girl line

Chapter 204 The Last Step

Chapter 204 The Last Step

"Messenger of the devil, I have emptied all the toxins in your body, and the devil can no longer control your will and soul! Come, join me, and launch the final attack on the evil devil!" York John excited He stretched out his jaded hands in front of Liu Nianfeng, just like many classic scenes in anime.

"Crack!" Liu Nianfeng stretched out his hand suddenly, and grabbed York John's palm.At the moment when Liu Nianfeng's hand was held, York John felt that his head suddenly became dizzy inexplicably, as if a stream of electricity was being transmitted to his body through Liu Nianfeng's hand.

"This is electricity magic! Could it be that this is the legendary electricity magic that has been lost?" York John said to himself in a daze.

At this time, the combat rhythm suit that was originally attached to Liu Nianfeng also involuntarily began to swell, reflecting the muscle lines of Liu Nianfeng's body, and Liu Nianfeng's whole body seemed to grow a circle.

"What's wrong with you? Could it be that the magic power conflicted in your body?" At this moment, York John also realized that something was wrong. The atmosphere in the whole room became completely different, as if some very dangerous beast was attacking Fleeting Maple. formed in the body.

"It seems that this must be the case! I was too careless. There was a huge conflict between the bright evolution pill and the power of the devil in your body, so you are afraid that the magic power in your body has accumulated in your body! No way! You must find a way to dispel the conflicting magic power in your body, otherwise your life will be over! I must find the conflicting place of magic power in your body as soon as possible!" York John said to himself, and then started Looked up and down Fleeting Feng's body.

As a result, it didn't take even a second for York John to successfully find the place where the magic power accumulated in Liunianfeng's body: Obviously, at this time, a certain position of the combat rhythm suit on Liunianfeng was constantly repeating The change of swelling and shrinking, as if something is trying its best to break through the shackles of the combat rhythm suit.

"That's right! This is the place where the magic power collides, and I found it!" A sense of surprise flashed across York John's heart, and he grabbed it with both hands without hesitation in the next second, grasping the cause that was constantly growing larger. Hold it firmly in your hand.

Well, this feel is extremely hard. It seems that the conflict of magic power has reached a very terrifying level. I must find a way to release too much magic power.

It's just that York John hasn't figured out how to resolve the situation in front of him. Fleeting Maple, which has been completely turned into a beast because of some special parts being touched, landed on York John's body with a crash.

"I'll hit!" The blond girl followed the example of another girl, and punched Liu Nianfeng directly on the head. Liu Nianfeng was hit so hard that her whole body froze, and the next second the blond girl Saved York John, who had become naked and stupid.


"How is Hongyu? Has this little girl's body been violated??" Seeing Hongyu coming out of the guest room, Alice, who was sitting on the sofa worried, immediately jumped out and asked.

"Don't worry! Her window paper is still there!" Hongyu gave Alice a comforting look, "You went in very timely. If you were a few seconds late, I'm afraid all the things that shouldn't have happened will happen. Then our admiral will really be abolished."

"Where is Admiral? Admiral, what is he doing now? he still in the state of a man-eating beast?" Alice looked at Xi Yue'er beside her again and asked.

"Yeah!" Xi Yue'er nodded, but immediately said, "Miss Miyuki has already gone in. Before going in, she told me that she would help the admiral get back to normal even if she tried her best not to use her mouth!"

"This Kujo's a good deal for her..." Hearing Xiyue'er say this, the worried expression on Alice's face finally disappeared, but at the same time, a little jealous expression appeared on her face... Her own The admiral hadn't eaten yet, but was preempted by an exclusive maid instead.

"Sister Alice! What does Kujo Miyuki mean? What does she have to do with her mouth when she helped the admiral return to his original state? Could it be possible that the admiral who has completely lost his mind can be restored to normal just by reciting a few words? ??" Sitting aside, Haman, who was originally listless and worried, suddenly asked Alice curiously.


"Okay, now that the conditions of these two people have stabilized, then we have to find out what happened in the admiral's room? Why did an extra woman come out inexplicably? And the admiral didn't care about himself What's going on here?" Alice asked, frowning.

Today's matter is too serious. If she can't figure out what's going on here, Alice may not even be able to sleep.

"I can provide some information!" Hearing Alice's question, Hongyu immediately said, "I know this girl, her name is York John, she is No.1 in this year's first-year freshmen exam, and she also participated in the opening ceremony on behalf of all the freshmen. , so I am deeply impressed by her, and I will not admit my mistake."

"York John!" Alice said after recalling for a while, "I remembered that the admiral once told me that he often played some small games with a starship girl named York John a while ago. But recently The admiral hasn't been looking for that York John anymore because he has less and less training time."

"By the way, I found this thing in her clothes!" Hongyu took out a small blue medicine bottle, and poured out a small blue pill from it.

"What is this?" Xi Yue'er grabbed it in her hand, and at the same time pushed it down her nostrils, wanting to smell the little blue pill.

"There is such a thing in the world!" Hearing Hongyu's words, Xi Yue'er was startled.If I had really sniffed a few times just now, God knows if I would have danced the Douyi on the spot.

"Then things have been clarified now. It must be this York John who sneaked into the admiral's room and then fed the admiral the power of the people. That's why it's like this!" Alice said thoughtfully. .

"I figured it out too!" Xi Yue'er slapped her hands vigorously, "Our admiral is so handsome, this York John must have fallen in love with our admiral while playing games. As a result, our admiral only I like Minister Alice, and then I took the initiative to abandon this woman, so this woman resorted to dangerous tactics, using this method to get the admiral's body and the admiral's love at the same time!"

"Hmm! My guess must be right, that's how it's played in those TV dramas!" Xi Yue'er said confidently.

"Get your head! She made such a move, she will definitely be sent to prison, and she will be locked up for at least 30 years, where can she get the love of the admiral?" Alice rolled her eyes at Xi Yueer and said .

"Uh... That's because love breeds hatred, and while destroying herself, she must also destroy the admiral!" Xi Yue'er immediately reacted, and said quickly.

"It's still impossible! She doesn't need to do this at all, because none of us can have a substantial relationship with the admiral. She can only eat some vinegar, but she doesn't have to worry that the admiral will belong to any of us. She doesn't need to use such a violent way to solve the problem, this is not a decision that a person who has taken the first place in the freshman exam can make."

Alice pondered for a while, then shook her head and rejected Xi Yueer's guess again, and at the same time walked into York John's room.

(End of this chapter)

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