girl line

Chapter 253 Make yourself smart

Chapter 253 Make yourself smart
"Okay, it's my turn next!" Seeing Alice draw the last place, Xi Yue'er at the side suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the jar excitedly and said.One of these notes was secretly waxed by Xi Yueer, so it will feel slippery in the hand, this is also left by Xi Yueer, as long as I can get that note With the note, I will be able to date Liu Nianfeng for the first time alone.

"What's the are the last one to draw lots..." But what Xi Yue'er never expected was that when Xi Yue'er was about to reach out to take the note, she was typed back by Liu Nianfeng with one sentence.

"Why?" Xi Yue'er looked at Liu Nianfeng aggrievedly, her eyes were about to cry, "I am obviously the fourth to join the tutelary mansion, why am I not the one who draws lots now? And I worked so hard to handle this matter , Admiral, why do you treat others like this?"

"It is precisely because you handled this matter, so you have to be the last one to draw lots!" Liu Nianfeng gave Xi Yueer a white look, "Haven't you heard of a classical fable? If you want to make a bowl of porridge even, The best way is to let the person who divides the porridge choose the porridge last, so that the person who divides the porridge will be absolutely fair, so your last lottery is for this reason, do you need me to say more?"

"...but...but..." Xi Yueer faltered and wanted to argue further.

"Hey, it doesn't matter whether it's the fourth one or the last one, it doesn't make any difference. You care so much about it. Could it be that you did something here..."

"No... Absolutely not... Then I will be the last one..." Xi Yue'er waved her hands again and again, what a joke, if Liu Nianfeng really went to check those notes, then her own tricks would definitely not be able to hide Liu Nianfeng s eyes.

"Hongyu, it's your turn, you go!" Liu Nianfeng gave Xi Yue'er a hard look, and then said to Hongyu who was at the side.

"8!" Hongyu spread out the note, revealing the number.

"I'm the next one!" Before Liu Nianfeng could speak, Haman took the initiative to draw lots, but after reading the words on the sign by candlelight, Haman stayed where he was, and burst into tears It flowed out from the eye sockets, and in just a few seconds, the little guy cried into tears.

"What's going on?" Liu Nianfeng hurriedly went up to meet him, picked up the note in Haman's hand, and immediately understood everything.This unlucky Harman actually got the number 10 and became the penultimate starship girl that Fleeting Maple dated. No wonder she felt pain.

"Okay, it's okay, the admiral will definitely have a good date with you!" Liu Nianfeng hurriedly comforted poor Haman, but he still felt a little strange in his heart. Didn't this Haman hate himself the most, and he likes to give his dog's head the most? Hammer?
But now he is crying so sad because he is behind in the order of dating alone. Could it be that Harman's attack speed has reached [-]% before he knew it?It seems that his charm is still too great!

After Harman drew lots, the first batch of starship girls in Liu Nianfeng had all drawn lots, and their luck was generally bad. Except for Shuanghai's order, which was not satisfactory, the rest were in the last order , is really unlucky.

"No.6! This is really a strange number, no more, no less, just in the middle. Could it be that this is a secret code, trying to tell me some secret? Could it be that there is a secret to destroy the demon king? Or Said, this represents the location of the base of the devil's believers in this world!" York looked at the note in his hand, and said to himself cautiously.

"Chou Chou, it's your turn!" Liu Nianfeng couldn't complain about York anymore, and asked Lin Chouchou, a starship girl, to draw lots.

"Oh!" Lin Chouchou responded as small as a mosquito, then curled up and moved a little bit to the side of the lottery jar.Seeing Lin Chouchou's cautious appearance, Liu Nianfeng didn't know what to say.

Lin Chouchou is good at everything else, but his temperament is a little too timid. If he doesn't change his temperament, there may be some big problems in the future.It seems that when I date Lin Chouchou alone, it is necessary to correct Lin Chouchou's character.

Just as Liu Nianfeng thought of this, Lin Chouchou let out a slender scream like a dolphin, which startled everyone.

"What's the matter? What happened? Did you get No.9?" Xi Yue'er asked quickly, it sounded like she was concerned, why did Liu Nianfeng feel that it was full of anticipation.

"I'm so scared... so scared..." Lin Chouchou rolled his eyes, and he fainted like this. At this time, others could clearly see the number written on the note in Lin Chouchou's hand, a big 2 The words blinded everyone's eyes.

"Damn! It's No.2, what kind of shit luck is this!" Xi Yue'er also rolled her eyes, and the second good position was snatched away by Lin Chouchou, an unremarkable little girl.

