girl line

Chapter 221 A Love Letter

Chapter 221 A Love Letter

"You're planning on me like this, and I'll have to get this account back later!" Von Hindenburg gritted his teeth, with an expression of wanting to swallow Liu Nianfeng alive.

But at this time, von Hindenburg also knew in his heart that after being tricked by Liu Nianfeng in this way, his hope of winning has become very slim.Because at this time von Hindenburg only had 46% battle damage left, but Liu Nianfeng still had [-]%.Unless von Hindenburg can ensure that his strength doubles that of Fleeting Maple, victory is an impossible thing to achieve.

If it was three months ago, then von Hindenburg might still be able to pat his chest and say that he can crush Fleeting Maple by about four times.But half a month ago, von Hindenburg didn't dare to speak like that anymore. She clearly understood that the gap between her Fleeting Maples was less than 50%.

However, although the outcome was decided, von Hindenburg was not the kind of character who would give up. She once again mustered her own affairs and launched a second round of salvo attack on Liu Nianfeng.Even if this battle will definitely be defeated, then von Hindenburg will use 46% of the battle damage rate to kill Liu Nianfeng's battle damage rate of more than 60% in the next battle, then this can still prove that von Hindenburg The strength of Hindenburg.

From the perspective of psychological comfort, she von Hindenburg is still the winner.

It's a pity that in fact, Fleeting Maple is already far ahead of von Hindenburg. In the next battle, Fleeing Maple is really not playing any tricks. It's simply von Hindenburg carrying out the most orthodox shelling battle like a knight. .

But in the end von Hindenburg still lost, lost outright.

Only about 1/6 of von Hindenburg's shells can hit Fleeting Maple, but Fleeing Maple's shells have half the chance of hitting von Hindenburg, so the result is self-evident, when von Hindenburg Hindenburg was bombarded into fireworks with a dull look on his face. When he returned to the battle preparation room, Liu Nianfeng's star battleship still had 90% battle damage. The man is blameless to fight.


"My God! Liu Nianfeng actually won!" In the stands, the audience was also dumbfounded looking at the final result of the battle. They never imagined that the final battle ended with such a disparate result. .

"It seems that this time Liu Nianfeng completely crushed von Hindenburg, and the whole battle was won very well, it was an absolutely genuine battle. Congratulations to Liu Nianfeng, he has become a veritable second-year No. An admiral. This is really terrible, who can believe that less than a year ago, this guy was a complete novice with amnesia!" Her friend ignored it at all, but took care of herself. The face said in disbelief.

"Perhaps this is a genius!" The starship girl sighed.

"Didn't you say that Admiral Star is the domain of our women? Why can a man achieve such a terrifying achievement?" My friend still couldn't accept this fact.

"It's true that Star Admiral is the domain of our women, but don't forget that more than half of the top players in the game are men... If it weren't for the limitation of psychic power, I am afraid that men are more suitable creatures for the starry sky and the battlefield! "The starship girl suddenly said something that shocked her friend but could not refute it.

In the past, such words could not attract the attention of women at all, because it was impossible for a man to become an admiral of stars and a starship girl, but now it is different, the first male admiral of stars has appeared, who knows what will happen in the future world? What has become of it!

Although Liu Nianfeng's victory still exceeded the audience's expectations and gave the audience a big surprise.But the shock this time could not reach the level of Liu Nianfeng's victory over Liu Zhuangtian last time.After all, Liu Nianfeng was No. 1 in the last year's joint entrance examination, and it seemed to be a matter of course to get the first place again this time.

There is nothing more to say about the next battle, just like what was said in the previous conversation between Lian Nianfeng and von Hindenburg, Chen Shihan defeated another opponent without any suspense, and finally successfully joined Liu Nianfeng in the final .

And Chen Shihan fought with all his strength in the final finals, but the result was like a mayfly shaking a big tree. Chen Shihan didn't even wear off 10% of Liunianfeng's battle damage, and he was already defeated by Liunianfeng Finally, Fleeting Maple stood on the No.1 podium with an undisputed attitude that stood out from the crowd and won the cheers of all the audience.

Of course, what follows is the highlight of the entire exam, which is the love letter rewards from the four starship girls who can be obtained as No.1.

