefield for more than ten years. He has excellent fighting instincts and has mastered two different star secrets. Even Liu Zhuangtian is probably not this Li Dahu. And because the Xuzhou Star District is two star districts away from here, Liu Nianfeng must not know the strength of this Li Dahu, once the two sides fight, this Liu Nianfeng will undoubtedly lose!"

"At that time, I will use some tricks to make Li Dahu obediently give me the rights of the winner, haha, Liu Nianfeng, you have fallen into my hands, let's see how I will deal with you!" Chicheng was thinking happily, already fantasizing When Liu Nianfeng fell into his hands, how should he train him well!


"I'm sorry! I was wrong!" Before Chicheng realized what had happened, he saw Liu Nianfeng bow deeply to Li Dahu, then pulled Guanghui away without looking back.

"Li Dahu! You just let him go like this? Hurry up and catch up!" Chi Cheng said angrily.

"Forget it!" Li Dahu touched his Oupai honestly, "My man, such a handsome little brother took the initiative to apologize to me, how could I have the nerve to pester him any longer, besides, I really can beat him as a man ?”

"And Chicheng-sama, don't think that I, Li Dahu, have a lot of flesh, and you think that I, Li Dahu, are an idiot. Your sister, Kaga-sama, is more powerful in instigating such things!"

After saying this extremely embarrassing sentence, Li Dahu left just like that, leaving Chicheng standing there in a daze, embarrassed and not knowing what to say!
"Liu Nian Feng! There is still brilliance! I will not live with you!" Chi Cheng gritted her teeth and said, she unreasonably put all the blame on Liu Nian Feng and the two of them.


"Admiral, why did you leave like that? I thought you couldn't help but fight that big tiger!" He Liunianfeng was walking on the way home, Guanghui asked Liunianfeng curiously.

"Why do you want to fight with her?" Liu Nianfeng gave Guanghui a white look, "I'm not the protagonist in Qidian's novel. Wouldn't it be a little stupid to jump off!"

"Starting point novels?" Liu Nianfeng's words sounded somewhat inexplicable to Guang Hui.

"Well! You just need to know that there are a lot of boring novels that are white and watery, and they gather together!" Liu Nianfeng thought for a while, and then added, "But there are still a lot of good books there. Yes, for example, an author named Canglan Botao short, his novels are all classics!"

"Listening to the name is not a good thing..." Guanghui muttered in a low voice, then put the matter aside and said, "Actually, even if you don't refuse, I will help you refuse. Most people in Zhiyuan Star didn't listen I mentioned Li Dahu's name, but I know that she has a very good record in the Xuzhou star area. She once led her own fleet to pin down a monster-level star beast for six hours. It is absolutely impossible for you now to be His opponent's!"

"..." Liu Nianfeng's face turned pale when he heard Guanghui's words. A star beast at the level of a demon general is a powerful star beast that requires tens of thousands of star warships to strangle. Li Dahu can restrain six of them by himself. When I was young, this kind of strength was enough to completely kill myself several times!
"This Chicheng... What enmity do you think we have with her? She actually wants to torment us like this, and she has tripped us up twice in a row!" Liu Nianfeng said worriedly. Compared with Li Dahu who met by chance, Liu Nianfeng I am even more worried about the threat of Chicheng, after all, the other party is coming for me.

"Maybe it's because of my ancient battleship soul level!" Hearing Liu Nianfeng's question, Guanghui lowered his head sadly. It is inevitable that you will be jealous, so you want to deliberately make things difficult for the two of us! I'm sorry, Admiral, it's Guanghui who has troubled you!"

"What is not involved, don't say such things in the future, we are of one mind, the trouble she troubles you is the trouble she troubles me, we must face it together! After all, this is in the academy, even if she is Akagi, She doesn't dare to do anything excessive!"


"Little dun dun! I solemnly tell you this time, I am going to do some excessive things in your college!" Back in the villa in Lexington, Chi Cheng frantically flicked his tail, while Said to Lexington sitting on the sofa.

"How did this Fleeting Maple offend you? Didn't you already buy out all the space carriers in the 4S shop? Didn't he come to beg you to give him one?" Lexington said a little speechlessly.

"Didn't he come...I told the shopping guide specifically that I live with you, and he never came to the door...I just found out today that he bought a second-hand war-damaged space carrier. I'm really mad! He would rather come to a second-hand warship than come to see me! I have no chance to ask him!" Chicheng pouted and said, feeling that Chicheng bought the warship to force Liu Nianfeng come to her.

"So you went out of your way to pick on that Li Dahu today?" Lexington only felt a burst of egg pain... If she had an egg, "Then tell me, what are you planning to do outrageously now?"

"Night raid on the admiral's dormitory! Is this too much?" Chicheng blinked his eyes, then covered Lexington's body with his fox tail, and asked with a wicked smile.

(End of this chapter)

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