girl line

Chapter 150 Alice's Heartbeat

Chapter 150 Alice's Heartbeat
Sure enough, not long after, Ning Hai and Ping Hai returned home with a newborn baby in their arms, probably because of countless experiences, so Yixian didn't bother to blame Ning Hai and Ping Hai, and directly helped them Carried the baby into the house.

But then something happened that surprised Liu Nianfeng. Yixian did not take out milk powder to feed the poor baby as Liu Nianfeng imagined, but directly lifted up his clothes, revealing his bright red cherries. The Fleeting Maple's noodles were fed without hesitation.

"Fuck..." Liu Nianfeng turned around quickly, not daring to take another look.

"Admiral! Our aunt is an old maid who hasn't been sold for 30 years. Don't slander our aunt!" Ning Hai and Ping Hai said with a smile.

"You two..." Yixian was extremely embarrassed for a moment, holding the nursing baby in his arms, while trying to twist the ears of these two unlucky children, Ning Hai and Ping Hai.

"Virgin?" Liu Nianfeng was taken aback when he heard that, and asked stupidly, "Where did you get your milk, Yixian?"

"Admiral, our little aunt is born. I heard that she can produce milk at the age of 12... A classmate who came to see my aunt last year said that her nickname in school is Little Cow!" Ping Hai and Ning Hai once again Jiang Yixian's old background was revealed, causing Yixian to beat and scold for a while, and the room was suddenly filled with joy.


The few days of living in Ninghai and Pinghai's family can be said to be the happiest few days since Liu Nianfeng came to this world.Although Ninghai and Pinghai's family is not rich, it can even be said to be very dilapidated, and the Internet is not good, so they need to take a bus to buy various ingredients in places with good Internet, but these are still the happiest days in Liu Nianfeng's life. sky.

Even after a long, long time, when Liu Nianfeng recalled his past years, he would always think of the few days when he lived in Ninghai and Pinghai's home.

It's a pity that this time is not long, on the seventh day, a sudden phone call interrupted Liu Nianfeng's happy life.

The call came from Alice. She told Liu Nianfeng on the phone that Xingchen 4S had sent a notice, saying that the space carrier belonging to Ninghai and Pinghai's mother had been repaired and the reincarnation ceremony could be performed.

Alice told Liu Nianfeng that if he had time, he hoped to accompany her to the 4S store, after all, Liu Nianfeng needed to sense the heartbeat.

Of course, Liu Nianfeng would not refuse this, because it involved Ning Hai and Ping Hai's mother, so Liu Nianfeng simply brought these two little girls with him.Originally, Liu Nianfeng wanted to call Yat-sen, but Yat-sen refused, saying that he didn't want to make love with the scene, and more than 60 children in the family also needed to be taken care of.

Liu Nianfeng didn't force it, so he took Ning Hai and Ping Hai to take a taxi to the nearest Tower of Babel, and met Alice who had already arrived there at the dock of the Helicopter Carrier.

I haven't seen her for more than a week, but Alice is still so beautiful, which makes Liu Nianfeng's heart skip a beat.

There is no need to say more about the next development.

What makes Liu Nianfeng feel a little inexplicable is that since Alice came out of the crystal coffin, she has been standing there in a daze, not even wearing clothes, like a wooden figure.

"Alice! Alice, are you alright!" Liu Nianfeng called out Alice's name with great concern. I never heard that the reincarnation ceremony would be dangerous!

Just as the worried Liu Nianfeng was about to call the doctor, Alice finally woke up from her daze, and the first thing she said anxiously after waking up was "Ning Hai Ping Hai! I may have found a clue about your mother! "

 The Harmony part of this chapter is a side story
(End of this chapter)

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