girl line

Chapter 238 The Unparalleled Mermaid

Chapter 238 The Unparalleled Mermaid

Liu Nianfeng discovered that the bright moon beads are actually the best explanation for his current predicament. Before Xuelong gave himself two bright moon beads in front of all his classmates, and now he has two more in his hands, then he actually has There are four bright moon beads.

According to human research on the bright moon beads, the increase in honey value of the bright moon beads is related to its purity and size. The four bright moon beads that Xuelong gave him are all about the same size as a longan.

Because some classmates and teachers have witnessed these four bright moon beads, it is difficult for Liu Nianfeng to lie about the size, but the purity of Liu Nianfeng cannot be seen from the outside. In fact, the purity cannot be detected by scientific instruments. , Only by swallowing it in the stomach and actually feeling the increase in one's bee value can one know the actual effect of the Bright Moon Pearl.According to the size of a longan, if the purity reaches the highest value, it should be able to increase the bee value by about 4 bees.

"Thank you, Miss Xuelong!" Thinking of this, Liu Nianfeng immediately picked up the two bright moon beads and put them directly into his own mouth.

"Why did you just eat it... Anyway, let's hold a celebration party or something!" Yuchi Xingcai was already shocked when the bright moon pearl appeared.When she saw Liu Nianfeng swallowing two bright moon beads at the same time, she immediately showed a heartbroken expression.

Because the bright moon beads are so precious, when the admiral gets the bright moon beads, he usually invites many friends to hold a celebration party, and then happily eats the bright moon beads under the envious eyes of everyone go down.How can there be someone like Liu Nianfeng who just swallowed it in his stomach the first time he got it, which is really too wasteful!How many admirals have been looking forward to holding such a party all their lives, but have no chance.

"Forget it...Liu Nianfeng, how do you feel now? How much has your ghost port increased?" Yuchi Xingcai knew that nothing could be changed after seeing Liu Nianfeng swallow the moon pearl. I can only curiously ask about the increased bee value of Fleeting Maple.According to her calculation, the amount of bees that can be increased by a bright moon bead of this size should be between 1 bee and 4 bees. The exact amount depends on Liu Nianfeng's own luck.

"Wow! Both are 4 bees!" Liu Nianfeng screamed excitedly, and Yuchi Xingcai's expression suddenly became extremely colorful, including strong jealousy and envy, but also a very gratified expression.

"You wait here, the teacher will bring you an instrument to test it!" Yuchi Xingcai didn't even go to class, and directly brought over the bee value detection instrument, tested it for Liu Nianfeng, and found that it really looked like Fleeting Years As Feng himself said, the bee value has increased by 8 or even more.

"Your luck is really great. The two bright moon beads are of the highest purity. No wonder everyone in the academy says that you are the strongest Huahuang in this century. Teacher, I am really lucky to be your teacher." !" Yuchi Xingcai was completely conquered by Liu Nianfeng's luck, there are not many people with such luck in the world.

It took several minutes for Yuchi Xingcai to stabilize his emotions, put back all his previous exaggerated expressions and emotions, and returned to the appearance of a dignified teacher.

It's a pity that Yuchi Xingcai's dignified appearance didn't last long, and the wonderful Yan Yi appeared on her face again.

"It's okay, I still have two bright moon beads here! It was also given to me by Xuelong yesterday!" Liu Nianfeng took out two more bright moon beads from his pocket, and swallowed them in one go Going in, Teacher Yuchi Xingcai once again successfully interpreted what is colorful with this expression.

"It's actually 8 bees again!" What made Yuchi Xingcai even more envious was that Liu Nianfeng actually took two of the highest-purity moon beads this time, which once again increased the bee value of 8 bees, reducing his total The bee value has been pushed to the level of 27 bees, which is already on the same level as the two admirals who entered the school before, that is to say, it is the same as the one who has been studying and cultivating his own psionic and psionic energy since he was eight years old in elementary school. It is at the same level as the girls who have practiced for more than ten years.

"Teacher, do I have any hope of taking this year's college entrance examination?" Yuchi Xingcai's mood was not stable yet, and Liu Nianfeng threw another question.

"What! You want to take the college entrance examination this year!" Yuchi Xingcai was taken aback again, but this time she figured out why Liu Nianfeng was so eager to devour these four precious moon beads.

"No, you are completely dreaming!" Yuchi Xingcai shook her head, "You are only 27 bees now, unless you can make up 50 bees, then you may still have some..."

"50 bees... 6 bright moon beads are enough!" Before Yuchi Xingcai could say anything, Liu Nianfeng mainly continued.

"Six... This is indeed enough, but do you think you will have such good luck in the future that all you get are the highest-purity moon beads? And, where did you get six more moon beads? Come out. Do you really think that this bright moon bead is a cabbage on the street, you can pick it up! These bright moon beads are extremely precious things in the mermaid clan. Do you think that this lady mermaid still has six bright moon beads for you? Is it?" Yuchi Xingcai said angrily.

