girl line

Chapter 275 The Battle Begins

Chapter 275 The Battle Begins

Early the next morning, Liu Nianfeng and his starship girl rushed to the auditorium. At this time, the second grade students with the largest number of students were taking the exam in the classroom, so the auditorium was a little empty at this time, only Some first-grade little sisters watched on both sides.

The center of the auditorium is still the projector used to broadcast live the battles of the admirals, but there is a large area on the left side of the auditorium that is separated by a separate barrier, because this part of the area is used to place the virtual combat cabin.

There are a total of more than 300 admirals in the third grade, plus their respective starship girls, the total number is about 4000. The virtual warehouses inside the auditorium are no longer enough, so we can only move some virtual warehouses from the virtual combat building Come over, and temporarily place it on the left side of the auditorium, so that all the admirals can take the exam together.

And our classmate Liu Nianfeng was assigned to such a temporary structure. Hearing the noise coming from outside the barrier, the starship girls of Liu Nianfeng became a little nervous, taking the exam in public. For the first time in their lives.

"Admiral, do you think the academy is sick? It actually asked an admiral to destroy a star beast... We are afraid that we will all be shot to death by this star beast in less than half an hour!" Xiyue Said with a very nervous expression.

"Come on, it looks like you haven't done the preview in advance, and you don't even know the rules of this actual battle!" Liu Nianfeng knocked Xi Yue'er on the head and said, "There is no new admiral in the world who can defeat an army by himself. Star beasts, it is inevitable that casualties and warships will be blown up during the battle."

"But it's not impossible to revive. If your warship is blown up by a star beast, you can be resurrected and rejoin the battlefield after waiting for 10 minutes... and the star beast used for the test is set to not It will return to the state of blood, so as long as the time is long enough, this star beast will be defeated sooner or later."

"Of course, if you die too much, the time consumed will inevitably be extended, and you will get a negative score at that time, so you won't be able to laugh!" Liu Nianfeng explained, and everyone's hearts were tense. If you get a negative score in an exam, it's really embarrassing.

"All candidates enter the virtual warehouse immediately, and the virtual practical exam will start in 10 minutes. Candidates who do not enter the virtual warehouse within 3 minutes will be given 0 points!" The familiar voice of Lexington sounded in the auditorium, and many candidates rushed Enter the virtual warehouse.

Liu Nianfeng and Alice first urged their starship girls to enter the virtual cabin, and after ensuring that there were no problems in the process, Alice and Liu Nianfeng finally entered the virtual cabin.

After all the starship girls had entered the virtual warehouse, there were only 3 seconds left before the 30-minute time limit. When Liu Nianfeng and Alice were about to enter, Liu Nianfeng was suddenly a little surprised to find that there were some admirals and Their starship girl is still standing outside, the hatch of the virtual cabin has not been opened, and it seems that she has no intention of entering the virtual cabin.

"What do they want to do, do they have to wait until the last second to get in?" Liu Nianfeng said a little puzzled.

"Hehe, thanks to Admiral, you just educated Xi Yue'er, and it turned out that Admiral also had something you didn't know. These candidates who haven't entered yet are all candidates who don't plan to enter the virtual warehouse. Admiral, do you know why? Alice asked with a smile.

"Let me think about it..." Liu Nianfeng thought for a while, and then suddenly realized, "I understand, they all have no confidence in their own strength, and feel that they can't finish the battle within 1120 minutes. So instead of getting a negative score by then, It's better to abstain now, so that you can get a zero point, the result is better than negative points!"

"Admiral, you are smart, you can't hide anything from you." Alice smiled and then looked at the candidates who were about to abstain with a bit of disdain in her eyes, "These guys really have no bones at all, and they have wasted their talents as a star admiral !"

"You can't say that!" Liu Nianfeng shook his head, and expressed a completely different point of view, "Although courage is important, self-knowledge is also important. In my opinion, these admirals are better than those who know that they will bear the burden." Points, those who still want to take the exam are stronger. They are not called brave, they are called reckless. In the exam, that’s all. If they continue to be so reckless in reality, I am afraid that the entire starship girl in the tutelary mansion will be given by them. kill!"

"..." Alice rolled her eyes when she heard that she was being refuted by Liu Nianfeng like this, and said a little angrily, "Then if you are also facing such a situation, Admiral, facing the attack of the star beast! Knowing that you have gone If you die, will you take your own starship girl to attack without hesitation?"

"No! I will lead you to retreat, I don't want any of you to die on the battlefield!" Liu Nianfeng said firmly...but God knows if this will be a huge flag.


