girl line

Chapter 145 Fleeing Maple Has No Home

Chapter 145 Fleeing Maple Has No Home
Liu Nianfeng touched his aching head from being beaten by Harman, and at the same time checked the relevant information on figures of this era on the computer, only to realize that this figure is not a living thing at all, but a miniaturized robot. It's nothing more than some simple artificial intelligence. As for the extremely cool treasure cast effect just now, it's just some special effects of air phantoms. Simply put, this figure is still a toy.

In fact, it is not impossible to integrate more advanced artificial intelligence on this toy, but because the "Artificial Intelligence Machine Management and Control Law" stipulates that any artificial intelligence machine that exceeds the IQ of a one-year-old child is an illegal act and must be destroyed dropped.

Haman had a great time playing with this little figure of Joan of Arc. Suddenly, Liu Nianfeng seemed to think of something, and immediately entered "waiting for skills" on the website of Digou, and sure enough, there were many sales of waiting for skills. information.It's just that the prices of these hand-made items are almost all around 1 star coins, which is a normal price.

But I don’t know if there is such a function...Liu Nianfeng immediately clicked on the detailed information of waiting for the skill, and found such a text in the picture introduction: "It has strong practicality, a good-looking, easy-to-use, and fun smart phone Let's do it!"

And then there is a large series of mosaics in the waiting for skill picture, it seems that the content inside is self-evident... At the same time, Liu Nianfeng thinks that all the anime characters he loves in the previous life animation can pass this waiting The way of doing it by hand appeared beside me, and I couldn't help it... Well, the real ship girls have already appeared by my side, so I don't want to wait until I do it by hand!
Not long after that, the starship girls of Liu Nianfeng got up one after another, bid farewell to Liu Nianfeng, expressing that they were going home.

After all, this is a rare summer vacation, and most of the starship girls in Fleeting Maple are girls born and raised on Zhiyuan Star. Their parents and family members are all on this planet. It's time for Feng to part.

Soon Xiyue'er, Hongyu, Haman, and Chen Shihan all bid farewell to Liunianfeng one after another, and finally Alice reluctantly bid farewell to Liunianfeng.

"That...Alice, aren't you..." Liu Nianfeng hesitated to speak, not knowing how to say the latter sentence.

Because Alice has no parents, she should also have no home of her own. Which home will she return to when she returns home?

"The admiral wants to ask where my home is!" Alice saw through Liu Nianfeng's intentions at a glance, and said with a bright smile, "Since I lost my home, I have been in the Children's Welfare Institute on Zhiyuan Star. I grew up, it is my home. I have many sisters and brothers there, and I promise them to visit them every summer vacation! If the admiral is reluctant to part with Alice, then Alice will go back to school tomorrow after seeing them Accompany the admiral!"

"No need! You should spend more time with your younger brothers and sisters. You have worked hard for a semester, and the classmates in the school are almost gone. What are you going back to school for?" Liu Nianfeng patted Alice's Shoulders "Don't worry about me, just spend time with your loved ones!"

"Okay! Thank you! Admiral!" Alice smiled at Liu Nianfeng and walked out of the Internet cafe.

"Hey!" Liu Nianfeng sat back on his chair weakly. What he said just now was not his sincere words at all. Of course he hoped that Alice could stay with him in the school, but Liu Nianfeng also knew that he had no right to disturb others. There is only one vacation in half a year, otherwise I will really be inferior to pigs and dogs!
It's just that everyone else has a home to return to, so what about your own home?Where is his Liu Nianfeng's home?On the earth that has been broken into countless pieces?
"It looks like a lively day, but I'm actually just a duckweed without a foundation!" Liu Nianfeng sighed in his heart, and a sense of melancholy and loneliness filled Liu Nianfeng's soul.

"Admiral? Aren't you going home?" Just as Liu Nianfeng was feeling sad, a doubtful voice asked in Liu Nianfeng's ear.

"Admiral, I don't have a home! I have forgotten where my home is!" Liu Nianfeng replied with a wry smile, and at the same time turned his head to look at the two remaining starship girls who were still by his side and asked, "Ning Hai, Ping Hai, you Why don't you two go home?"

"We bought a lot of things! I don't know how to take them back!" Ping Hai said while rubbing his little head.

"You guys really bought a lot!" Liu Nianfeng took a look at the packages that Ning Hai and Ping Hai had packed, and found that they packed three large packages, each of which was about the size of Ning Hai's body. No wonder the two of them packed up. I will have a headache for the package problem!

"Forget it! I'll help you carry a package and take you to the station!" Of course, Liu Nianfeng would not look at her lovely twin starship girls carrying such a heavy package, so Liu Nianfeng simply grabbed one of the most With the heavy package on his back, he said to Ning Hai and Ping Hai!
"No! Dad taught us not to trouble boys to do things for us!" Ping Hai and Ning Hai said anxiously, wanting to let Liu Nian Feng put down the package on their backs.How could Liu Nianfeng agree, the three of them entangled for a while, but in the end Ning Hai and Ping Hai still couldn't hold back Liu Nianfeng, the three left the Internet cafe together and walked to the bus and aircraft headquarters.

"Look, these two women actually asked a man to carry a package!"

"That's right! These two women are still women, and they actually do such shameless things!" What Liu Nianfeng didn't expect was that when he was walking on the street with Ning Hai and Ping Hai's package on his back, the traffic on the road People, especially those men, didn't care about face at all, and directly talked loudly with their friends.

"Admiral! Give us the things, let's do it ourselves!" How could Ning Hai and Ping Hai bear such ridicule, they immediately rushed to Liu Nian Feng's side, trying to snatch the package from Liu Nian Feng... But they themselves With a huge package on his back, he lost his center of gravity during his hasty actions, and fell directly to the ground. A dog gnawed on the mud, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Haha! These two idiots!" The passers-by who were watching the theater laughed even more cheerfully. Ning Hai and Ping Hai only felt that they had lost all face in their lives. Their eyes turned red and their noses turned sour, and tears began to accumulate in their eye sockets. stand up.

"Fuck! You bastards, keep your mouths clean. Believe it or not, I will kill you!" Liu Nianfeng cursed at the whispering people around. Those people are bullying and afraid of toughness. At that time, it was scattered like birds and beasts.

"Hey! It seems that we can't go to the bus platform like this!" Seeing Ning Hai and Ping Hai's sad face, Liu Nianfeng directly waved to a floating taxi waiting for passengers on the side of the road, and forcibly pulled Ning Hai and Ping Hai A hover taxi.

"Where are your two homes?" Liu Nianfeng asked Ping Hai.

"Nippori Canyon 58!" Ning Hai said with his head down.

"Okay, master, let's go to Nippori Canyon 58!" Liu Nianfeng turned to the floating taxi driver.

"Good!" After receiving the business, the driver of the hover taxi immediately launched the hover taxi, and left Zhiyuan City in a short while, floating in the sky hundreds of meters high.

"Don't cry, you two, or the admiral will be upset! And this master will laugh at you too!" Seeing that Ning Hai and Ping Hai were still crying, Liu Nian Feng pretended to be dissatisfied.

"En!" Ning Hai and Ping Hai immediately began to wipe away their tears, and finally Ping Hai suddenly asked, "Admiral? Do you want to go home with us?"

"Ah?" Liu Nianfeng was stunned... why did he stay in the taxi in a daze!

 This chapter is based on updates
(End of this chapter)

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