girl line

Chapter 267

Chapter 267
"Admiral, you are really amazing, you actually got a peerless equipment box!" Seeing a huge golden equipment box placed in the warehouse at this time, it is equivalent to three bird's nests stacked together. , the starship girls under Liu Nianfeng sighed in shock.

But don't be fooled by the size of this equipment box. All equipment boxes are of this size, but the equipment inside is often less than 10% of the space of the equipment box.

Because in order to create a sense of mystery, the design of the equipment box is required to be able to hold all the equipment... Even small equipment that is only a small size will be placed in such a huge equipment box.

And opening the box is also the most exciting time for every admiral, whenever he sees such a huge equipment box that can hold anything at the same time, but at the same time he doesn't know what is inside it appears in front of him At that time, everyone will become extremely excited.

Especially when opening a peerless equipment box, when there is a golden light inside, it is the most exciting moment in every admiral's life.

This kind of stimulation is much more exciting than gambling. How many admirals collapsed because of opening the box, and the whole person could not cheer up after a month or two in the tutelary mansion. This is called the biggest killer of the admiral. It is said that the admiral Many lives were lost under such stimulating psychological encounters.

"Admiral, do you think there will be peerless golden equipment in this box!" York asked Liu Nianfeng excitedly.

"Probably! There is a 10% chance!" Liu Nianfeng said lightly, and gave an answer that is not an answer. Everyone knows that the chance of finding the same color equipment in the equipment box is only 10%.

"It's [-]% purple equipment!" But Liu Nianfeng said in his heart, although this is a golden equipment box, but what is in this box, others don't know, but the people from Baiying Heavy Industry must know.

After beating Liu Nianfeng to death, Liu Nianfeng didn't believe that the people from Baiying Heavy Industry would be willing to give him an equipment box containing world-class equipment after suffering such a big loss at his hands. The person from Baiying Heavy Industry might be Shi Lezhi up.

By the way, Liu Nianfeng didn't tell any of the starship girls what happened in the hospital. Only Liu Nianfeng knew about this matter from beginning to end.The reason is very simple, because this matter is quite embarrassing and embarrassing to Liu Nianfeng, the less people know about such things, the better!

So these starship girls all thought that this was the golden equipment box obtained by Liu Nianfeng through normal channels, and there was a 1/10 chance of getting golden peerless equipment in it as a matter of course!

"Admiral, if the equipment is released here, no matter what color it is, whose battleship do you plan to install it on?" York asked a crucial question.

"Ahem... Of course, whoever can use it can use it!" Liu Nianfeng said vaguely.

"Admiral, don't try to avoid this question. The equipment of Sister Alice and Sister Hongyu are common, and the equipment of Sister Xiyue'er is also common. By the way, most of the equipment of Sister Woodrow and them are also common. As for Shuanghai Sisters, and Haman, Chouchou, their equipment can also be used in common, admiral, you must clarify this time, who is this equipment for!" York said resolutely.

"Why do you like to ask the bottom line so much, kid?" Liu Nianfeng gave York a white look. This is a very difficult question to answer. If it is a piece of equipment that everyone can use, but it is given to a certain starship girl alone, then Wouldn't it cause a big riot in the tutelary mansion!

"The two of us sisters don't want it anymore. We have two prehistoric-level equipment boxes. We don't need this box!" Hearing York's question, Ning Hai and Ping Hai said quickly, and her words instantly aroused the curiosity of all the starship girls.

Damn, this Pinghai and Ninghai seem to be quiet on weekdays, when did they already have two more advanced prehistoric level equipment boxes!This startled everyone.

Helpless, Ninghai and Pinghai had no choice but to tell everyone about the adventure stories he once had with Liunianfeng and Alice, as well as the relics left by his mother. Mother.

"Come on, stop arguing, let's open the box and have a look first!" Liu Nianfeng saw that Ning Hai and Ping Hai's face became more and more ugly, obviously because they talked about their mother, which made the two of them feel sad. So he immediately stopped everyone, walked to the equipment box at the same time, and gently placed his fingers on the bottom panel of the equipment box.

This is the opening panel of the equipment box. Only the owner's DNA can open the equipment box. What Liunianfeng has to do next is to gently pierce his finger with the small needle on the panel to absorb a little blood, you can open this golden equipment box.

"Admiral, wait a minute, let's take a deep breath first!" Seeing that Liu Nianfeng was about to unpack the box, the starship girls all began to hold their breath and try to calm down their moods. They behaved better than Liu Nianfeng. Be more excited.

