girl line

Chapter 224 Domineering

Chapter 224 Domineering
"What is against me, why do you have an ominous premonition?" A few drops of sweat appeared on Liu Nianfeng's forehead. In many familiar animations, his lower back was suddenly held up by something. Good sign.

So Liu Nianfeng quickly caught him behind him, and saw the cute and shame-faced York John. At this time, Liu Nianfeng realized that it was actually a book that was holding his lower back.

"What's the matter... so it's this Jiangzi" Liu Nianfeng showed an awkward smile on his face, he was faintly relieved, but faintly seemed a little disappointed, it was a very complicated feeling.

"Boring guy, what are you thinking about all day long!" Von Hindenburg on the side heard Chen Shihan talking to himself, and immediately said with great disdain, these two people are also old friends, When they were still in the first grade, they were already competitive with each other, and in the second grade, it still hasn't changed.

"Hmph! I'm not like someone who clamored all day long to prove my true strength and to defeat so-and-so. Now it's all right, I'm only No.3, and I'm not as good as me!" Chen Shihan looked smug and proud Said with an extremely expression.

"Who is the real number two, you and I know in our hearts!" Facing Chen Shihan's provocation, von Hindenburg remained extremely calm.Because von Hindenburg knew in his heart who was the real No.2.

To a certain extent, when Chen Shihan said such words, he felt like he was slapping himself in the face.But this sentence is not Chen Shihan's real purpose, Chen Shihan's real purpose is the following sentence.

"Oh! So you have already admitted that you are not as good as Liu Nianfeng, and not as good as a man!" Chen Shihan said in a desperate manner.

"That's right, I'm indeed not as good as Liu Nianfeng, or a man, but sooner or later I will surpass him, and he won't be proud for long!" Chen Shihan was a little disappointed that von Hindenburg's expression was not as she imagined On the contrary, she was extremely calm and calm, and Chen Shihan could even feel a bit of joy.Could it be that von Hindenburg was very happy when Liu Nianfeng won?This is really an incomprehensible thing!

"Liu Nian Feng, let's take our starship girl to the contract ceremony together!" Seeing that she couldn't arouse von Hindenburg's anger, Chen Shihan felt a little bored, so she could only habitually go to Liu Nian Feng's side.Because the previous two times, Liu Nianfeng performed the contract ceremony with the company of Chen Shihan, so Liu Nianfeng has long been used to Chen Shihan appearing by her side, and the two of them talked and laughed together with their new generation of starship girls. left the auditorium.

"This cheeky bastard!" Seeing Chen Shihan and Liu Nianfeng leave together, von Hindenburg, who had been expressionless and calm all this time, suddenly squeezed his fists and rattled, as if all the bones in his body were bursting .


When Liu Nianfeng and Chen Shihan appeared in the contract ceremony hall and stood at the end of a line ready to line up for the contract ceremony, all the students in front of Liu Nianfeng and Chen Shihan spontaneously dispersed, and the next first This position was given to Fleeting Maple.

"What's going on?" Liu Nianfeng was shocked by this situation.

"You go! This is the honor you should enjoy as No.1!" Chen Shihan suddenly pushed Liu Nianfeng's back forcefully, and Liu Nianfeng couldn't help walking to the front of the team, standing in the first position.

And after seeing Liu Nianfeng standing still, those star admirals who had dispersed before regrouped behind Liu Nianfeng and formed a new line.

"What's going on?" Liu Nianfeng asked Chen Shihan who was behind him in confusion.

"Isn't it a matter of course to make way for the star admiral who has earned No. 1 by virtue of his own strength?" Chen Shihan, standing behind Liu Nianfeng, said with a smile, "I'm considered lucky by you, otherwise I would have to wait again." It’s been about 20 minutes! But my No.2 is blessed with your No.1’s blessing, so it’s not too much, right!”

"'re happy!" Liu Nianfeng nodded with a wry smile, but Liu Nianfeng could feel in his heart that after this victory, his status in the academy was better than the first time. A whole new level of improvement.

If there were still many students who doubted the results of Fleeting Maple No.1 in the last grade entrance examination, then there is no doubt about the results of Fleeing Maple No.1 in this grade entrance examination. Admiral Xingchen also convinced Liunianfeng, and Liunianfeng became the veritable No.1.

