girl line

Chapter 148 I Am a Manly Man [High order 1200 plus update]

Chapter 148 I Am a Manly Man [High order 1200 plus update]

Once these mothers are successfully pregnant, they will immediately go to the hospital to check the gender of the child. If the child is found to be male, they will immediately have an abortion, and then continue to look for opportunities to rape (harmoniously) men with high energy.

If the child is found to be a woman, the child will be born... and only when it is born, can scientific instruments detect the child's aptitude, which cannot be detected in the stomach.

After this girl is born, she will face two completely different fates.

If this girl is confirmed to have the qualifications of a starship girl, then this girl will immediately become the baby of the whole family and be raised by her mother as her own daughter. At the same time, even if her father knows that this daughter is not his own, but Considering that such a daughter who has the qualifications of a starship girl can indeed bring great benefits to the family, she will generally acquiesce in the existence of this daughter, and at most she will not give her a good face like a stepdad. It was a lucky ending for this girl.

But such girls are rare after all, and most of the children born still do not have the qualifications of starship girls... If the mother of this child is relatively wealthy, and at the same time has a strong motherhood, and at the same time, the father does not mind wearing a hat , They will raise the child as their own daughter.

But if the mother's family is poor, and the father strongly rejects this kind of daughter who does not belong to his blood, then such a girl has only one ending: being abandoned by her biological mother in a random place in the wilderness.

Whether it is 5000 years ago or 5000 years later, raising a child is a very expensive thing, especially in this era of human rights, if a family dares to treat their children badly and deprive their children of the right to education , Entertainment rights and other rights are subject to legal punishment.

It is undoubtedly a huge unbearable expense for a poor family to raise a child who is registered by the government and has a household registration. Therefore, in the end, these children can only be sent to the wilderness and left to fend for themselves. And such a child is called Heiyecao, which means a child who has no household registration and is as sad as a weed.

According to incomplete statistics from social welfare organizations, more than 100 billion of these black weeds are discarded in the wilderness every year in the entire human empire, of which only about 99 million people can survive by luck, and the remaining [-] billion are either starving alive died in the wild, or were eaten as food by similarly hungry beasts.

This is undoubtedly an inhumane thing.

The government is naturally well aware of such things, but the government has always had only one way to deal with it, and that is to pretend to be blind, just pretending that it is not aware of such a tragic thing.The reason is very simple. First of all, if the government shows that it knows about such a thing, then out of human rights considerations, such children must be sent to an orphanage.

However, the amount of 100 billion per year is undoubtedly a huge expense for the government, and it is absolutely impossible for the human government that has a serious fiscal deficit every year.

Although in fact, this expenditure may not even be one hundred thousandth of the annual military expenditure.

Secondly, although this kind of thing is inhumane, it can indeed increase the number of human starship girls born to a certain extent. It is undoubtedly an extremely beneficial thing for the frontier that has been lacking starship girls. Otherwise, why would the government want Spend so much money to subsidize the families who gave birth to starship girls.

To put it bluntly, the government actually hopes that more black weeds like this will be born, because the more black weeds are born, the more starship girls will be born.

But according to human laws, parents will be convicted of such abuse of their own flesh and blood, and then put in prison to be severely punished by law.

According to the DNA of the black weed, the mother of the child can be quickly found through the DNA gene bank that was registered at birth... In other words, it is a breeze to find those vicious mothers, and it is even easier to put them in prison .

It is indeed very easy to arrest people, but once there are more mothers who are punished, what should the remaining mothers do if they are too afraid to do such a thing?
According to the statistics of the government's secret department, once the black weeds incident is completely contained, the annual increase of human starship girls will decrease by about 9.6%. This is a figure that is absolutely unacceptable to the human government. If it is so small With the birth of a multi-starship girl, I am afraid that the frontiers of mankind will be unable to defend themselves!
To sum up, unless the media or non-profit organizations deliberately exposed the matter, the government would just ignore it and would not send police forces to stop such things.

In fact, as long as it doesn't secretly encourage it in private, it can be regarded as a conscientious planetary government.

The Nippori Valley where Ninghai and Pinghai's family live is very large, but there are very few residents, the land is sparsely populated, and there is also a large area of ​​virgin forest, which is the best place to discard these unlucky black weeds.About 30% of the black weeds in the entire Reach Star are discarded in the Nippori Canyon.

