girl line

Chapter 263 Plot Reversal

Chapter 263 Plot Reversal
"Let me just say, after I report my identity, no one can resist the charm of our *** family!" Chuan Tongtong said triumphantly, as a matter of course.Chuan Tongtong has encountered this kind of thing for countless times. Every time when Chuan Tongtong reveals his identity, those men who resisted fiercely before will instantly become men who are dependent on Chuan Tongtong's little bird. She has experienced too many such things, and she has long been used to it.

But at the same time, Chuan Tongtong felt a little more disappointed. She thought that Liu Nianfeng's resistance could be more intense and last longer, so she would find it more interesting.

It's a pity that he didn't expect that Liu Nianfeng only looked tough, but he was actually a man who loved vanity, and it seemed a little too cheap for him to be his husband.

"Otherwise, I'd better think about it again and see if there is a better man!" Chuan Tongtong thought at the same time, and his ardent hope for Liu Nianfeng seemed to have cooled down a lot.

"Forget it, eat this man first, it took me so much effort!" Chuan Tongtong temporarily put those troublesome things aside.

"By the way, Admiral Xingchen must maintain a virgin body, could it be the same for Liu Nianfeng, who is still a virgin..." Thinking of this.Chuan Tongtong's desire instantly became extremely hot, and he immediately let go of Liu Nianfeng's mouth, and began to pick up Liu Nianfeng's clothes.

"I will come by myself! My dear and beautiful Miss Chuantongtong, I will come naturally, let me serve you!" Liu Nianfeng said eagerly.

"En!" Chuan Tongtong didn't want to serve Liu Nianfeng at first, but when he heard Liu Nianfeng say that, he nodded his head, and without thinking, he untied the shackles that bound Liu Nianfeng's hands and feet... After all, Chuan Tongtong is dignified* ** How can the eldest lady of the family serve a man?This is really out of character!

"Dear miss, I'm here!" Lian Nianfeng, whose hands and feet were liberated, smiled charmingly, and Chuan Tongtong also smiled. When he was about to accept Liu Nianfeng's service, Chuan Tongtong felt dizzy for a moment, and the world seemed Both start spinning.

Something that Chuan Tongtong never expected happened. A fist as big as a casserole hit Chuan Tongtong directly on the head. Chuan Tongtong was caught off guard, and the whole person lost control of his body. To her horror, she discovered that her and Liu Nianfeng's identities had undergone a shocking reversal.

His hands and feet were trapped on the hospital bed, while Liu Nianfeng sat beside him with a sneer, while holding a small scalpel in his hand.This was accidentally left on the hospital bed by a certain doctor just now, and now it has become Liu Nianfeng's best weapon.

"You let me go...Although I like to play cp games, I only play cp, never p, I don't like this kind of trapped character, please let me go quickly, I want to be c!" Chuan Tongtong It seems that he has not discovered his situation, thinking that Liu Nianfeng just wants to play cp games with himself.

"My dear Miss Chuan Tongtong, how stupid are you? Don't you understand that you are now the meat on my chopping board?" Liu Nianfeng was also a little speechless to Chuan Tongtong's performance, and said coldly, at the same time The cold blade stuck to Chuan Tongtong's exposed skin, and Chuan Tongtong got goose bumps all over his body after being irritated.

"Could it be that you were lying to me just now? You were plotting against me!" Chuan Tongtong finally came to his senses and said in disbelief.

"Why are you only reacting now? Isn't my performance obvious enough? You are so stupid, it's the first time I've seen such a stupid lady!" Liu Nianfeng said coldly and unceremoniously.

"...Don't you mean that all men should kneel at my feet?" Chuan Tongtong's eyes widened, "Don't you know my identity? How much money can I give you? A lot of money, enough to put The entire Reach was filled with money! Do you know what you lost by doing this? You lost so much money, do you know that?"

"Come on, if you don't let you suffer, you won't understand what situation you are in!" Liu Nianfeng said coldly, and at the same time, the cold blade directly inserted into Chuan Tongtong's heart.

"Ah!" Chuan Tongtong let out a heart-piercing scream when he saw the blade sinking into his body, and then countless blood gushed out from his chest, and his clothes were soon soaked into bright red s color.

