girl line

Chapter 179 Ruyi Golden Hoop... Mecha

Chapter 179 Ruyi Golden Hoop... Mecha

"Actually, I don't know much. This is one of the top secrets of the human empire. I just learned something about the generals from my master!" Gaifeng said slowly.

"It is said that in that empire, the most powerful sky-shattering mechas are not prehistoric-level sky-shattering mechas at all, but seven high-level civilizations. Gods sent civilization to human beings. Every god-level mecha All the mechas have the strength to single out monster-level star beasts. With the help of the fleet, they can even kill monster king-level star beasts. This is something that human sky-shattering mechas have not been able to achieve until now Level, and it is said that human beings' sky-shattering mecha technology was developed by imitating the general-level mecha."

"It is said that there are a total of twelve God General mechas, which are hidden on different planets in the Milky Way. So far, humans have found seven God General mechas, and there are five more that are hidden. Unexpectedly, there will be two Set up the mecha of the god general."

"Ahem! So that's the case!" Liu Nianfeng nodded, and then asked a little strangely, "But why did this god general civilization give us humans the god mecha? Only our human genes can drive it. Does it matter if this god will civilize us humans?"

"I don't know!" Gaifeng shook his head, "No one knows why the civilization of the gods will leave us with the civilization of the gods. Human beings have never had real contact with the civilization of the gods. Even the name of the civilization of the gods is given by us humans. Humans only know that the gods will leave the civilization of the twelve gods to us, and the gods will only be piloted by humans."

"Then is there any conspiracy or the like?" Liu Nianfeng looked at the two general mechas in front of him, and said with a little worry, things that were given away for nothing, and they didn't ask for anything in return, Liu Nianfeng always felt that this There is something tricky in it.

"For a high-level civilization, wanting to crush our human civilization is like killing a baby. If you really want to harm us humans, then just do it directly. Why bother?" Gaifeng shook his head "Besides It has been more than 2000 years since mankind found the first god general, and these seven god general mechas have helped mankind survive many catastrophes."

"By the way, you said that there were a total of seven god general mechas in the past, so where are these seven god general mechas now? Also, if the god general mechas have really saved human beings countless times, why did I post a question on the Internet? Have you never seen the mecha of a god general?" Liu Nianfeng asked in puzzlement.

"The god general mecha is bound to the blood of his first master, and only the descendants of his No.1 master's bloodline can drive the god general mecha, so now the god general mecha is in the family of the Seven Great Breaking Warriors Among them, every Potian Zhan Ji family has a god general mecha, but in order to conceal the secret of the god general civilization, they all say that it is a custom mecha specially made by their family!"

"It's just that apart from the founder of their family, the family is not as good as the next generation. If it weren't for the gods to support the mecha, they might not even be able to give birth to an ordinary legendary titled war girl." Gaifeng said lightly, His tone was full of disdain for the seven great families.

"Seven Heaven-breaking Fighting Princess Clans!" Liu Nianfeng was stunned for a moment. He did know that there were seven families in the human empire. The existence of the Zhan Ji family, even the government must be careful to deal with it.It is said that each of their families does not use several mechas that are common to humans, but uses their own family's custom-made sky-breaking mecha, which is the treasure of their family. From this point of view, that treasure is the one in front of my eyes. God will. "

"Wait, if you put it this way, wouldn't our two futures also be able to give birth to two Heaven-breaking Zhan Ji families, and these seven families will become nine families!" Liu Nianfeng said excitedly to Gai Feng beside him. Said.

"I'm not interested in bringing out any family!" Gai Feng shook his head and said.

"That's a pity!" Liu Nianfeng sighed, and immediately asked Gaifeng excitedly, "Then what should we do now? Do we want to recognize the Lord with blood?"

"Blood recognition? What does this mean?" Gaifeng glanced at Liu Nianfeng inexplicably, "As long as you enter the cockpit and drive this god general mecha for the first time, the god general will automatically complete the battle with your blood." Binding, there is no need to drop blood or anything."

"Oh... so... how do I get into the cockpit? I don't even have the key to the cockpit now, I can't open the floating ladder in the cockpit!" Liu Nianfeng said again.

"Take off your spacesuit! Put your hands on the general's body, feel the general's soul, and after getting the general's approval, you can enter the cockpit!" Gaifeng said slowly, while she He also put his hands on the body of the general.

In just one second, Hai Feng's figure instantly disappeared in front of Liu Nian Feng, as if he had teleported.

"Miss Haifeng! What's wrong with you? Where are you? Are you okay?" Liu Nianfeng was startled and asked loudly.