"It seems that this poor child passed out because he found out that he was going on a date with the admiral next week, so he was too nervous and shy!" Alice hugged Lin Chouchou lovingly in her arms, and at the same time looked like I I understand the child's expression very well.

"My God!" Liu Nianfeng rubbed his head with a headache. He could already imagine the huge troubles he would face when dating Lin Chouchou in a week. He might have to hold this timid child all the way. .

"Admiral, whose turn is it next?" Seeing that Liu Nianfeng was immersed in worry and never said who would draw lots next, Ai Yueer asked impatiently nearby.She is probably the last person among all the people who doesn't want to date Liu Nianfeng, so she just wants to end this boring game quickly.

"Miss Woodrow, you're next!" Liu Nianfeng finally realized, calling Woodrow to draw lots.

"Yes!" Woodrow gave a beautiful military salute, walked to the edge of the lottery jar with a short distance of five meters, and then took a note from the jar in a standard half-squat position.

"It seems that I am the seventh to have a date with the admiral alone!" Woodrow showed the note in his hand to everyone, and at the same time locked his order at the seventh.

In this way, the order that has not yet been drawn is fifth, ninth, and the most concerned number one. As for the three people who have not yet drawn lots, they are Ai Yueer, Xue Long, and Xi Yueer.

"My dear sister, if you draw the first place later, you must give up this position to my sister, please, my sister!" Seeing that the most important first place has stayed, and I have 1/3 of the Given the opportunity to be drawn to this position, Xi Yue'er suddenly became excited.

Because Ai Yueer is her own sister, as long as Ai Yueer is willing to cooperate with her, then she has a 2/3 chance of getting the first place.

"Okay, sister!" Ai Yue'er agreed quickly, but secretly decided in her heart that she must choose the last seat, lest her sister go on a date with this damned man tomorrow, and she will definitely be angry Crazy!

Ever since, Ai Yue'er put her hand into the lottery pot. Ai Yue'er, who knew her sister's temperament very well, naturally knew that her sister would definitely make some small marks on this ball of paper, so Ai Yue'er Er groped each paper ball carefully, and found that one of the paper balls had a slippery feeling in a certain small position, obviously this was the secret signal made by his sister.

So Ai Yueer threw the paper ball aside very readily, and took out another paper ball, opened it, and it was the fifth place, which made Ai Yueer feel a little disappointed, if the ninth place That's good, then she doesn't have to worry about her sister going on a date with Liu Nianfeng for the next two months.

"Thank you, good sister, you really cherish your sister and me! Your temper is still the same, you only think half of things, sister thank you!" Just as Ai Yueer was thinking so happily, Xi Yue'er suddenly leaned into Ai Yue'er's ear and whispered.

"It's broken! I was cheated by my sister!" Ai Yue'er suddenly slapped her thigh hard, only then did she realize that she was cheated.

If I really want to stop my sister, then I should take down the number one position and not exchange with my sister, so that my sister only has two possibilities of fifth and ninth.But now it's a good thing, if I draw the fifth one away, my sister will have half the chance of being the first one.

Thinking of this, Ai Yue'er didn't even know how to cry. She was really an idiot. She thought she could plot against her sister, but in the end she was plotted against her. This is really depressing .

"It's my time! It's finally my time! Hurry up and hug me out!" Seeing that Ai Yue'er finished smoking, Xuelong in the water tank began to slap the water vigorously with excitement.

Liu Nianfeng had no choice but to hold Xuelong out of the water tank, and asked her to put her wet little hand into the lottery jar. After a while of fumbling with her little hand, the two paper balls were touched all over, and then the fish tail became excited He slapped it a few times and said, "Strange, this paper ball is not afraid of my water, that's it!"

After speaking, Xue Long took out a ball of paper from the lottery monster, opened it, and there was a word "1" written on it.A paper ball that is not afraid of water is a paper ball that has been traced by wax!
"It's over!" Seeing this result, Xi Yue'er suddenly fell back weakly, and almost fainted out of breath.There is no need to smoke for the last lap, she Xi Yue'er is definitely in the ninth position, she never thought that she had calculated so many times, and finally included herself in the calculation!

If there is a rope in front of her now, then Xi Yue'er must want to use this rope to hang herself.

Well, anyway, the lottery is over, and the final order of appointments is as follows:

Starting today, Xuelong will be the first to date Liu Nianfeng, the second will be Lin Chouchou, the next will be Ninghai and Pinghai, the fifth will be Ai Yueer, the sixth will be York, the seventh will be Woodrow, and the eighth will be Hongyu , the ninth is Xiyue'er, the penultimate is Haman, and the last is Alice who looks much whiter than usual.

Of course, Alice would never admit that she was outraged.

(End of this chapter)

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