girl line

Chapter 201 Revenge

Chapter 201 Revenge
[Garbage anchor, are you going to broadcast today or not! 】

[That is, we want to watch the madman of Peking University, but don't watch you keep sending messages! 】

[Please, people obviously don't want to talk to you, stop being sentimental, and go to sleep earlier! 】

Seeing such impatient bullet screens constantly drifting across the screen, the prodigal son also became a little impatient.

After yesterday's battle, the prodigal son was ruthlessly surprised to find that many game media actually reported yesterday's battle, although what annoyed the prodigal son was that he appeared as a villain.

But I have to admit that the prodigal son's ruthless popularity has risen a lot. When the prodigal son started the live broadcast today, he was shocked to find that his live broadcast room had reached tens of thousands of simultaneous online viewers within an hour.

But what made the prodigal son Wuqing desperate was that these newcomers kept brushing the barrage in the barrage asking the prodigal son to continue to challenge the madman of Peking University.And told the prodigal son Wuqing very clearly that he came to see the madman of Peking University. If the prodigal son couldn't do it and couldn't find a way to ask the madman of Peking University to fight, then they would leave immediately.

Some viewers even said that as long as the prodigal son Wuqing can invite the madman from Peking University, they can reward the prodigal son Wuqing with a star.

Such generous conditions, coupled with the fact that the prodigal son Wuqing was already thinking about how to get revenge on Liu Nianfeng, so the prodigal son Wuqing took the initiative to call his cousin York John.The prodigal son's ruthless idea is very simple. His cousin is No.1 in the entrance examination for freshmen of Zhiyuan Starship Girls Academy. With her help, he will surely be able to easily defeat that damn madman from Peking University.

So after getting his cousin's consent, the prodigal son ruthlessly changed the name of his room to "Battle of Revenge·Look at My Violent Peking University Madman", which is an attractive title, and soon the popularity of the room rose to 2 degree.What made the prodigal son Wuqing almost desperate was that in two hours, the prodigal son sent more than 2000 messages, but the madman at Peking University still ignored him.

Seeing the audience in the room drop from 2 to 1, and when the prodigal son wanted to give up the live broadcast in despair, his long-awaited reply finally came.

"Haven't you been tortured enough by me?" The reply from the madman of Peking University was simple and crisp.

"I admit that I'm not your opponent, but this time I'm going to play double row with you, do you have the guts to accept it?" The prodigal son typed back ruthlessly, gritting his teeth.

"Yes, yes, but this is the last time. From now on, you are not allowed to bother me again... Forget it, I will delete your friend directly when the time comes!" The madman of Peking University replied.

"Don't be complacent, you will lose this time!" Seeing such an arrogant reply from the madman of Peking University, the madman of the prodigal son immediately began to invite his sister York John, and soon a player named "Holy Bright Brave" He joined the team of prodigal sons and madmen.

【I said how dare the prodigal son still challenge the madman of Peking University, so he found a helper! 】

[Wait, why does the name of this Holy Bright Brave look so familiar?Seems like I've seen it somewhere? 】

[I also seem to have seen this name somewhere, it looks very familiar indeed! 】

[I remembered that this brave man of the Holy Light seemed to have participated in the Qingzhou star region's strongest star heavy cruiser challenge three months ago, won the No.1 result of our Zhiyuan star, and later represented our Zhiyuan star in the entire Qingzhou Star District got the top 36 results, it can be regarded as a very strong master! 】

[Tsk tsk, this is estimated to be at least a gold rank in the game, which can only be achieved!Unexpectedly, this prodigal son Wuqing would recognize such a master. He really underestimated him before! 】

Not to mention that there was a lot of discussion in the bullet screen about the "Holy Bright Brave". At this time, the battle rooms for both sides had been set up, and the players of both sides had also been determined.On one side is the combination of the ruthless prodigal son + the holy light and the brave man, and on the other side is the combination of the madman of Peking University + the English style song.

"What's your plan for the battle rules? Is it two wins in three games or one win in one game?" During the preparation time before the start of the battle, the madman of Peking University directly asked the prodigal son ruthlessly.


"One game, one win..." The prodigal son originally wanted to say that he won two out of three games, so that he could experience the joy of torturing the madman of Peking University twice, but the holy bright brave man on the side replied first.York John's idea is very simple, that is, to end this boring battle as quickly as possible. She really doesn't want to waste time with her useless cousin.

"What about the star warships? What type of star warships are we using?" the madman from Peking University asked again.

"I use the star destroyer! My sister uses the star heavy cruiser!" This time the prodigal son replied ruthlessly, he was afraid that York John would not use his most skilled star heavy cruiser.

