girl line

Chapter 168 The star beast is here! ! ! !

Chapter 168 The star beast is here! ! ! !
Ning Hai and Ping Hai hugged each other and cried for more than ten minutes. They almost dried up their tears before they stopped crying. Then they walked to the treasure chest and took out five stones about the size of bricks from inside. Pass it into the hands of Liu Nianfeng.

"Admiral, you heard what mom said just now, we will leave these five elite-level earth fragments to you!" Ping Hai said while wiping away tears.

"How embarrassing is this... These five pieces are too precious, otherwise you two should keep them, so that you can exchange them for some money in the future!" Liu Nianfeng said against his will.

"No!" Ning Hai and Ping Hai shook their heads at the same time and said, "This is my mother's last words. It was my mother who asked us to give it to the admiral. The two of us dare not disobey my mother's words. Admiral, you must accept it, otherwise we two will... At once……"

While talking, Ning Hai and Ping Hai were about to cry again.

"Okay! I'll take it, Admiral, I'll take it!" Having said that, Liu Nianfeng couldn't refuse any more, and took the five pieces of earth readily, then sighed and said, "Admiral also I don’t accept you for nothing. When the admiral builds his own town guard mansion and makes a fortune, the admiral will exchange the five earth fragments for star coins and return them to you... You two are absolutely not allowed to refuse, I am not the money For you two, I gave to those poor black weeds in your family. They are so pitiful, just be an admiral and do your best for them!"

"En!" Ning Hai and Ping Hai nodded, and put away the remaining things in the box, and this pleasant adventure came to an end.

"Alice! Let's go back!" Fleeting Maple, who had reaped a lot of money, said excitedly to Alice beside her, but there was a wry smile on Alice's face and said, "Admiral, have you forgotten? We just finished the FTL Less than five hours have passed since the voyage, and the FTL engine is still cooling down, and it will take another 23 hours to cool down again!"

"Oh!" Only then did Liu Nianfeng realize that the superluminal engine cannot be used at will, and there must be an interval of more than 28 hours between two uses, otherwise the superluminal engine may be damaged.

"Then don't waste fuel cruising, just stop on the orbit of this shallow Jetstar and rest, and when the superluminal engine cools down, we are returning to Reach Star!" Liu Nianfeng said to Alice, Alice nodded, and did not What to refute, because this is also an extremely correct way of handling it in Alice's view.

Ever since, the Brilliance stayed in the orbit of Qianjiexing. Who knows, when Ning Hai and Pinghai opened one of the treasure chests, a terrifying life had already awakened in Qianjiexing.


"By the way, and this amber necklace, why do I always have a feeling of restlessness in my heart!" After a day of exhaustion, Guanghui and Ning Hai went back to their cabins to rest, but Liu Nianfeng couldn't sleep.Because Liu Nianfeng remembered that he also got a string of mysterious amber necklaces in that scientific research base, and this amber necklace has always given Liu Nianfeng a faint feeling of uneasiness, which made Liu Nianfeng unable to sleep at ease.

"No! I have to find out what kind of mystery is hidden in this amber necklace first!" Liu Nianfeng jumped up from the bed neatly, and took the shuttle bus to the research cabin in the middle of the Radiance, ready to study the amber necklace.

The research cabin on the Glory covers an area of ​​more than [-] square meters, and it is filled with all kinds of research equipment, so it is impossible to do as many complicated researches as regular scientific research institutions, but the research and experiments below the middle level are It can be done.

It must be explained here that not all star battles have such a research cabin, only star battlecruisers, star battleships, light space carriers and space carriers have such a luxurious configuration.

The reason is very simple, only the admiral will have the need to study some strange objects, the average starship girl, whoever is full and has nothing to do will study these things.

The Admiral's flagships are generally star battlecruisers, star battleships, light space carriers and space carriers, which are large star battleships with excellent defensive capabilities.Therefore, such research cabins are equipped separately on these star battleships that can be used as flagships.

After entering the research cabin, he manually cut off the connection between the research cabin and Alice through the authority of the admiral to ensure that Alice would not know that he used the research cabin, and then Liu Nianfeng took out the isolation protection bag containing the amber necklace.

As a result, it was really amazing to see that there was an insect sealed inside this amber, and it was a precious insect amber.

To put it bluntly, amber is the resin dripping from coniferous plants 4500 million years ago, buried underground for tens of millions of years, and petrified under the action of pressure and heat, that is, "pine resin fossils".

99.99% of the amber unearthed in the world is a pure fossil, and there will be no living things in it.But there is still a 0.01% possibility that when the drop of pine resin dripped into the soil, it happened to be involved in an unlucky insect, which sealed the insect in the pine resin, after tens of millions of years , It became a worm amber worth ten thousand gold.Any one of them would be a precious item worth more than 100 million in the Earth Era.

As for the cosmic era when the earth is destroyed, anything related to the earth can be easily sold for more than 10 million star coins, not to mention this more precious worm amber necklace that only the earth has, you can sell it casually The price is more than [-] billion... The guy who hid this amber necklace is really a big bastard. He made the original owner lose [-] billion, it's just...

