girl line

Chapter 278 Let the Aircraft Carrier Be a Meat Shield

Chapter 278 Let the Aircraft Carrier Be a Meat Shield
"Admiral, my battleship is about to fail... Forget it, I'll wait for the resurrection with my sister!" Not long after Ning Hai's sacrifice, Ping Hai's voice rang in Liu Nianfeng's mind.

"Go..." Liu Nianfeng hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.If it wasn't for the fact that this kind of decision sounds very uncomfortable, Liu Nianfeng really wanted Ning Hai and Ping Hai to stop shooting at all, and just go to Kou Hu to use his awakening skills.With the two warships of Ninghai and Pinghai added together, the damage dealt to Kouhu in 20 minutes may not be 2.2%.

In this case, it would be better to let Ninghai and Pinghai sink directly after being revived, the damage caused by this is far more than the damage caused by the shelling when they were alive... It's just that Liu Nianfeng really doesn't want to use Ninghai and Pinghai like this, because of this ability Let Liu Nianfeng recall the humiliating years that belonged to Huaxia!

Could it be that it is not enough for Ning Hai and Ping Hai to be silent once, do they need to be silent more times?
Fleeting Maple really doesn't want to see such a scene!

But in the end, the two little guys, Ning Hai and Ping Hai, used their awakening skills one after the other to sink themselves, and Kou Hu's health also successfully dropped below 90%, reaching 89.5%.

But in this way, there will be no bait to restrain the mouth. Haman and Little Swan's defenses are too weak, and York's speed is too slow. Without the two excellent baits of Ninghai and Pinghai, Liunianfeng's The battle situation facing them has become more dangerous.

As for King Kong, Kirishima, and Washington, they are one of the main output of this battle. Unless Liu Nianfeng doesn't have any other star warships to use, he will never let them go on top .

In desperation, Liu Nianfeng could only use Haman and Little Swan as bait to attract the attention of Kouhu, but just like what Liu Nianfeng worried about just now, although Haman and Little Swan's speed is sufficient, their defense is too weak, In just five or six minutes, the battle damage of the two star warships has reached an astonishing 6%. If they go any further, they will probably go back and wait for resurrection like Ning Hai and Ping Hai.

"Admiral, let me go up! As a brave man, I will definitely be able to fight this demon for a while longer!" York said in Liu Nianfeng's mind, and Liu Nianfeng was about to nod in agreement and let York replace the Haman, which suffered a lot of losses. While with the Little Swan, Alice suddenly said to Liu Nianfeng, "Admiral, there are still 10 minutes, and the Glory will be able to release the next wave of sky-breaking mechs!"

"Oh!" Liu Nianfeng nodded habitually, and when he was about to continue giving orders to York, he glanced at the time unconsciously out of the corner of his eyes, and then he was a little stunned, "It's strange, it's been a while since you released the Air Breaker last time." A has only passed 17 minutes, don't you still need to wait for another 13 minutes to recharge?"

"Admiral! This time it's your turn to have a bad memory!" Alice grinned and said, "Admiral, you forgot, as a prehistoric-class space carrier, it is also a second-level planetary-level space carrier." Ship, but theirs has a 12% reload, and the real recharge time is 26 minutes and 20 seconds, not just 10 minutes!"

"That's right! I forgot such an important thing, so it seems that our grades can be improved again!" Liu Nianfeng nodded, and there was no particularly surprised expression on his face, after all, the increased charging speed was only 12%. For the current situation, this improvement is far from enough.

"Wait... If your charging time is 26 minutes, wouldn't the 10-minute resurrection time be for you..." Thinking of this, a slightly shameless idea was born in Liu Nianfeng's heart!

"Alice, are you afraid of death?" Liu Nianfeng suddenly turned his head, looked at Alice with a smile on his face and asked.


"The gap is getting bigger and bigger. Miyamoto Musashino, who ranks at the top, has already dealt 24% damage to Kouhu, but Liu Nianfeng has only 11% damage. It seems that Liu Nianfeng is really cold this time!" The audience in the auditorium looked at the battle on the screen and said it was a pity.

For the audience, if they don't have their own special preferences, then when watching the game, they generally like to stand on the side of the weak, or on the side of the opposite sex.

To give a simple example, if you see a boy team and a girl team playing a LOL game, if you know these two teams for the first time, then you will naturally stand on the side of the girl team. side.Don't rush to deny it, after all, this is a matter of course.

So when Liu Nianfeng was in this competition, although these starship girls didn't say anything, they naturally stood on Liu Nianfeng's side in their hearts, not to mention that Liu Nianfeng was still a handsome guy.

So when they saw that the gap between Liu Nianfeng and the leader was widening, they couldn't help but sided with Liu Nianfeng, hoping to see Liu Nianfeng achieve good results.It's just that as far as the current situation is concerned, Liu Nianfeng is not even in the top ten, but in the top [-] is really a bit unstable.