"Countdown, ten, nine... two, one... the exam begins!" As the notification sounded, Fleeting Maple, who was originally in the dark, suddenly realized that his eyes were bright, and he appeared in the cockpit of the Star Warship, and Beside Liunianfeng, there is Alice with a full smile on her face.

Well, Alice has become the flagship of Fleeting Maple as a matter of course.

"All warships report their positions to me and confirm the status. The time limit is ten seconds!" Liu Nianfeng quickly issued an order, and soon the basic situation information of all the starship girls was gathered in Liunianfeng's mind, all the starship girls were there, Everything is very normal.

"Very well, the Little Swan and the Harman are advancing separately to draw the map of the universe, and the rest of the warships and flagships form a circular formation and start advancing towards the unknown coordinates xxx yyy zzz!" Fleeting Feng gave the order neatly, one The perfect circular array has been formed, and the Harman and Little Swan have disappeared from everyone's sight, and they have begun to search for the enemy.

And all this only took 32 seconds, which is a result that everyone will be shocked to see.

For a skilled star admiral, 32 seconds is actually nothing. The fastest admiral only needs 25 seconds to complete the change.But Liu Nianfeng is just an admiral who started to contact the formation three months ago. During the welcome ceremony three months ago, it took 5 minutes for Liu Nianfeng to organize a circular formation.

In just three months, Liu Nianfeng shortened the time from 5 minutes to 32 seconds. This is a terrible result, and it is a result that all teachers will be horrified when they see it.

For the next 10 minutes, the fleet moved forward in this universe very calmly, and did not fight the star beast.

"Hey, that's weird. The other admirals met the Star Beast after three or four minutes. How come this Fleeting Maple has passed 4 minutes and still haven't met the Star Beast?" Outside the examination room, those first-year students who were watching the battle Looking at the projection curiously.

As the only male admiral who is also the admiral who will take the college entrance examination one year after entering school, Liu Nianfeng naturally attracted a lot of attention.The academy is also very aware of this, so it directly displayed the battle situation of Liu Nianfeng on the main projection of the broadcast, and the battles of other popular admirals were displayed on the other dozen projections.

After watching the battles of more than a dozen different admirals, these onlookers were surprised to find that the time when Liu Nianfeng encountered the star beast was much slower than other admirals.

If you look carefully, the audience will be surprised to find that the other admirals are the first to send the destroyer to the central area of ​​the battlefield.Because the stars and beasts are always refreshed at that position, they don't even need to scout, just go there and start doing it.

And Fleeting Maple spread out his scout destroyers to both sides, advancing along the edge of the map, so although most of Fleeting Maple's map has been lit up, the center of the map is still dark. It is naturally impossible for Feng to meet the star beast and start a battle with it!
This made the audience feel puzzled. The other admirals were worried about not having enough time, and they raced against the clock to meet the star beast first. After all, 1 minute is equal to a precious minute!

But this Fleeting Maple is fine, 10 minutes have passed, and I haven't even seen the face of the star beast. Could it be that this Fleeting Maple is already planning to give up?
The reason why such a situation occurs, of course, cannot be that Liu Nianfeng intends to give up, but in Liu Nianfeng's eyes, the importance of lighting up the map far exceeds the few seconds of fighting against the stars and aliens.

The battle with the Star Beast is not about everyone huddling together indiscriminately, and then fighting to the death in a small area... That is looking for death. The Star Beast likes to fight in a small area, and they can kill them with a single range attack. A large number of star warships were dropped.

A truly perfect battle must be a dragging battle, with the star beast running around the entire map, fighting in motion, so as to avoid as much damage as possible to one's own side from the star beast.

Therefore, it is very important to understand the map. Liu Nianfeng wants to know which areas in this map are open areas, which areas are quantum fluctuation complex areas; which areas are dense meteorite areas; and which areas can provide cover. the planet;

All in all, only by knowing the whole map clearly and knowing which areas can create a combat advantage can Liu Nianfeng let go of fighting this star beast.

Otherwise, halfway through the fight, he suddenly found that there was a meteorite area in front of him. At that time, the star warship did not die in the hands of the star beast, but was hit and sunk by the meteorite. It would be too ridiculous.

As for the ten or even twenty minutes spent searching the map, it doesn't seem that important to Liu Nianfeng.The wasted time, Liu Nianfeng is fully confident that he will earn back double in the next battle!
Finally, after spending 26 minutes, although some areas on the map are still black, 80% of the map has been lit up. Fleeting Maple has already known the situation of the entire map, and at this time, he is advancing in a circular formation The main fleet finally met his opponent in this battle.

Monster Soldier Level Star Beast: Mouth Hu!

(End of this chapter)

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