girl line

Chapter 191 The Second Game Quota

Chapter 191 The Second Game Quota

"What's wrong today? Why does it feel like you've improved so much!" When Liu Nianfeng came out of the game room in the early morning of the next day, he touched his head in surprise and said.During the six-hour battle with the brutal AI just now, Liu Nianfeng was surprised to find that his fighting instinct had been greatly improved.

Although this improvement is only ten seconds longer under the siege of two brutal AIs, it is already a huge improvement. You must know that the last few nights, Liu Nianfeng only improved by a second or two at most. time only.For one or two nights, Liu Nianfeng didn't even make any progress, but regressed for a second or two. He had never improved ten seconds in one go like this night.

"Why is this?" Liu Nianfeng scratched his head and thought for a while, but still didn't understand, so he simply didn't want to go to sleep.

The next day, after Liu Nianfeng finished his combat training with von Hindenburg, he took von Hindenburg to find the grove yesterday, and found that York John was still there controlling the 1387th A dark force out of control.

"York! Don't struggle anymore. Dassault's power is not something you can resist. Join the Glorious Darkness!" Like yesterday, Liu Nianfeng once again jumped out and said to York John.

"Haha! The lackey of the devil, I knew you would come today. But this time I will not lose to you again. I have already obtained the supreme book of light. Let my light end your darkness! "York John took out a copy of "Star Warship Pilot Basics" from his bag and sang.

"You who are brighter than the sun, brighter than the day, your great presence in the sea of ​​chaos, O golden king of light, I hereby appeal to you, here I swear to you, for those who stand in my way, All the stupid things, gather your strength and give them the same purification: Great Light Purification Technique!"

"Ah! You actually... you have the Book of Light... ah... I'm dead..." Liu Nianfeng let out a series of screams, and then fell to the ground, as if he was really dead.

"Hahaha! Light has defeated darkness again, and justice is invincible!" Seeing Liu Nianfeng's death, York John wiped his nose handsomely and said.

However, York John's handsomeness did not last for a few seconds. Liu Nianfeng suddenly stood up holding his chest, and at the same time praised him very devoutly, "Thanks to the supreme Dassault Demon King! Thank you for your power to resurrect me, And give me a more powerful power of darkness!"

Liu Nianfeng took out his "Admiral's Professional Glossary" again, read a brand-new middle two line in a hurry, and finally shouted, "Come and feel the brand-new power that Lord Demon King bestowed on me! Starburst Airflow Slash! "

"I'll be back!" In the end, the darkness won again, York John ran away again, and Liu Nianfeng couldn't straighten up laughing again.

"Mentally retarded!" This time, von Hindenburg never had any more sex with Liu Nian Feng, and just left.And that night, Liu Nianfeng was also pleasantly surprised to find that his fighting time had been extended by about nine seconds.

In the next few days, Liu Nianfeng would go to the grove every day to find York John to play this favorite game, and York John would appear in front of Liu Nian Feng without missing a single time, starting a thrilling game The battle of darkness and light.It's just that under the deliberate control of Liu Nianfeng, every time it ended with York John's escape.

Although von Hindenburg was extremely displeased with such games, von Hindenburg still watched the secondary school games between the two when he was still with Fleeting Maple, until the third week of school, he would So it went, when Liu Nianfeng was in class one day, teacher Ri Fumei, the head teacher, suddenly put a brand new card in front of Liu Nianfeng.

"This is the unbound identification card for "Stars"!" Liu Nianfeng recognized the card in front of him at a glance. The reason is very simple, because Liu Nianfeng uses this card to log in to the game every night.

"That's right!" Mrs. Rifumi nodded and said, "This is a reward for you. It's a reward for your grade No.1 in the last grade joint exam."

"Oh!" Only then did Liu Nianfeng remember that as the No.1 in the grade entrance examination, there is indeed a reward for a "Star" special identification card.For example, the card that Liu Nianfeng is using now was given to him by Liu Zhuangtian, who has won the first place in the grade... Thinking of this, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help feeling a little guilty.Without Liu Zhuantian's special identification card, it would be absolutely impossible for him to defeat Liu Zhuantian.

But now that Liu Zhuangtian has left, I have no chance to return this special identification card to her, and I don't even have the chance to say thank you to her face to face.


After finishing the battle with von Hindenburg in a hurry here, and dealing with York John by the way, Liu Nianfeng quickly returned to his dormitory. bought a brand new simulated game cabin, and at the same time rushed all his starship girls to the lobby of the dormitory, put this identity card and the game cabin together, coughed and said, "cough cough, tell everyone This matter, Admiral, I got No.1 in the last grade entrance examination, so I was rewarded with a "Star" special identification card."

