girl line

Chapter 142 The Internet Café After 5000 Years 【High Order 900 Plus】

Chapter 142 The Internet Café After 5000 Years 【High Order 900 Plus】

Before arriving at the Internet cafe, Liu Nianfeng and the others encountered a very interesting thing. There was a girl who was wearing sunglasses and could not see her face clearly, but had an extremely graceful figure, and hurriedly passed in front of Liu Nianfeng and the others.Immediately afterwards, a large group of crazy little boys roared past, shouting the name "Goddess! Goddess!"

"What is this for? Is there an earthquake? Are you running for your life?" Seeing such a panicked and fanatical crowd, Liu Nianfeng asked a little confused.

"Hmph! Boys these days don't know what's in their heads. Every day, they just know how to pursue women with heavy makeup, moaning without illness, and artificial women, and they shout about goddesses all day long. It's disgusting!" Seeing this scene, Xi Yue'er immediately frowned and cursed dissatisfiedly.

"That's right! That's right!" Chen Shihan on the side echoed her empathy, "By the way, they even gave these women a name, what is it called Xiao Tender Meat... what the hell is that name, it's so disgusting that my bones feel like chicken skin It's lumpy."

"That's right! Today's movies like to invite a bunch of little tender meat without any acting skills to come and act, and the remuneration is hundreds of millions of star coins. Damn, they even bought us the body of an space carrier! I really don't know what these little boys have in their minds, they can't even tell the good from the bad!"

Chen Shihan and Xi Yue'er kept complaining about the topic of little fresh meat, which made Liu Nianfeng couldn't help recalling the little fresh meat back then. It seems that no matter what era it was, things like little fresh meat were not very popular of.

But Chen Shihan and the others don't just look down on those little tender meats, when there are some women who are disheveled, dressed very casually, or even go out wearing only slippers and a simple vest with a hole in them, they will curse in a low voice "These dicks..."

Come on, it seems that diaosi has also become a special term for women in this era. It really is a very interesting society.

Liu Nianfeng and the others didn't spend a lot of time walking on the streets of Zhiyuan City before they came to the entrance of the legendary Internet cafe, but what surprised Liu Nianfeng was that the entire street was filled with similarly decorated Internet cafes... Although the Internet cafes are indeed It's a relatively unpopular business, but there are Internet cafes on an entire street. Isn't this too much for a city with a population of less than 3?
Don't the people in Zhiyuan City have any other entertainment besides going to Internet cafes?
In a somewhat ignorant situation, Liu Nianfeng followed Alice and others into this Internet cafe named Aoshi Legend. The first time he entered the Internet cafe, Liu Nianfeng was surprised to find that the decoration of this Internet cafe and his common sense The decoration of Internet cafes in China is completely different.

Rather than saying that this is an Internet cafe, it is better to say that this is an elegantly decorated western restaurant. There are more than 20 odd dining tables in the shop, but there is not even a computer in sight.

At this time, it was about the time when the Internet cafe was somewhat deserted. There were only two or three tables with customers in the entire Internet cafe... It's just that these customers were not surfing the Internet at all, but sat at the table and tasted the food in front of them.

Is there any mistake, this is not an Internet cafe, it is clearly a real western restaurant!

"Alice! Are you sure this is an Internet cafe, not a place to eat?" After Liu Nianfeng sat down, he couldn't help asking Alice beside him.

"Admiral! It seems that your memory is really gone, otherwise, why don't you even know the Internet cafe!" Alice looked at Liu Nianfeng distressedly, and then pressed a button on the table next to Liu Nianfeng. A vertical computer screen was directly projected on the surface... Although it is a computer screen projected in the air, in Liu Nianfeng's view, the pictures on this screen are extremely clear, which is better than the so-called 4K artifact in his previous life. How many times clearer.

"This is the latest photoelectric computer... It's not as stingy as our school, which still uses the old-fashioned computer thousands of years ago, saying that it won't interfere with psionic and psionic energy!" Alice complained softly, and then Conversation with Feng Nian said hurriedly, "Admiral, you can just watch some TV or something first, that damn place in the school doesn't even open the Quantum Teleportation Network, my local dog account is going crazy!"

"What..." Before Liu Nianfeng could understand what Alice was saying, Alice quickly turned on her computer, and at the same time, she kept sliding and clicking on the dining table. Within a few seconds, Liu Nianfeng was I feel that there is a shadow of a black bag flickering in front of me, which looks like a mirage.

A mirage at the dinner table?What a joke, you thought it was China on the tip of your tongue!

Liu Nianfeng rubbed his eyes, trying to see more clearly, but the more he rubbed, the weirder was that the black bag turned from a mirage phantom into a genuine leather bag!

"Long live! I have been wanting to buy it for a long time! The quantum network of the Internet cafe is fast!" Alice stretched out her two hands excitedly, grabbed the black bag in her hand, and kept rubbing it on her face .

"This is fake... This is fake..." Liu Nianfeng felt that his head was not enough, he subconsciously reached out and touched the bag... As a result, the real calfskin felt made Liu Nianfeng realize This bag is real, not something illusory.

Alice's bag is just the beginning. Xiyue'er, Hongyu, Chen Shihan, and Chen Shihan's four starship girls all have items appearing in front of their dining tables one after another...they are all things that girls like , such as bags, lipsticks, perfumes, magazines and the like.

"Could it be that this is the quantum phone written on the document!" Liu Nianfeng remembered the quantum phone he had just seen on the document. If Liu Nianfeng's guess is correct, at this dining table, in front of everyone, there will be There is a small quantum phone.

Seeing that there were things being transmitted in front of everyone, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help being curious, and asked Alice beside him, "Alice, are you shopping on Taobao? Teach me!"

"What Taobao?" Alice was taken aback for a moment before realizing, "You're talking about local dogs, right?"

"Land dog?" It was Liu Nianfeng's turn to be stunned for a moment, what does this land dog have to do with Tmall?Liu Nianfeng couldn't figure it out, so he could only say stupidly, "Probably so!"

"Admiral, let the computer scan your personal terminal, and you can directly log in to your Gou account... It's strange, Admiral, you don't have a Gou account. Are you from the Emerald Galaxy... Forget it, register now A local dog account is is bound to your personal bank account, and you can buy things as you like."

"By the way, Admiral, you are a newcomer, so don't go to those new stores to buy, go directly to the store with the crown... Those stores deliver very fast, just like when I bought something just now, the delivery can be delivered within five seconds after payment ... Unlike those new stores, the delivery speed is extremely slow, and sometimes you have to wait for 10 minutes to receive it, which is really frustrating!"

"You can receive the goods in 10 minutes. If those hand-chopping gangs in the previous life know this, they won't go crazy!" Liu Nianfeng complained with a wry smile in his heart, but Liu Nianfeng is not an idiot. Under Alice's guidance, Still got started quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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