girl line

Chapter 188 The person who left

Chapter 188 The person who left

After leaving the office in Lexington, Fleeting Maple's new semester officially began.

Liu Nianfeng is still in class four, but when Liu Nianfeng enters the classroom, the eyes of the students in the whole classroom look at Liu Nianfeng completely different.Some people's eyes are full of worship, admiration and admiration for Liu Nianfeng, but some people's eyes are full of resentment towards Liu Nianfeng.

After all, most of the admirals in Class [-] are in the middle and lower ranks of the whole grade, and Liu Nianfeng, who is the number one in the whole grade, staying in this classroom will naturally cause dissatisfaction among some students.However, these dissatisfied people are still a minority after all, and most of them admire Liu Nianfeng.

Yes, there is nothing wrong with admiration, the number one in the whole grade plus his handsome face, Liu Nianfeng has become the most popular male god in the entire academy.As long as Liu Nianfeng hooks his fingers, I believe there will be a lot of girls who will fall under Liu Nianfeng's jeans... It's a pity that this doesn't make any sense to Liu Nianfeng.

But when Liu Nianfeng sat down, he was surprised to find that the seat next to him was empty. In the past, he was always the first to come to the classroom. When the class bell rang and Rifumi's homeroom teacher stepped onto the podium, Xu Yang still didn't show up.

As the beginning of the new semester, Rifumi naturally had to say a lot of clichés to encourage everyone to study hard. Of course, she also emphasized on Liu Nianfeng's achievement of the first grade in the grade.At the end, Rifumi's homeroom teacher suddenly showed a somewhat sad expression on his face, and at the same time announced to all the students, "Our good class leader Xu Yang from last semester applied to the teacher yesterday to transfer to Class [-] to study. Although the teacher is also very reluctant to part with Xu Yang, but this is Xu Yang's decision, so starting today, Xu Yang has left our fourth class."

"What! Xu Yang went to class six!"

"What are you doing! I remember the monitor told me before that she didn't like the competitive environment of Class [-]. She would never go to Class [-]. Why did it change after this semester?" The news announced by the head teacher caused an uproar in the whole class.

Xu Yang has a very good relationship in Class [-], and he is very good friends with many of his classmates, but looking at their surprised expressions, it is obvious that they only found out the news at this time, and Xu Yang did not tell any of his classmates about his transfer. Of course, no one knew the reason why Xu Yang wanted to change classes.

"Maybe it's because I lost to me!" Only Liu Nianfeng guessed something in the whole class.Because of Liu Nianfeng playing games, Xu Yang once looked down on Liu Nianfeng very much, and even said that Liu Nianfeng would never be able to defeat her in his life, but he was defeated by Liu Nianfeng in the grade exam, and he didn't even use the secret art of stars .

Xu Yang is actually a very proud person in her heart. After she lost to Liu Nianfeng, she naturally wanted to become stronger and defeat Liu Nianfeng again... and stay in the fourth class without any competition However, the progress that Xu Yang can make is undoubtedly very small, so Xu Yang chooses to go to Class Six, the class where the competition is extremely cruel, and wants to use this to quickly improve his own strength.

"Because Xu Yang has changed classes, the monitor position of our class is now vacant. I will announce that Liu Nianfeng is the new monitor of our class. Everyone..." Ri Fumei's class teacher hadn't finished speaking, and Fleeting Feng suddenly raised his hand, indicating that he had something to say.

"Student Liunianfeng? Do you have any questions?" Rifumi's homeroom teacher asked a little strangely.

"Mr. Rifumi, I'm very sorry. I may not be able to take the position of monitor, because I have to concentrate all my energy on study and training, so I will not be able to participate in many affairs of the class in the future. A monitor who cannot participate in class affairs is obviously unqualified Squad leader, so please allow me to refuse this acceptance." Liu Nianfeng said very resolutely.

"Okay!" Seeing Liu Nianfeng's resolute refusal, Rifumi had no choice but to choose another class monitor, that is, Heisimei Xia Shiyu, who had the No.2 overall score in the class.

It’s just something Rifumi didn’t expect, Xia Shiyu also stood up, and said very embarrassedly, “Teacher, I’m very sorry, this exam made me deeply feel that my theoretical knowledge is very weak, I want to work hard this semester. To improve my theoretical knowledge, the position of monitor is..."

Being rejected by two classmates in a row, the homeroom teacher Rifumi felt that he had no face, so he said a little forcefully, "Student Xia Shiyu, it's good that you want to improve your theoretical foundation, but class affairs are also very important. How will our class function if everyone is shirking responsibility like you do?"

"But I..." Xia Shiyu lowered her head with a very aggrieved look on her face.

