girl line

Chapter 236 The Importance of Bee Value

Chapter 236 The Importance of Bee Value

"Hi students, the second half of the semester has finally begun, and our class has welcomed three new admirals, let us welcome these three new admirals and their starship girls with our own applause !" To Liu Nianfeng's surprise, his new homeroom teacher was actually a Chinese woman wearing Hanfu and following the traditional style... Not to mention, the other party's words and deeds still had a bit of the unique taste of ancient beauties.

It's just that the other party's age is not too young. Although the charm of the dress is still there, the wrinkles on the head and the loose skin can't be covered up, just like the Admiral He Jing that Liu Nianfeng once met. They are all over 60+.

"Welcome! Welcome!" The students applauded one after another, but because some tables were too far apart, the applause was not very real.However, Liu Nianfeng also has another piece of information, that is, the admirals who entered the third grade like himself this time, and there are three admirals assigned to the first class. About 18 people.

There are a total of more than 500 admirals in the second grade, but only 18 of them entered the higher education.

From this point of view, students often prefer to go to higher education normally after the end of a semester. For example, there are very few admirals who ask to go to higher education because they meet the requirements in the middle of their studies.

"Then let me, teacher, introduce me. My name is Yuchi Xingcai. I am your homeroom teacher and also your college entrance examination counselor. I am mainly responsible for teaching you "Starship Battle Formation", "Practical Training Course", and The future tutor for the college entrance examination, I used to be a starship girl on the Xingchen light cruiser Zhaoqing, this year I was in charge of the class teacher for the third grade for the first time, I hope everyone can give me some advice!" Yuchi Xingchen said very approachable.

"Oh! This teacher is actually a rare starship girl of the Chinese system. It seems that among all the starship girls, the starship girls of the Chinese system account for less than 1%!" After hearing Yuchi Xingcai's self-introduction , Xi Yueer on the side said in shock.

"Huaxia, isn't that the same as Ninghai and Pinghai!" Haman also covered his mouth and said, and Ninghai and Pinghai glared at each other for a while, thinking in his heart, this Haman's figure and shape are still Not as good as yourself, why call yourself a yellow-haired girl!
"That's right! Hepinghai is the same as little sister Ninghai, we are all starship girls of the Huaxia Department!" Yuchi Xingcai looked at Harman and said with a smile, "Then, please go home and copy the ten words by hand. A copy of the class guidelines, and then hand it to me tomorrow morning, do you have any questions?"

"What! Ten class rules!" Haman and Xiyue'er's faces suddenly collapsed. When they first entered the class, everyone saw the class rules posted there in a very conspicuous place. It was like a blackboard. The same big paper, with at least [-] characters densely written on it, I have to copy it ten times a night, and I am afraid that I will break my hand.

"If you think it's too little, you can copy it 20 times!" Yuchi Xincai's gentle but devil-like voice rang in the ears of Haman and Xiyue'er again. Dare to say anything, they can only nod their heads in resignation.And the rest of the starship girls on the same table immediately sat upright, not daring to speak anymore.

Then I heard the head teacher Yuchi Xingcai continue to say: "Okay, here are some steps to be determined for these three new students, three new admirals, each of you has 10 minutes now. In these 10 minutes During the time, all admirals, please collect the bee values ​​of your starship girls, the capacity bee points of your ghost port, and the battleship souls of the starship girls that you have accepted into your body. Report it to the teacher."

"Why do you want to collect this thing?" Hearing Yuchi Xingcai's words, Haman pouted and said very displeased.When she thought that she had to copy the class rules ten times, she felt angry all over her body.

"Because this is very important. The third grade is no longer to cultivate the combat ability of the admiral alone, but to cultivate the cooperative combat ability of the admiral and the starship girls, and the cooperative combat ability can only be found in the starry sky training ground in the universe. Actual combat training is enough. But only the starship girls who are included in the port of ghosts by the admiral can enter the state of psionic resonance with the admiral for training. The other starship girls can only accept the admiral at most. The communication command, so the teacher must have a sufficient understanding of the situation of the admirals and the starship girls, and when necessary, he will guide the admirals to selectively absorb the starship girls and the battleship heavenly soul!" York is worthy of being a generation of top students. Even though he had just entered the academy not long ago, he already had a clear understanding of the education methods of the third grade.

"Come on, 10 minutes is not much time, let's hurry up and finish the teacher's task!" Liu Nianfeng looked at it, and took the lead in writing down his own data on the computer tablet in front of him.

There is nothing to say about the other data, just write it down as it is, except for Liu Nianfeng's current bee value, which needs to be carefully calculated.In the mid-term exam five days ago, the number that Floating Maple announced to everyone was 10.32183 bees, so according to calculations, there will be an increase of 0.16187 bees after five days, so the number that Fleeing Maple can announce is 10.48370 bees.