"Well, I will use the star heavy cruiser, and my sister will use the star destroyer!" The madman of Peking University replied readily, and this battle began like this. Interested players spread among the players, and soon a large number of players frantically poured into the prodigal son's ruthless live broadcast room.When entering the battlefield, the total number of people in the live broadcast room had exceeded 3.


"Let's search separately and find the opponent's position as quickly as possible!" After the battle began, York John said ruthlessly to the prodigal son directly.

"But sister...wouldn't this be a little too dangerous..." The prodigal son hesitated immediately, and he couldn't help but said with lingering fear when he remembered the scene where he was bombarded and killed by the opponent in the ninth battle.

"It's okay, your star destroyer is much faster than the star heavy cruiser. After you find out his location, it's enough to stay out of his range. I will rush over to help you right away!" York John He sighed and replied, even my brother couldn't understand such a simple question, so I had to explain it myself, which shows how useless my brother is.

"Okay!" After listening to York John's explanation ruthlessly, the prodigal son felt that it was very reasonable, so he mustered up the courage to separate from York John and began to search for the other party's location separately.

Not to mention the result, the prodigal son's ruthless luck was really good. After five or six minutes, the prodigal son's ruthless radar successfully found a lone star destroyer.It seems that the opponent's decision-making is the same as his own, and the two warships search for each other's location separately.

"Good sister! I found the location of their star destroyer. I have fought her nine times. She is not my opponent at all. I can go up and destroy her easily!" The prodigal son said to York John ruthlessly.

"Just keep your distance, don't act rashly, wait until I come over before you do it!" York John immediately refused.

"Okay..." The prodigal son agreed with his ruthless mouth, but he was a little bit unwilling in his heart.The prodigal son ruthlessly knows the strength of the Scottish style song very well. The other party is indeed a real rookie. The prodigal son is ruthless and confident to defeat her, but he did not expect that his sister would not let him do it.

"No! I can't miss such a good opportunity, otherwise I will look too useless in front of my sister, and it just happens to let my sister see my skills, and know that I am not useless as an older brother!" Thinking of York John's words to himself With a disdainful attitude, a flame burst out in the prodigal son's heartless heart.

Ever since, our prodigal son ruthlessly threw aside York John's instructions, and began to kill Haman with his teeth and claws.

Haman didn't seem to have expected the appearance of the prodigal son, and after the surprise firefight, the prodigal son quickly gained the advantage of the battle damage rate, knocking out 30% of the battle damage rate, but he was unscathed.

Seeing that he was invincible, Haman ran away without hesitation.Naturally, the prodigal son could not let go of the prey that had already reached his mouth, and directly bit Haman's tail and chased after him.

Just when the prodigal son sneered and was about to end Haman, a meteorite suddenly passed by the star battleship of the prodigal son, and the prodigal son suddenly thought of the scene that impressed him yesterday, and his heart immediately tugged together.

"No! He won't be hiding behind this meteorite!" The prodigal son comforted himself ruthlessly, and then he was sent to the sky by Liunianfeng's torpedo. The way, died in the hands of Liu Nianfeng again.

"The star warship of your teammate, the prodigal son's ruthless, has been destroyed. The destroyer is the madman of Peking University. Now you are the only one left on the battlefield!" York John, who was sailing towards the prodigal son's ruthless position, soon received such a message information.

"This idiot... tell him not to act rashly!" York John said with a cold face. Although the prodigal son was destroyed and he was the only one left on the battlefield, York John didn't have much panic .York John believed that with his own ability and the star heavy cruiser he controlled, it would not be too difficult for him to fight against two. Maybe without the burden of the ruthless prodigal son, it would be more worry-free for him a little.

"What? Don't plan to escape, plan to attack me head-on?" When York John resisted the nearby area that was ruthlessly destroyed by the prodigal son, York John's radar clearly showed the position of the opponent's two star warships .

"If you want to fight, I will fight with you!" York John's emotions gradually became excited, and she didn't like to play any tricks by nature. Face to face like this is York John's favorite way of fighting.

The range of the star heavy cruiser driven by York John and Fleeting Maple is 12 kilometers, and when the distance between the two reaches this range limit, the two sides launched a salvo at the same time, and then the shells fired at the same time. It landed near the two battleships. Although the two made various evasive actions, one shell landed on the opponent's battleship in the end, and each caused only 4% battle damage to the opponent.

"This is a well-matched opponent! (This is a well-matched opponent!)" At the moment of receiving the result, Liu Nianfeng and Yorke John sighed at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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