girl line

Chapter 219 Unstoppable

Chapter 219 Unstoppable
In the eyes of everyone's attention, the third round of actual combat exams finally started. Of course, at the beginning, there were ten battles that were randomly matched.But this time, Liu Nianfeng was lucky and didn't meet any acquaintances, so he didn't have to worry about hindering his friends from advancing, and ranked among the top 64 with an impeccable record of all ten victories.

In the subsequent battles of the top 64 and the top 32, Liu Nianfeng continued his previous luck, and met some irrelevant admirals. Although these admirals all had advanced fighting instincts, they had already defeated two brutal ships. AI, in front of Liunianfeng who was already challenging the four brutal AI ships, these people's advanced fighting instincts were useless, and they fell into the hands of Liunianfeng very simply and neatly, just like those in the game who lost in the ranking battle It was the same for Fleeting Maple's players.

Of course, in order not to make his achievements too eye-catching, Liu Nianfeng kept the battle time to about 15 minutes.

However, when the round of 16 began, Liu Nianfeng was not as lucky as before. He met his first acquaintance, that is, Xu Yang who got the first grade in the theory test this time.

"I didn't expect the two of us to meet here!" Liu Nianfeng said in embarrassment when he saw Xu Yang glaring at him in the lounge.

"That's right! The last time was in the top 32, but this time it's already in the top 16... You don't know how much I look forward to this day, how scared I am of this day!" Xu Yang looked Looking at Fleeting Maple, he bit his lip and said.

"I hope I can understand, you want to seek revenge from me... But what does it mean to be afraid? Are you afraid that you will lose to me?" Liu Nianfeng asked curiously.

"No! I'm afraid I won't meet you, I'm afraid you'll be defeated by von Hindenburg before you meet me, and I'm even more afraid that you'll be defeated by von Hindenburg and me before you are defeated Others!" Xu Yang replied.

"...So, you think you've already decided on me!" Liu Nianfeng sighed.

"No! I just hope to be worthy of the most painful three months in my life!" Having said that, Xu Yang took a deep breath, and finally said openly, "Come on, use your strongest strength, I want Use a real battle to wash away the humiliation I suffered three months ago!"

"That's it..." Liu Nianfeng glanced at Xu Yang's flushed cheeks full of fighting spirit, and couldn't help feeling scared in his heart.He wasn't afraid that he would fail, but he was afraid that if Xu Yang lost again this time, with her sharp-edged character, she would do some more excessive things to him.

"What if you lose again this time? What will you do?" After hesitating for a while, Liu Nianfeng still couldn't help asking.

Liu Nianfeng asked this question out of good intentions, but what Liu Nianfeng didn't expect was that this sentence seemed to hit Xu Yang's G-spot. Xu Yang became more irritable and said loudly, "If I still lose this time Now, then I will admit that I, Xu Yang, are not as good as you. From now on, when I see you shy away from me, if I must meet, I will kneel on the ground and kowtow to you to admit my mistake. Now you are satisfied!"

"..." Liu Nianfeng touched the sweat on his forehead and said, "Forget it, as long as you don't torture yourself, the two of us are at the same table anyway. You also helped me a lot. I really don't want to hurt you !"

This is Liu Nianfeng's big truth, he really doesn't want to hurt this lovely tablemate.It's a pity that good luck tricks people, and I and Xu Yang seem to be going further and further on the road of love, resentment and hatred.

"Hmph! Let's wait until you win before talking such big words!" With a wave of Xu Yang's hand, the two retreated from the preparation room at the same time and entered the starry sky.

"Fleeing Years, do you think I should use all my strength to defeat her lightly and simply, or just like last time, pretend to fight with her for a while and then defeat her, giving her a decent defeat?" In the cabin, Liu Nianfeng looked at the NPC starship girl beside her and asked to herself, but obviously, it was impossible for this NPC girl to give Liu Nianfeng any answer.

"Forget it! Defeat her thoroughly, let her understand the gap between her and me, then, she won't torture herself anymore!" Liu Nianfeng smiled wryly, and finally made a decision in his heart.

Although Xu Yang had trained extremely hard in the past three months, how could she be the opponent of Liu Nianfeng who is now cheating, especially when Liu Nianfeng decided to show her true level without concealing it, Xu Yang would Totally tragic.

At 4 minutes and 56 seconds after the start of the battle, Xu Yang, who was still looking for Liu Nianfeng, heard the shrill siren from the star warship. Liu Nianfeng's star warship had already come out from a very tricky position.When Xu Yang finally adjusted the position of his battleship and faced Liu Nianfeng head-on, Liu Nianfeng's first salvo had already bombarded Xu Yang's battleship.

Then there is no more.

Xu Yang's cockpit was directly hit by Liu Nianfeng, and the entire Star Warship didn't even have a decent counterattack, it was already turned into fireworks in the universe by Liu Nianfeng, and the entire battle took only 5 minutes and 11 minutes. In just seconds, it became the fastest battle since the start of the top 64 battle.