"Let's do this!" Seeing Xia Shiyu's appearance, Ri Fumi thought for a while and said, "Well, since you want to improve your theoretical knowledge, you can seek help and guidance from Liu Nianfeng. Liu Nianfeng It’s because the theory test is the second in the whole grade, so it’s more than enough to help you with the theory... Besides, Xu Yang, who is at the same table as Liu Nianfeng, just left our class, so you should sit next to Liu Nianfeng now, and the two of you will become friends Help the object, let Liu Nianfeng tutor your theoretical knowledge."

"And you, Liu Nianfeng. Since you just rejected the position of class monitor, you have to take corresponding responsibilities. You should tutor Xia Shiyu's theoretical knowledge well. It's such a happy decision!"

Hence, Xia Shiyu became Liu Nianfeng's new tablemate under the order of Rifumei's class teacher...Liu Nianfeng didn't dislike this, after all, Xia Shiyu's pair of beautiful black legs was Liu Nianfeng's life. The most perfect pair of Heisi's legs, sitting with such a Heisi girl, does not seem to be an unacceptable thing.


The first day of school ended like this, Liu Nianfeng returned to his room a little tired, after finishing dinner, he plunged into the game world of "Stars" immediately, and then quickly met with two brutal class The AI ​​fights like crazy.

It had been nearly a month since he had fought in "Stars", so Liu Nianfeng felt that his strength seemed to have dropped a lot, and his battle performance against the two cruel AIs was not as good as it was a month ago.

It is worth mentioning that in the game world of "Stars", Liu Nianfeng cannot use the mode of God's Eye to fight, because exercising one's fighting instinct must be exercised through self-awareness.In a state where instinct and self-awareness are separated like the Eye of God, it is impossible to have any exercise effect.

After six hours of uninterrupted fighting, Liu Nianfeng felt that he had lost a lot of fighting instinct in a month and finally returned to the state of a month ago, but Liu Nianfeng's spirit fell into an extremely exhausted state. state.

"Liu Nian Bai Tian, ​​I haven't seen you for a month, do you miss me?" While resting in the preparation room, Liu Nianfeng began to tease his NPC starship girl again, saying that Liu Nianfeng hadn't seen her for a month This NPC starship girl is gone.

What makes Liunian Feng feel a little strange is that this Fleeting Baitian seems to be different from the previous Fleeting Baitian. The previous Fleeting Baitian possessed a faint spirituality like a living person. Feng said a few words.But now, Fleeting Years and Baitian have a rigid look throughout the whole process, without any aura in it.

"Hey!" Liu Nianfeng felt sad several times in his heart. For some reason, when he looked at Liu Nian Baitian who had lost his aura of the past, he thought of Liu Zhuangtian who had also gone away. He said that the name Liu Nian Baitian was to encourage himself Obtained by defeating Liu Zhuangtian.

Now Liu Zhuangtian has been defeated, but Fleeting Years Baitian has also disappeared.

"Come on! I really read too many novels, and I actually feel sad for an npc!" Liu Nianfeng smiled self-deprecatingly, and left the preparation room directly.

The following time passed in a somewhat peaceful way. In order to prepare for the midterm exam three months later, besides attending classes and practicing, Liu Nianfeng devoted all his time to the game cabin, and even Alice and the others seldom Meet each other, at most every day when you go to school and eat, say a few words about yourself, and then rush into class and games.

But even after reaching this point, Liu Nianfeng still deeply feels that his improvement is not enough. Two cruel AIs can still beat Liu Nianfeng to the ground. What's more painful is that since the first grade , Liu Nianfeng never fought against von Hindenburg again, so that now Liu Nianfeng doesn't even know how far he is from von Hindenburg.

At such a critical juncture, the new classmate of Liu Nianfeng suddenly asked Liu Nianfeng angrily after class one day, "Student Liu Nianfeng, when will you be free to help me with theoretical knowledge?"

"This... in a few days, I will definitely help you with tutoring in a few days!" Liu Nianfeng, who was blocked by Xia Shiyu in the desk, could only say helplessly. Of course, this was just to deal with Xia Shiyu. How could Feng have time to tutor Xia Shiyu?

"Hmph! You lied to me like this three days ago, and you're going to lie to me like this three days later. Do you take me to heart?" Xia Shiyu said even more dissatisfied.

"Funny...why should I care about are not my starship girl..." Of course Liu Nianfeng couldn't say it directly, but just complained silently in his heart, and then said with a smile, "this time I won't lie to you, I will definitely help you with tutoring in a few days!"

"No! I want it now!" When Xia Shiyu was speaking, she suddenly lifted her right foot up, and that beautiful, round and beautiful foot wrapped in black thoughts stepped on Liu Nianfeng's belly.

"I'll help you with tutoring! Can't I just help you with tutoring today!" Liu Nianfeng said with a wry smile, he lost to this Xia Shiyu.

(End of this chapter)

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