This time, the four starship girls were generally shy, and only Woodrow Wilson was the most generous. He was the first to stand up and perform the ghost contract ceremony with Liu Nianfeng.

But what made Liunianfeng feel a little embarrassed was that because Liunianfeng was a head smaller than Woodrow Wilson, Liunianfeng had to stand on tiptoe to kiss Woodrow Wilson's lips. I felt embarrassed, but it caused bursts of cheering applause from the surrounding crowd.

Obviously, all girls prefer to see the scene where boys stand on tiptoes and kiss girls, just like boys in the 21st century appreciate the delicate appearance of girls standing on tiptoes.

But what caught Liu Nianfeng off guard was that Woodrow Wilson was just like her mighty height, and she was extremely majestic and mighty when she acted. As soon as Liu Nianfeng's lips touched Woodrow Wilson's lips, the opponent's tongue was arrogant Deep into the hinterland of Liunianfeng, at the same time he held Liunianfeng in his arms, and began to wantonly ask for it from Liunianfeng's mouth.

After Woodrow Wilson's contract ceremony ended, the scene fell into a somewhat silent situation.At this moment, our righteous hero doesn't even have the courage to raise his head, so there is no need to expect her to jump out again.

Ai Yue'er, on the other hand, had a face as calm as water, with an expressionless face like a Buddha's. It was impossible to expect her to jump out on her own initiative, so in the end it seemed that only Lin Chouchou, who had just woken up and still looked a little confused, was the one.

"Come here!" Ai Yue'er suddenly pushed Lin Chouchou's back hard, and Lin Chouchou, who was dizzy, was pushed into Liu Nianfeng's arms, and after seeing Liu Nianfeng's face at close range, he There was a scream, and then she was frightened and passed out.

"Is my face so scary?" This situation made Liu Nianfeng extremely embarrassed, but the ceremony must continue, he raised his head and looked at the priest beside him and asked, "That...she has passed out, Can this ceremony continue?"

"As long as the psionic and psionic energy can be successfully exchanged, it doesn't matter whether she is unconscious or not. You can try to search her mouth to see if you can find the water drops of psionic and psionic energy. If not, We have to wake her up!" the pastor replied.

"Then try it!" Liu Nianfeng nodded, if Lin Chouchou was woken up at this time, he might pass out again after seeing his face clearly.So Liu Nianfeng simply tried to see if he could take this difficult task when Lin Chouchou passed out.

Not to mention, when Liu Nianfeng stuck his tongue into Lin Chouchou's mouth, he felt two very huge drops of water, so huge that Liu Nianfeng was a little unexpected.

How huge are these two drops of water?
To make a simple analogy, if the water droplets condensed by other starship girls are only the size of a grain of rice, then the two psionic and phantom energy water droplets in Lin Chouchou's mouth have reached the size of glass marbles.However, as long as the psionic and psionic water droplets exist, the size of the water droplets does not have any effect on the effect of the ritual, so ordinary people will not deliberately increase the size of these two water droplets, because it is completely unnecessary matter.

It seems that this shy guy was completely in a state of losing his mind just now, and he could only instinctively repeat the action of condensing his ghost water drops, so as to condense such two huge water drops.

"Fortunately, she is so big, otherwise I would really not be able to find her if she was too small!" Liu Nianfeng sighed in his mind, and then quickly completed the ghost exchange with Lin Chouchou, and the contract ceremony was completed. declared success.

"Who's next? You two take the initiative!" Leaving the unconscious Lin Chouchou to Woodrow Wilson to take care of him, Liu Nianfeng turned his head helplessly, looked at the two silent girls in front of him and said, "Don't waste Everyone's time, there are still many people queuing up."

"..." Both York John and Ai Yue'er closed their eyes firmly, unwilling to be this early bird.

"Then there is no other way, I only have to order one, Ai Yueer, come here!" Liu Nianfeng sighed, and ordered Ai Yueer's name, and Ai Yueer walked forward helplessly, accepting her fate He raised his head, opened his lips, and said in a buzzing voice from his throat, "Hurry up, I will be treated like a dog has come in!"

(End of this chapter)

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