But this is not surprising, after all, the equipment that was issued was not for Liu Nianfeng, but for all the starship girls present, and everyone prayed in their hearts that they could issue equipment that they could use.

"Okay, it's time to witness the miracle!" Liu Nianfeng pressed down hard with his fingers, a slight tingling pain spread all over Liu Nianfeng's body in an instant, and the opening panel of the equipment box began to emit drops of flickering red. After flashing five times, the red light turned green in an instant, which meant that Liu Nianfeng's DNA had passed the verification, and the equipment box could be opened.

"Boom! Boom!" The whole equipment box began to make such a sound, and at the same time there was the sound of mechanical transmission, which meant that the mechanical structure inside the equipment box was moving, and then the upper cover of the equipment box began to rise, and the equipment box The walls on all four sides fell down one after another.

"Gudong!" Everyone swallowed deeply. It is said that when the equipment box is opened to the last moment, there will be a dazzling light flashing from the depth of the equipment box, and according to the color of this light, we can know what is inside. The level of equipment stored.

Finally, when the equipment walls on all sides tilted to 45 degrees, a golden light gushed out from the inside of the equipment box, instantly blinding everyone's eyes!
"Golden! Long live, it's golden and peerless equipment!" All the starship girls burst into bursts of crazy cheers after a short moment of stupefaction. Even the most stable Alice on weekdays couldn't help but laugh. call out.

This is really an exciting result for everyone. Never would have thought that the first golden equipment box in Liu Nianfeng's life would be successfully opened to obtain the golden and peerless equipment... In the strict eyes of many starship girls , the Huahuang lineage on Fleeting Feng's head became more dazzling and real.

Damn Chinese...

"How could this be... She is really willing to give me a golden equipment box!" Only the admiral, Liu Nianfeng, has maintained a dull expression. Thinking of the [-]% certain attitude in his heart just now, Liu Nianfeng can only feel his face. They were all swollen.

He never expected that Baiying Heavy Industries actually gave him a golden equipment box containing golden equipment. Could it be that what the instructions on the equipment box said was true? It will completely disrupt the order, and even the major heavy industries themselves don't know what level of equipment is in the equipment box?

Well, no matter what, this is a good thing, a very good thing... This made Liu Nianfeng feel a lot of affection for Ivanka ***, um, only a little bit, and Liu Nianfeng will not be so happy anymore. I don't want to see Ivanka *** anymore.

"Hurry up and see what kind of golden equipment is in this box!" Many starship girls rushed into the equipment box without waiting for the equipment box to be fully opened, only to find out in shock that the entire equipment box contained be full.

A diameter as large as a tall building, at least 500 meters in diameter, and three identical cannons mounted in front of everyone.

"My God! This is probably a battleship-level main gun!"

"My God, it's actually a triple-mounted battleship main gun!" The starship girls exclaimed in surprise. From the size of this naval gun, the type of phantom naval gun can be seen. At the same time, most of the starship girls We can also be sure that this piece of golden equipment should have nothing to do with them, because only battlecruisers and battleships can install such a huge triple-mounted main gun!
And when I saw the equipment introduction document at the bottom of the main gun, I confirmed this again.

[Usual attributes: Triple-mounted 520-meter White Emperor naval gun, can carry 520-meter normal, armor-piercing, burning three types of psionic shells, psionic recharge time is 52 seconds, effective range of 92 kilometers, and the longest attack range of 113 million kilometers , battlecruisers, battlecruisers can be equipped, but the charging time of battlecruisers is increased by 25 seconds. 】

[Golden Blessing: The charging time is reduced by 50%, the effective range is increased by 30 kilometers, it comes with 8% hit calibration, and the shells have a chain reaction effect. Once the chain reaction is triggered, the enemy will fall into a disordered state of psionic energy and psionic energy. Star Beast's attack skills will not be available for 3 minutes; Star Warship's main guns, torpedoes, machine guns and other attack methods will be suspended for 3 minutes. 】

Liu Nianfeng simply read the equipment introduction in the information, and such a terrifying ability instantly shocked all the starship girls, not to mention the usual attributes, but this golden peerless blessing is really terrifying, not only directly reducing the time to fire the gun 50%, the range has increased by 30 kilometers, and it is equipped with control skills. This is simply a super artifact for all battleships.

(End of this chapter)

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