"I'm dead..." Chuan Tongtong tilted his head and fainted from fright.

"I said you are too useless! Wake up and take a good look!" Liu Nianfeng had no choice but to wake up Chuan Tongtong from his coma, and Chuan Tongtong was just fainted by fright, so he quickly Then he woke up, and at this moment, Chuan Tongtong realized that his body was not pierced, and there was no so-called blood dripping down. The scalpel in Liu Nianfeng's hand was just inserted into Chuan Tongtong's armpit. Chuan Tongtong saw that the bloody scene was just her own fantasy.

"Trash!" Liu Nianfeng scolded coldly, while Chuan Tongtong felt extremely embarrassed that he would faint from fright because of a scalpel that hadn't been inserted, which made Chuan Tongtong's self-esteem accumulated for 35 years When it collapsed, Chuan Tongtong was so ashamed that he wanted to find a hole to drill down. While feeling extremely angry and ashamed in his heart, a little excitement was unexpectedly born.

This little stimulation is very small, and it feels like a small needle has been pricked on Chuan Tongtong's skin, but this little stimulation has brought Chuan Tongtong an indescribable sense of pleasure, because it is a kind of Chuan Tongtong's skin. The stimulation that has never been experienced before is a kind of stimulation and excitement that comes from humiliation. Chuan Tongtong suddenly found that she was a little addicted to this stimulation, and she seemed to look forward to Liu Nianfeng giving herself so much stimulation.

"Nonsense...what's going on in my head...I must take revenge!" Chuan Tongtong shook his head, and let go of the unspeakable thoughts just now, and then said calmly, "Surrender, My people are all around here, and my people will rush in to save me immediately, and you can't escape!"

As if to reflect Chuan Tongtong's words, in the next second, the door of this ward was pushed open, and countless bodyguards with live ammunition rushed into the ward, pointing the black laser muzzle at Liu Nianfeng, as long as Chuan Tongtong gave an order Next, Liu Nianfeng might be beaten into a sieve immediately.

However, such a scene was already expected by Liu Nianfeng. Since Chuan Tongtong has such a noble status, the security measures around him must be extraordinary.So Liu Nianfeng didn't choose to leave immediately after controlling Chuan Tongtong, but stayed by Chuan Tongtong's side in order to be able to use Chuan Tongtong as a hostage to escape from this room.

At the first moment when the bodyguard rushed in, Liu Nianfeng directly put the scalpel in his hand on Chuan Tongtong's Tianling cover. With the current medical technology, even if he directly cut Chuan Tongtong's throat, the other party could be rescued.Even if the heart is twisted to pieces, it can be saved again.

And the only quickest way to kill the opponent immediately and prevent him from being revived is to pierce the opponent's brain with the tip of a knife, so that even if a brain is re-cloned using cloning technology, Chuan Tongtong's body can be revived, but Chuan Tongtong's However, memory and personality can never be revived, and it is almost the same as death.

So in the stories in TV dramas now, the gangsters directly put the tip of the knife on the hostage's Tianling cover instead of putting it on the hostage's neck... If it wasn't for Liu Nianfeng who accompanied Xi Yue'er to watch some Gouxue's [-] o'clock TV series, otherwise Liu Nianfeng wouldn't know this common sense.

Sure enough, when these bodyguards saw that Liu Nianfeng's knife was placed on Chuan Tongtong's Tianling cover, none of these bodyguards dared to move.

"Throw all your guns at my feet, hurry up, or I'll stab you down!" Liu Nianfeng threatened the bodyguards.

"Don't be arrogant, our laser guns are much faster than your hands, we can kill you before you strike!" Of course the bodyguards were not reconciled to being threatened by Liu Nianfeng, and countered.

"Bastard, you are not allowed to kill him. This is my man. If you kill him, I will kill you!" What these bodyguards never expected was that Chuan Tongtong fully played the role of a pig teammate , Actually said so to the bodyguard who came to rescue him.

These bodyguards had nothing to do with Liu Nianfeng, so they could only obediently throw their guns at Liu Nianfeng's feet. Liu Nianfeng also took the opportunity to replace the scalpel in his hand with a laser gun, and then separated two or three laser guns. At his waist, it can be regarded as the initiative to completely grasp the situation.

(End of this chapter)

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