Unlike before, only a few hundred people sent love letters to Liu Nianfeng. This time, after all the exams, Liu Nianfeng has harvested more than 8000 love letters, second only to von Hindenburg's more than 13000 letters. What Feng needs to do is to choose four love letters that he is satisfied with from the more than 8000 love letters.

"Let me take a look!" Liu Nianfeng flipped through the names of the girls that appeared on his personal terminal. These girls were fat, swallows and thin, and they had everything that one could expect.

But when a name appeared in front of Liu Nianfeng, it immediately aroused great interest in Liu Nianfeng.

"York John, she actually voted her love letter to me. I thought she would never dare to see me again after that incident!" Looking at the familiar face in the love letter, Liu Nianfeng smiled wryly. Said.

Ever since what happened that day, York John, who was used by Ai Yueer, never showed his face in front of Liu Nianfeng again. As a result, when the sky was still dark the next morning, he just recovered a little bit of strength and spirit. York John slipped away in shame, making it impossible for Liu Nianfeng to say a few words to York John after waking up.

After that, York John began to try his best to avoid seeing Fleeting Maple, and the grove she used to go to was completely gone. According to Ai Yueer, who occasionally returned to the dormitory, York John seemed to have changed She became like a person, and never said any second-year words in her mouth. She has completely become a normal little girl, but her personality has become extremely silent, and she no longer has the lively appearance before.

At first, Liu Nianfeng thought that since this York John was avoiding him like this, in this love letter delivery, York John would definitely not send his love letter to himself, and he and this freshman who ranked first among the star The ship girl is also completely insulated.

But Liu Nianfeng never expected that he still saw York John's name in the love letter.

"Hmm... 100% of ancient European English blood... height 1 meters, standard girlish body shape... weight 65 kg, a bit fat... fleshy and cute, isn't it!" Liu Nianfeng wrote about York in his love letter John's message was read out, which was exactly the same as York John in Liu Nianfeng's memory.

"Living personality, friendly to people, but likes to immerse herself in her own world, she is a starship girl who needs a lot of communication!" Liu Nianfeng read the other party's personality evaluation, this so-called likes to immerse herself in her own world, I am afraid Just immerse yourself in the world of Secondary School! .

"Excellent grades, ranked first in the whole grade, talent, theoretical knowledge, and virtual combat, all No. 1, is worthy of the name of the first three materials!"

"The last is to leave a message for my love letter... the emissary of the Great Demon King, I have already defeated my inner demon, and this time I will definitely defeat you!" Seeing this, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help but put on a smile, It seems that this righteous brave man has not been completely freed from the abyss of the second disease!

For such a lovely York John, does Liu Nianfeng have any reason to refuse?

Of course not, so Liu Nianfeng quickly clicked the OK button on the love letter, and was the first to pull York John into his team of starship girls.After that, Liu Nianfeng didn't have any interest in going through them one by one, so he directly entered Ai Yueer's name, and then found Ai Yueer's love letter.

For Ai Yueer, Liu Nianfeng is actually a little entangled. Keeping a starship girl like Ai Yueer by her side, Liu Nianfeng always feels that it is a very dangerous thing.Originally, Liu Nianfeng never thought of making Ai Yue'er her starship girl.

But just the night before the exam, Xi Yue'er and Ai Yue'er suddenly appeared in front of Liu Nianfeng together, holding Liu Nianfeng with one arm, and the two sisters showed coquettish expressions at the same time to beg Liu Nian Feng, I hope that Fleeting Feng can also bring Ai Yue'er into his pocket.

The reason for Xi Yue'er's request is very simple, because she is afraid that after Ai Yue'er is separated from her, she will miss her sister too much, and do something excessive to other admirals, and finally delay her life .

And although Ai Yue'er didn't want to become Liu Nianfeng's starship girl, she thought about it, as long as her sister can always live by her side, then there is nothing in this world that cannot be tolerated.

Facing such a scene of cigarettes, Liu Nianfeng was in a daze, and involuntarily agreed to the request of the two sisters, and when he began to choose love letters today, he couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

Then something happened that gave Liu Nianfeng some headaches. There were still two places left for starship girls. Which two love letters should he choose?

(End of this chapter)

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