Ning Hai and Ping Hai have lived in this kind of place since they were young, and they can always meet some babies crying in the jungle every year.Ning Hai and Ping Hai are very kind-hearted girls. Whenever they find such unlucky black weeds, they will immediately take them back to their homes and let Aunt Yixian who takes care of them take care of them.

At the beginning, because Ninghai and Pinghai had 6000 star coins added up every month, and Yixian felt that Ninghai and Pinghai might need some playmates to accompany them through the same year, so they adopted several black weed girls by default.

But as Ninghai and Pinghai picked up more and more, by the time they were about to go to the Starship Girls Academy, there were already more than 60 black weeds living in the house.Jiang Yixian scolded Ning Hai and Ping Hai many times for this, telling them not to pick people up at home.But Ning Hai and Ping Hai didn't speak at that time, and looked like they bowed their heads to admit their mistakes, but after a while, they would pick up another crying baby and go home.

In the end, there are more and more girls like this, so that 6000 star coins can't feed the appetite of these black weeds at all. In the end, they can only adopt the method of minimum survival consumption, and only give the girls the minimum food needed for survival. Although they will not starve to death, But I have never experienced the feeling of fullness.


"That's why Ninghai and Pinghai are saving every star coin in the school, right? They want to save all the money and use it to feed these poor black weeds, right?" Liu Nianfeng Sighing, he finally figured out why Ning Hai and Ping Hai were so stingy with Star Coins.

"You two idiots? Why are you torturing yourself like this? Do you want to beg in shame? You two idiots!" Hearing Liu Nianfeng's words, Jiang Yixian hugged his two nieces in his arms and patted her On the other side's back, while secretly wiping tears.

"Actually, you can send them to the government's orphanage. You made the matter clear and invited some media to publicize the matter. The government should not dare to do anything to these girls! Why do you have to bear such a burden? What about the matter?" When Ping Hai and Ning Hai gradually calmed down, Liu Nian Feng asked very strangely.

"How do you know we didn't do this?" Jiang Yixian raised his head sharply, his eyes filled with angry flames, "When we found out that we couldn't afford to raise these black weed girls, we sent all these poor children to the orphanage , called the media to break the news, and posted on online forums. At that time, we were Internet celebrities and social models for a long time, and the government also repeatedly guaranteed that the children in the orphanage would grow up happily!"

"But later when we went to the orphanage to visit these children, we were always stopped by various reasons. Even if we finally met them, we found that they had completely changed. They were not as lively and cheerful as before. Light, afraid of people, or simply sitting there like a wooden man, as if someone had taken out his soul."

"Once a little sister who had the best relationship with Ning Hai secretly stuffed a note into my hand. I opened the note and saw that there were only three words written in blood on it: Help me!"

"But when I asked to meet this little sister again the next day, the dean of the orphanage told me that she drowned and died while taking a bath the night this a big joke ? When you take a bath, you will drown and die, what kind of genius came up with this reason?"

"From then on, when we applied to see those young girls, we were rejected without exception. Ning Hai, I, and Ping Hai never saw the dozen or so children we sent to the orphanage again!"

"Although we don't know exactly what happened in the orphanage, I know that something more horrific, inhumane, and filthy must have happened there than Heiyecao itself. We don't have the power to save those girls, we can only do our best I have done my best to bring up these girls to a level where they can directly enter the society to study and work without being sent to an orphanage."

"Before that, we have to do our best to raise them!" After Jiang Yixian spoke, the whole small room fell into complete silence.

"There must be something wrong with that orphanage!" After a moment of silence, Liu Nianfeng punched the table, and the loud voice startled Jiang Yixian and the three of them.

"Even if you know there is a problem, so what? Do you have the ability to save them?" Jiang Yixian raised his head, his eyes were crystal clear, obviously filled with tears.

"I don't have the ability now! But it doesn't mean I don't have the ability in the future!" Liu Nianfeng clenched his fists, "One day, I will lead my fleet to the entire Reach Star, and I want to see if I can unlock the orphanage. The secret inside!"

"Then aren't you rebelling?" Jiang Yixian was taken aback by Liu Nianfeng's words.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm not rebelling, I just want to visit the orphanage on behalf of the military!" Liu Nianfeng said lightly.

"..." Jiang Yixian was silent for a long time, and then said stupidly, "You don't look like a man at all, but like a woman... No, 90% of the women in this world don't have the courage like you, what kind of person are you? ?”

"I'm a man! I'm a real man!" Liu Nianfeng patted his chest, and said something that shocked Jiang Yixian, which he had never heard before: "I am a real man!"

(End of this chapter)

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