Just when the audience was worried about Liu Nianfeng, an interesting change suddenly happened on the bed. The audience found that the golden light that had been emitting from the hull of the Glorious ship suddenly disappeared and returned to its original appearance.And the battleship Washington in the distance took over the brilliance, shining a golden light.

"Liu Nianfeng actually changed his flagship!" The audience exclaimed, following the regulations of the military department, in a fleet, only the flagship can light up a golden light, which is used to tell the position of the flagship of the other warships. Also tell them where the admiral is.

And once the golden light appears on another battleship, it means that the flagship has been replaced.

It's just that what makes the audience feel strange is that, as the absolute core of a fleet, generally speaking, the flagship will not be replaced easily. Only when the flagship is seriously damaged and cannot continue to fight, the admiral will replace the flagship.

But the space carrier Glory has been staying in the safest area all the time, without any damage, and the battle damage is still intact. There is no reason for Liu Nianfeng to replace the flagship!

But soon, these viewers understood why Liu Nianfeng wanted to change the flagship.Because after the replacement of the flagship was completed, the Brilliant number turned on its full horsepower and rushed towards the mouth!
"My God! This Fleeting Maple...he actually...he actually planned to use the space carrier Glory as a bait!" Everyone looked at this scene in disbelief, because the Glory actually took over the ship that originally belonged to the Harman. The work with the Little Swan became the bait to attract the attack of the mouth, which made all the audience feel extremely consternated.

This is not scientific!Whether in the 21st century or in the 71st century, the space carrier is a unit that shrinks behind and outputs. When did it take on the task of acting as a bait and a meat shield?This is simply an incredible thing!
Well, although it felt absolutely unbelievable, the Brilliance still steadfastly headed towards Kouhu, and then became the target of Kouhu's pursuit.

Although the speed of the Glory is not as fast as that of destroyers and light cruisers, the Glory has an advantage that these warships do not have, that is, its rough skin and thick flesh... In terms of rough skin and thick flesh, the Glorious even surpasses The USS Washington is the roughest and thickest battleship in the Fleet Maple fleet... just like the terrifying European style of the Glory.

Therefore, although in the process of serving as bait, it was repeatedly attacked by Hughes, and then part of the cabin was kicked by Hughes' hooves, but the Glory can always avoid the core parts of its battleship just right, such as Anti-matter engines, such as the cockpit, such as the Ganaku and the like... the damage to the mouth is all insignificant cabins.

So from the point of view of the actual effect, the effect of Guanghui as a bait even surpassed that of Ninghai and Platform, and it can be called the best bait.

What was unexpected again was that within a few minutes of serving as the bait, the Brilliance suddenly stopped running, and began to greet it directly, and rushed towards Mouthu's body.

"Damn! Is the Brilliance crazy? She actually took the initiative to seek death!" The audience said in disbelief, they couldn't believe their eyes, a space carrier actually rushed over in front of the star beast.

"No! The Glorious is not looking for death, she wants to release the Sky-shattering Mecha, my God, after only 26 minutes, the Glory can actually release the Sky-shattering Mecha, the Glory is only a planetary level Could it be that there is a 12% reloading bonus? Will the Honghuang-class space carrier be too scary!" A spectator exclaimed loudly, and at the same time all the spectators also saw that the four teams of space destroyers A continuously flew out of the gantry of the Radiance, and then under the cover of the Radiance, they flew towards the mouth together.

"Look, there are four teams of torpedo blasters, and all four teams are torpedo blasters!" Another spectator exclaimed, the four teams that Guanghui released this time were all torpedo blasters Armor, don't these air-breaking mechas of the Glory need the protection of the special fighting air-breaking mechas?

Aren't these torpedo-type air-breaking mechas all dying in the face of Kouhu's alienated clone?
Sure enough, seeing the appearance of the air-shattering mechs, Kou Hu also released his alienated avatars immediately. Seeing that these air-shattering mechas were about to be beaten by the alienated avatars, the Glory blocked them The front of the empty mecha.

The first attacks of the alienated avatars all hit the body of the Glory, and except for a few unlucky torpedo mechs, all of them successfully approached the mouth, and then poured their torpedoes into the mouth. Hu's ears.

"Boom!" After a burst of dazzling exposure, Kouhu's right ear was dripping with blood, and even the bones in his body leaked out.Looking at Kouhu's health again, Kouhu, who was still at 88.2% of his health just now, now has only 74.6% of his health left, and lost 13.6% of his health in one breath. It is definitely the most explosive battle in all battles. .

And with the help of this injury, the injury Liu Nianfeng caused to Kouhu instantly jumped from the original 80 to the third place in the ranking of all candidates.

But on the contrary, as a shield, the Radiance must also bear the end of being a shield. She has been torn to pieces by the alienated clone of the scorpion, and then directly pushed a corner by the angry scorpion, and finally in the universe It turned into a brilliant light again.

Glorious, sunk.

(End of this chapter)

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