"My God! This Xu Yang is so trash. In vain, I still have some expectations for her. I think she won No.1 in the theory test, and she might become a blockbuster. Even if she can't beat Liu Nianfeng, at least she can be with Liu Nianfeng." Fighting for two, three, and 10 minutes. I didn't expect it to be so useless, and I was defeated in 5 minutes!" Some starship girls in the stands said disdainfully.

"Yes! Yes! It's really rubbish, is it completely trash!" Most of the starship girls are short-sighted, they only saw how quickly Xu Yang lost, but they didn't see Liu Nian Feng's victory How decisive.

The failure of this battle was not at all on Xu Yang's body. It was only because Liu Nianfeng, who had exerted his full strength, was too strong. He was as strong as a monster.

So most of the audience started to sneer at Xu Yang, only some Starship Girls and Admiral Xingchen looked at Liu Nianfeng cautiously in horror.During the battle just now, they suddenly felt somewhat familiar with Liu Nianfeng.

"Tsk tsk! Has this Liunianfeng's strength developed to this point! Does he look a bit like Liu Zhuangtian now?" On the rostrum, Lexington also looked at Liunianfeng with a serious expression.In the beginning, she promised Liu Nianfeng to give him the chance to take the college entrance examination next year, but in fact, she was just teasing Liu Nianfeng.

At that time, Lexington thought that Lian Nianfeng's progress was nothing more than getting a place in the school's college entrance examination. Once he met top candidates from other new districts, he would fail of course. It is an unattainable existence.

But when Lexington saw Liu Nianfeng's full strength, this idea began to waver, because at this time Lexington must be able to find Liu Zhuangtian's shadow on Liu Nianfeng, and Lexington has been I think that as long as Liu Zhuangtian has this idea, the top scorer in the college entrance examination is nothing more than a bag for Liu Zhuantian.

"This kid...could it really be possible to achieve this unprecedented achievement!" Lexington murmured to himself with his head lowered. If Liu Nianfeng can really win the first place in the college entrance examination this time, then Liu Nianfeng will become history He was the first student who successfully won the title of champion in the college entrance examination after only studying in the college for one year.

"No! Liu Nianfeng still has flaws, he is absolutely impossible to become the number one in the college entrance examination!" After a moment of despair, Lexington suddenly raised his head, looking at the screen where he was comforting Xu Yang in the lounge The fleeting maple said.

According to Lexington, it seems that Liu Nianfeng still has some very absolute flaws, and this flaw will completely limit the possibility of Liu Nianfeng becoming the top scorer in the college entrance examination.


"You won! Don't worry, I will fulfill my promise!" Back in the lounge, Xu Yang looked at Liu Nian Feng with her desperate eyes, and Liu Nian Feng immediately wanted to go forward and say something to Xu Yang With those words, Xu Yang suddenly knelt down in front of Liu Nianfeng, knocked Liu Nianfeng's head off guard, and then disappeared into the lounge in an instant, without giving Liu Nianfeng any chance to speak.

"I hope you can think about it! I really didn't mean it!" Liu Nianfeng also slumped on the chair with some powerlessness, while the rest of the top 32 opponents, including von Hindenburg, were all Fighting hard on the battlefield, Liu Nianfeng was the first player to return to the waiting room.

After waiting for another 3 minutes, the second pair of students also entered the lounge, and they were von Hindenburg and her opponent.Seeing that Liu Nianfeng was already sitting on the chair in the lounge, von Hindenburg's pupils shrank suddenly.

At least von Hindenburg has been a classmate with Xu Yang for three months, and he also has some understanding of Xu Yang's strength. During these three months, Xu Yang's strength has improved very fast, and he can be ranked in the top of the entire sixth class. About five.Even if he wanted to defeat Xu Yang, it would probably take more than 10 minutes.

But now this Fleeting Maple is lucky, he is already sitting on the chair, and the battle is over.

"My battle time is 8 minutes and 27 seconds. Judging from his sitting state, it is estimated that the battle will be resolved within 8 minutes. Has this Fleeting Maple really improved to the point where he can rival me? At this moment, for the first time, von Hindenburg felt an extreme sense of crisis in his heart.

Because Liunianfeng, von Hindenburg, and Chen Shihan were all in the top eight of the last exam, so everyone has a seed spot. Before entering the top eight, Liunianfeng doesn't have to worry about meeting these two people up.

What surprised Liu Nianfeng was that, in the following rounds of [-]-to-[-] and [-]-to-[-], Liu Nianfeng still did not meet Chen Shihan and Feng Hindenburg.

When the two sides officially met, it was already the semi-finals of the entire exam, and it was von Hindenburg who appeared in front of Liu Nianfeng at this time. At that time, they met miraculously.

(End of this chapter)

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