"Everyone knows that I already have such an identification card, and I train in the game every day, so of course this special identification card is for you. It's just that the number is limited, and there is only one. Among you If you are interested in entering the game, let me have a look."

Although Liu Nianfeng would like to say that everyone uses this identification card in turn, the problem is that this card can only be bound to one person's DNA. Once bound, other people can no longer use it. A starship girl got the right to use this identification card.

"..." The entire dormitory hall fell into a brief silence. After looking at each other for a few seconds, the six starship girls of Liu Nianfeng raised their right hands almost at the same time, shouting loudly, "I want it! I want!"

Among them, Xi Yue'er was probably the one who called out the most intensely. She stared at the special identification card frantically, just like a tigress in the period of giving a piano, staring at the special identification card. If anyone dares to compete with her, she will drive desperately with him.

It is almost every student's dream to be able to play games freely and aboveboard in school.So the fanaticism shown by the other starship girls is only slightly lower than that of Xi Yue'er. In their hearts, their enthusiasm for this game identification card is almost the same.

"Minister! Hongyu! Sister Haman! Cute Pinghai Ninghai, just give me this identification card, and I will buy you delicious food every day from now on!" Xi Yueer took the lead in talking to the other starships. The girls went on the offensive.

"No! The most delicious thing in this world is steamed buns. Apart from steamed stuffed buns and games, Pinghai and Ninghai don't want anything!" Pinghai and Ninghai, who usually looked carefree, were the first to reject Xiyue'er.

"Haman is really good at playing games! Haman is a super master of the silver rank in "Stars"! Harman will never give up this opportunity to anyone!" Harman, the master of the silver rank, said unceremoniously .

"Many of my good friends from high school are in the game, I hope to meet them more times!" Hongyu also shook her head and rejected Xiyue'er's solicitation.

"Xiyue'er, it's not that the minister refuses to agree to you, it's just that your recent theory test scores have dropped again. For your own good, the minister can only ban you from playing games!" Even Xiyue'er's last hope, Alice didn't care. He mercilessly rejected Xi Yue'er.

The charm of the game "Stars" was unexpected. Not only was Hill Yue rejected, but all the starship girls wanted to get this unique game identification card. Even Alice, who usually showed a deep queen spirit, This time, he seemed to have lost his reserve and showed a strong fanaticism. When the six starship girls were about to have a fierce dispute, Liu Nianfeng, who was watching from the sidelines, finally spoke again.

"It seems that everyone wants this card, but there is one thing I didn't say just now." Liu Nianfeng touched his chin, "If you think that you can enter the game and play freely with this card, you are very wrong. Yes. Everyone knows that my goal is to get the No.1 result in the mid-term exam in more than two months, and even strive to be able to take the national college entrance examination in April next year. At that time, not only my strength will be needed, but everyone will be tested own power."

"So after entering the game, you are not allowed to play with other players. You must practice with me against the cruel AI. If you participate in the player confrontation mode without my permission, then I will not only take back this card card, and punish her for copying the "Huang Di Nei Dan Jing" ten times a day with me!" Liu Nian Feng said quietly.

The result was obvious. After Liu Nianfeng stated his conditions, the entire game lobby fell into silence again.After living with Liu Nianfeng for a period of time, all the starship girls clearly knew how miserable and abused Liu Nianfeng was in the game. The feeling of being abused over and over again made none of them want to Go experience it once.

But it is precisely because of this that every starship girl instinctively admires Liu Nianfeng.Being able to persist in this kind of self-abuse training method, Liu Nianfeng is indeed an absolutely qualified star admiral who deserves the respect of each of them.

It's just that it is absolutely impossible for such training to fall on oneself.

Thinking of the punishment of copying tens of thousands of characters of the "Huang Di Nei Dan Jing" once they escaped from training, all the starship girls couldn't help but shudder a few times.

"Okay, let me ask again, who wants this special identification card now?" Liu Nianfeng asked again, but it was different from the fiery atmosphere just now, this time no starship girl took the initiative to raise it. own right hand.

"Is there no one?" Liu Nianfeng's face became a little ugly.

Seeing Liu Nianfeng's face, Alice on the side sighed, and was about to raise her hand to respond to Liu Nianfeng, so as not to make her beloved's look too ugly, Haman, who was the shortest at the side, suddenly raised his own right hand.

"I'll give it to you!" Liu Nianfeng made a final decision, and handed over the identification card and the game cabin to Haman who seemed a little at a loss and didn't know why he raised his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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