Some readers may be surprised, saying that I often see amber with crazy animals in it in the market!They only sell it for ten yuan a piece, how could it be so expensive!

That's because these worm ambers were deliberately manufactured by later generations. They are industrial products, and ten yuan is too much.It is impossible for the real natural worm amber to be at this price!You have to pay 100 yuan for a ticket to even look at it.

Closer to home, when Liu Nianfeng discovered that the amber necklace was actually a precious worm amber, he became more concerned about this thing. He immediately put the amber necklace into the instrument, and at the same time controlled the instrument to start scanning the amber in all directions. String amber necklace.

Soon, the first test result appeared on the screen: "Origin: Earth; Year: over 1 million years old."

"Damn! Are you kidding me, this amber is actually 1 million years old!" Seeing this result, Liu Nianfeng was taken aback and couldn't believe his eyes.The reason is simple. According to the speculation of paleontologists, plants such as pines and cypresses appeared about 3000 million years ago. In other words, amber, which is made of pine resin, is only 9500 million years old at the oldest.

And this amber is as high as 1 million years old. At that time, the earth did not have plants like pines and cypresses. It was not good. Where did the amber come from to form it for you!

Immediately afterwards, the second test result came out "Molecular structure: high-density polymer structure, the constituent materials are unknown, and no similar materials can be found in the database... This is a major scientific discovery, please upload it to the Imperial Academy of Physical Sciences immediately, you can get 3000 Discovery rewards of Ten Thousand Star Coins!"

"Damn!" Liunianfeng was shocked again, because it looked exactly the same as the amber in memory, there was no difference, so Liunianfeng instinctively thought it was a string of amber necklaces.It turns out that this thing is not amber, which can explain why this thing is 1 million years old.But a new problem came up again. Since this thing is not amber, what is it?
You must know that no one has received the reward for the discovery of new substances by the Imperial Academy of Physical Sciences for more than ten years, that is, no one has found new substances that have never been discovered by humans for more than ten years, and the result is like this The new substance unexpectedly appeared in Liunianfeng's hands.

Afterwards, Liunianfeng conducted various tests and looked up various specific data, and found that this amber is indeed a new substance. It seems that Liunianfeng can earn at least 3000 million star coins for the discovery award !
But at this time, Liu Nianfeng still has a doubt in his heart, that is this amber... It seems that what kind of insect is the insect sealed in the amber. Insects to match insects.

Just as Fleeting Maple was about to search for the information of this insect through database comparison, a stern alarm instantly resounded throughout the entire space carrier!

"Alert! Strong alert! A star beast reaction! A huge star beast reaction! Please prepare for battle immediately! Please prepare for battle immediately!"

"Alert! Strong alert! A star beast reaction! A huge star beast reaction! Please prepare for battle immediately! Please prepare for battle immediately!"

Such a dire alarm was constantly recalled in the entire space carrier, and Liu Nianfeng immediately left the experimental cabin.However, because the distance between the experimental cabin and the cockpit is quite far, when Liu Nianfeng arrived at the cockpit, Alice, Ning Hai and Pinghai were already waiting in the cockpit.

"Admiral! Where did you go? Why can't you be found in the admiral's cabin?" Alice rushed over and asked anxiously the first time Liu Nianfeng appeared.

"I'm swimming in the swimming pool..." Liu Nianfeng explained anxiously, but as soon as this sentence came out, Liu Nianfeng realized that he had said something wrong.All the positions of this Helicarrier are under the surveillance of Alice. It is impossible for Alice not to know if she is in the swimming pool, so that she will be exposed!
Seeing Alice's eyes full of confusion and incomprehension, Liu Nianfeng immediately knew that Alice had also reacted, took a deep breath and quickly said, "Okay! I shouldn't lie to you, but it's hard to say a few words about this matter. Clearly, when this problem is resolved, I will definitely give you a detailed answer.”

"Okay!" Alice replied quickly without being pretentious.

"Then can you tell me now? What happened? Why is there an alarm from a star beast? Could it be that a wormhole has opened nearby!" Liu Nianfeng asked anxiously.

"There are no wormholes!" Alice shook her head with a solemn face.

"There is no wormhole? Then where did the star beast alarm come from?" Liu Nianfeng was stunned for a moment. Qianjiexing is the core area of ​​human beings. It is impossible for a star beast to swim over swaggeringly, so the worm Holes are the only explanation for their presence here.

But now that Alice said that no wormhole was found, then Liu Nianfeng couldn't figure it out. Where did this star beast come from?
"It's right in front of us!" Alice said, pointing to Qian Jiexing outside the glass curtain wall. At this time, Liu Nianfeng could see that Qian Jiexing was trembling, as if it was about to explode.

Could it be that this star beast is hidden inside Qianjiexing! ! ! ! !

"Withdraw! Immediately withdraw, accelerate with all your strength, activate the soul of the ancient battleship, let's run away!!!" Liu Nianfeng immediately issued an order in great horror without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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