At the same time, Liu Nianfeng also used his own detection equipment to measure his peak value, and found that he had increased by 1.15 bees, reaching 36.78 bees.

Liu Nianfeng entered this data into the tablet, and then began to ask his ten starship girls to report their own data.

"I'm the same as my sister. The actual battleship Sky Soul is 2.13 bees, and the demand bees are all peak 3!" Ning Hai and Ping Hai on the side first raised their hands and said.

Because the ancient battleship souls are different from the starship girl's own physique, the size of each starship girl's battleship sky soul is different. There is a gap within 1 peak.

At the same time, after the battleship Tianhun is brought into the port of ghosts by the admiral, it must be parked in the waters formed by the psionic energy of the port of ghosts. Sizes also vary.

Therefore, human beings use the size of a standard Hummingbird-class star destroyer battleship Sky Soul as a standard, and set it as 1 peak to calculate the size of Ghost Port and battleship Sky Soul. A dock berth in Serenity.

In a berth, at most one starship girl's battleship sky soul can be accommodated, so even if the starship girl's battleship sky soul is 2.01 bees, it needs to occupy three berths.

Starship Girl's battleship Sky Soul is divided into actual battleship Sky Soul Bee Points and demand Bee Points. When the admiral calculates the battleship Sky Soul that can be accommodated in his ghost port, it is calculated according to the demand Bee Points.

Therefore, for every admiral, it is the most important thing to keep in mind the needs of every starship girl and how to properly allocate the space in the port of ghosts.Only in this way can we reasonably decide which starship girls should park in our ghost port according to the different enemies, and let these starship girls go out to fight with him.And which starship girls need to be kept in the tutelary mansion, this is a very important matter.

For example, Liunianfeng introduced the battleship Tianhun of Ninghai and Pinghai into his ghost port, and the number of bees on the surface of Liunianfeng is only 4 bees. In this way, only one star can be accepted at most. Whether the light cruiser or the star heavy cruiser can be accepted is a big question mark.Because generally speaking, the bee value of a star heavy cruiser is above 4 bees, and only a few star heavy cruisers are within 4 bees.

"My actual bee value is 4.55 bees, and the demand bee value is 5 bees!" reported by York John Hui, who was sitting next to Pinghai in Ninghai.

"My actual bee value is 6.98 bees, and the demand bee value is 7 bees!" Xi Yue'er followed closely.

"I'm the same as my sister...uh...Actually, my actual bee value is 0.03 bee less, but the demand bee value is the same as 7 bee," Ai Yueer also said.

"Harman's actual bee value is 1.23 bees, and the demand bee value is 2 bees!" Sitting next to Ai Yueer was Harman.

" my actual bee value is 1.85 bees, and the demand bee value is 2 bees!" And next to Harman is Lin Chouchou, and after the two star destroyer starship girls met, they were very happy. Soon became very good friends.

"Returning to the admiral, the actual bee value of the minister is 10.87 bees, and the demand bee value is 11 bees!" Woodrow said sternly, which caused a burst of exclamation from the other starship girls. This is the first among all the starship girls in Liunianfeng A girl whose demand value has exceeded 11!

"My actual bee value is 6.25 bee points, and the required bee value is 7 bee points." Hongyu also followed up and said, her bee value is on the same level as that of the Star Battlecruiser!
So in this way, the last one who has not announced that she needs bee value is Alice who is separated from Liu Nianfeng by a fish tank.

"I'm sorry, actual bee value is 13.39 bees, and the demand bee value is 14 bees..." Alice said with a very gloomy expression. She is the one with the highest demand bee value among all the starship girls. To a certain extent, Liu Nianfeng is also the factor that restricts his strength the most.

"It's okay, you are a starship girl of the prehistoric class, and it is worth the money to need so many bee points. How many people would rather consume a hundred bee points for the port of ghosts than get a starship of the prehistoric class?" Girl!" Liu Nianfeng quickly comforted Alice.

And the data of the ten starship girls have all been collected. When Liu Nianfeng was about to hand it over to Yuchi Xingcai, a somewhat displeased voice suddenly said, "Hey! Why don't you ask me about my bee value?"

"Ah!" Liu Nianfeng was stunned for a moment, turned his head to look, and found that Xuelong was sticking to the glass of the transparent fish tank, looked at himself very dissatisfied and said, "Listen to me, the actual bee value of this fish is 11.68 Bees, the required bee value is 12 bees!"

"Oh..." Liu Nianfeng was a little silly, he wanted to know what Xuelong's bee value was for, she was not his starship girl.

"I told you to report quickly, there is only 10 minute left in 1 minutes!" Xue Long urged from the side, in a daze, Liu Nianfeng actually reported Xue Long's data.

(End of this chapter)

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