"Who said that this fish is gone! Don't you look down on this fish? Isn't it just six bright moon beads? This fish is rewarded to you!" Before Yuchi Xingcai finished speaking, the snow dragon in the fish tank beside him seemed to be As if he had received a huge insult, he took out six bright moon beads from his panties, and placed them neatly in front of Liu Nianfeng. This time, everyone including Liu Nianfeng was killed by Xue Long. The arrogance of the local tyrant was shocked!
"This Xuelong can't be the princess of the mermaid clan!" Liu Nianfeng couldn't help muttering to himself.


"Dear Ms. Xuelong, what do you want to eat today? I guarantee you will get all the small ones!" Coming out of the classroom, Liu Nianfeng hugged Xuelong very attentively, and at the same time flattered the beautiful lady mermaid. Said.

Although the other starship girls following Liu Nianfeng felt extremely contemptuous and contemptuous of Liu Nianfeng's behavior, they could understand Liu Nianfeng's attitude.After all, just now Xuelong gave Liunianfeng a total of eight bright moon beads with great arrogance, and these eight bright moon beads are enough for Liunianfeng to buy a planet with a stable atmosphere as his own private planet. A heroic handwriting, more than a hundred times richer than those Middle Eastern local tyrants in the previous life.

What's more, all the starship girls already knew that Liu Nianfeng's goal was to take the college entrance examination three months later, although they didn't know why Liu Nianfeng didn't stay in a good school and had to take the fiercely competitive college entrance examination.

"I heard that you have a special delicacy here... By the way... what's the name of that thing!" Xue Long was obviously very pleased with Liu Nianfeng's flattery. He lowered his head and thought for a while before patting his tail and said. "Baozi, I heard that your Zhiyuan star's buns are very delicious!"

"Bun!" Liu Nianfeng, Shuang Hai, Alice and Xi Yue'er were startled at the same time.Good guy, in just a few months, Baozi's reputation has spread so widely that even the mermaid clan in the Emerald Galaxy knows about it!
If you calculate carefully, it has actually been more than half a year since Liu Nianfeng invented the steamed stuffed bun.And except for the first month when Shuanghai made steamed buns by himself and sold them out, in the next few months Shuanghai and the others would not go to the cafeteria to sell steamed stuffed buns except for making them at home for their own people, because the patented steamed stuffed bun formula had been passed away. Feng sold it.

No matter how many years have passed, the guys with the sharpest sense of smell in the world are businessmen.In the first month after Baozi appeared, a well-informed catering group took the initiative to find Liunianfeng. After a lot of bargaining, the two parties finally agreed that Liunianfeng would authorize the steamed stuffed bun formula to this catering group for 20 years. , and during these 20 years, the catering group does not need to pay any fees to Liunianfeng in the first three years, but it needs to pay 1% of the profit in the first year after that, and then the profit given by the profit increases by 1% every year, until the No.20 year , you need to pay 20% of the profit.

And if the catering group feels that the sales of steamed stuffed buns are not satisfactory, they can request to terminate the agreement at any time.

At first glance, this seems to be a very bad agreement for Liu Nianfeng, after all, Liu Nianfeng didn't get a dime in the first three years.However, because the agreement signed with Liu Nianfeng is the eighth largest catering group in the entire human empire, it has its own small shops on 60% of the planet, which is a bit similar to the concept of Shaxian snacks on earth.

Liu Nianfeng believes that once the catering group puts steamed stuffed buns in all their small stores quickly, the steamed stuffed buns will definitely bring huge profits.Of course, the large-scale launch in the early stage requires a considerable cost, and this catering group is not very confident in the buns, thinking that it may only suit the tastes of people from the Zhiyuan Star.

That's why I signed such an agreement with the other party just now. The no profit in the first three years allows the other party to promote steamed buns without any worries, and once steamed steamed stuffed buns are promoted to the entire human empire, Liu Nianfeng 100% believes that he will be able to get the same Huge income like the sea.

The reason is simple, in the 21st century, in this land of China, there is no place that does not sell steamed stuffed buns.

Now that even the mermaid princess of the Emerald Jade Galaxy already knows the name of Baozi, it can be seen how correct Liu Nianfeng's decision is. After only half a year, Baozi has become popular in the entire universe.


"Okay! Today I will cook by myself, and I will make you crystal buns that you will never eat outside!" Liu Nianfeng said to Xue Long with a smile on his face, whether it is crystal buns, crab roe soup buns, or steamed buns, Such a unique secret recipe has always been in the hands of Liu Nianfeng, and he has never sold it to that catering group.And according to the agreement, apart from several steamed stuffed bun recipes authorized by Liunianfeng, this catering group is absolutely not allowed to sell buns with other recipes without Liunianfeng's authorization.

(End of this chapter)

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