"It's okay, I'm already in the cockpit of the general..." The sound of Gale was heard in the hall, and the source of this sound came from the head of the high general. It seems that Gale has indeed entered the cockpit of the general. Inside the cockpit.

"Sure enough, it's high-tech! It's so cool to enter a cockpit!" Liu Nianfeng exclaimed excitedly, and imitating Gaifeng, he also put his hands on the general's body, and at the same time began to sense some illusory magic. General's soul.

A second has passed...

1 minute has passed...

10 minute has passed...

"Damn!" Liu Nianfeng reluctantly moved his hand away from the general's body, looked at the unresponsive mecha in front of him, and said to Haifeng, "Miss Haifeng, this mecha doesn't respond to me at all. Did I do something wrong?"

"Have you sensed the existence of the general's soul?" Gale's voice continued to come down from the sky.

"No! Nothing!" Liu Nianfeng shook his head and said.

"It doesn't make sense, unless it's an idiot with bad talent, he can sense the soul of a god general no matter how long it takes... It's the first time in your life that you can control the sky-shattering mech so proficiently, it means You are a one-in-a-kind genius. How can such a genius not feel the soul of a god general?" Gaifeng also muttered to himself in a puzzled way.

"Come on! I understand!" Haifeng didn't want to understand, but Liu Nianfeng had already figured it out.Because I am not a genius of the Heaven-shattering Jijia at all, I am only able to drive the Sky-shattering Mecha thanks to the help of the Eye of God, and my own talent in the Sky-shattering Mecha is useless, of course I can't sense the existence of this general.

"Could it be that I finally entered Baoshan, but I have to return empty-handed?" Looking at the god general who was motionless and unresponsive, Liu Nianfeng thought sadly.Why is my life so hard, such a precious god will be placed in front of me, but I can't get it... If I just leave like this, Gaifeng will definitely report this matter to the empire. The Taiwan God General has become the God General of other people, and has nothing to do with himself.

Thinking of this, Liu Nianfeng felt a severe pain in his heart, as if his things had been taken away by someone.

"No! I can't make others cheaper for nothing. Even if I can't use it, I have to use it for my own people!" Liu Nianfeng whispered to himself, "I have to find a way to bring this god general back, and I will hand it over to you in the future." Use it by my trustworthy Skybreaker... By the way, I might as well wait for myself and Alice to have a child, and then give it to my daughter or son to use, so that it can be regarded as the fertilizer flowing into my own field!"

"Yes! We must find a way to bring this god general back!" Liu Nianfeng said with clenched fists.

"Impossible! You can't do it!" Blast's voice came faintly from behind Liu Nianfeng, and Frightened Liu Nianfeng turned around, and saw Blast appeared by his side again.

"That Gale... why did you come out? Don't you stay in the cockpit for a while?" Liu Nianfeng said with some embarrassment.

"Because the sky-shattering mechas are all built by imitating the generals, there is no difference between the cockpit and the general sky-shattering mechas. They all look the same. I have completed the binding of the blood, and this god-general has already It's mine!" Gale said lightly.

"That's really congratulations... Congratulations..." Liu Nianfeng said sourly, this is really more popular than others, why is his fate so miserable.

"I heard what you said just now." Gaifeng said expressionlessly, "Until the blood binding is completed and the god general has his own master, he is absolutely unable to move, even if you move the entire planet, but this The god general is still unable to move..."

"How can you be sure that you can't haven't tried..." Liu Nianfeng whispered unwillingly.

"I really haven't tried it, but a human marshal has tried it. She used her power to push the entire planet to another orbit, but the god general still stayed in the original position, quietly Quietly suspended in the universe, let the marshal completely give up!"

"Haha! It's self-willed to have power!" Liu Nianfeng laughed dryly, but at the same time his heart became even more desperate. If what Gai Feng said was true, wouldn't he really be able to just watch this TV station helplessly? God will belong to everyone else.

"Hey! If only you could be as big or small as Monkey King's Golden Cudgel, it would be great if you could hide in my ears!" Looking at the mighty general in front of him, Liu Nianfeng sighed, He stroked the sole of the general's foot and said.

As a result, in the next second, under the witness of Liu Nianfeng and Gaifeng's eyes, the god general disappeared in an instant, leaving only an empty base standing there alone.

"Where is the general? Where did the general go?" Gai Feng rubbed his eyes and asked a little foolishly.It is really rare to see Haifeng showing such a silly expression.

"That... seems to be in my ear!" Liu Nianfeng touched his ear, and he could clearly feel a foreign object appearing in his ear, as if there was a meal of earwax.

"It seems that I have really become Monkey King!" Liu Nianfeng said with a wry smile.

(End of this chapter)

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