girl line

Chapter 286 Pervasive

Chapter 286 Pervasive
"Strange, is there something wrong with today's quantum network? Why is it so slow to send a file. The same is true for the list you sent me before. It took a full 20 minutes to send it!" Liu Nianfeng looked at the Circling, reminding the personal terminal that the network condition is bad and the file transfer is slow, said anxiously.

It’s just spring now, and it’s going to be dark from 5 o’clock in the afternoon, and it’s already 4:[-], and I’m afraid it’s only an hour or two before it’s completely dark. Dorms talk about freelance contracts.

"No way, even if it is a quantum network, there will be fluctuations. This is an inevitable thing. Who made us just meet!" Alice also said with a wry smile, and when Alice finished speaking, Fleeting Years Finally, there was a ding-dong response from Feng's personal terminal.

The network was restored at this moment, and the files of Xi Yue'er, Ai Yue'er, and other starship girls were transmitted to Liu Nianfeng's personal terminal almost at the same time.But what disappointed Liu Nianfeng was that Liu Nianfeng thought that these starship girls could get him forty or fifty starship girls' classmates and friends no matter what, but in the end, there were not even ten of them.

Among them, Ninghai and Pinghai replied to Liu Nianfeng with an empty list, and then added a pitiful sentence "I'm sorry admiral... Ninghai and Pinghai have no friends to recommend..."

Only then did Liu Nianfeng remember that when these two unlucky children went around begging for food, they had already ruined their character.After following Liu Nianfeng, she was even more jealous of the other starship girls. These two poor children really have no trustworthy friends... As for some friends with ordinary relationships, Liu Nianfeng dare not take risks. Now Liu Nianfeng There is no time to be rejected.

Like Ning Hai and Pinghai, Ai Yueer gave Liu Nianfeng an empty answer, which is more normal, because Ai Yueer has a strong sister-controlling attribute, so since she entered school, she has become a strange person in the class. From the beginning to the end, there was only York John as a roommate and friend.

Xi Yue'er finally provided Liu Nianfeng with a list of three people, but Liu Nianfeng checked the list and found that two of them were starship girls from the murder club that had already visited. These two were excluded.

York John only provided Liu Nianfeng with the name of a friend... Judging from her two-to-one style, it is a great thing for her to have a friend.

Woodrow Wilson provided Liu Nianfeng with a list of five friends, which was the most.And Lin Chouchou and Hongyu just provided a name, as for the last Haman... also handed in a beautiful blank paper.

"Why are my starship girls so lonely!" Liu Nianfeng sighed, but there was no more time for Liu Nianfeng to sigh, and Liu Nianfeng immediately visited the starship girls on the list non-stop.

But the result made Liu Nianfeng completely desperate.

Xi Yue'er's friend heard Liu Nianfeng's call, knew what Liu Nianfeng was here for, and after learning that it was recommended by Xi Yueer, he hung up the phone with a slap, and never gave Liu Nianfeng a chance to say anything more. .This made Liu Nianfeng start to wonder whether the list Xi Yueer gave her was a list of friends or a list of enemies.

York John’s friends were unable to get through on the phone, and when Liu Nianfeng went to visit him in the dormitory, the roommate in the same dormitory told Liu Nianfeng that something happened in the other’s house, and he had asked for leave from school to go home up.

And Liu Nianfeng immediately cheekily invited this roommate to become his starship girl, but in the end, the other party gave Liu Nianfeng a supercilious look, and then slammed the door behind him.

"Can you stop saying that something happened to my family... Isn't this cursing my parents?" After the roommate closed the door of the dormitory, the starship girl who was invited by Liu Nianfeng also walked out of the room Come out, look at the roommate sadly and said.

"Okay, that's all I want! This is the email address and password of Lu Han's complete set of out-of-print holographic photo albums promised to you. You only need to open this email address and enter the password, and you can get your I want something!" After the roommate finished speaking, he immediately rushed to the next goal without stopping.

"Wow! My Luhan, even if you already have a girlfriend, I can still be your mistress!" The starship girl immediately hugged the little note and said excitedly, as if she had already taken the deer. Han, the big star, was hugged in his arms.

Needless to say the following story, what Liunianfeng got was still all rejections, everyone had various reasons, and the reasons boiled down to the end, they all wanted to reject Liunianfeng... What hurts is that he sat in the dormitory of a friend of Woodrow Wilson's for more than an hour, and the other party always showed an attitude that he was very interested in Liu Nianfeng and was very willing to become Liu Nianfeng's starship girl , so Liu Nianfeng spent a lot of time persuading the other party and building a relationship with the other party, but in the end he still refused the word.

Of course, because of the delay of Fleeting Maple for more than an hour, this starship girl got benefits from the mysterious man far more than other starship girls.

When Liu Nianfeng came out of the starship girl's dormitory in great frustration, the sky was already dark, and there were fewer and fewer starship girls walking in the academy, and most of the starship girls had already passed away. Back in the dormitory, at the same time the access control system of the dormitory has been opened, it is very difficult for Liu Nianfeng to enter the dormitory of these starship girls again.

"Admiral, I think we might as well grab some students by the side of the road and say hello directly!" Alice couldn't help but said when she saw Liu Nianfeng's frustrated look.

"No! I, Liunianfeng, haven't reached the point where I want to pull people casually by the side of the road, so what have I become?" Liunianfeng smiled wryly, and then deleted all the lists in the personal terminal and said, "Go back to the dormitory If it’s too great, I won’t take the college entrance examination, even if I don’t have a Heavenly Court Star, I can still get Bismarck!”

What Liu Nianfeng said was very angry, but they were all just angry words. Liu Nianfeng actually knew very well in his heart that if his tutelary mansion was not on Tiantingxing, the possibility of getting Bismarck was less than [-]%. Just one.

But Liu Nianfeng really needs to go back to the dormitory. After several hours of rejection, Liu Nianfeng really needs time to calm down and organize his thoughts.

And when Liu Nianfeng returned to the dormitory, he gradually calmed down and noticed something abnormal.

This is an extremely abnormal situation. How can there be thirty or forty people who all reject my reasoning? Could it be that there are some people blocking me?
"By the way, my network got stuck twice for no reason today, each time when I was transferring the list. I am afraid that my target list has been leaked at this time!" At this moment, Liu Nianfeng's IQ I finally went online, and I have thought about all the strange things that happened today.

"Hey... Maybe it's really what Alice said... I should go to the side of the road to pull people, so I don't believe that the force hiding in the dark has the ability to stop me!" Liu Nianfeng said in pain, Can't help but start to regret it.But it’s useless to regret it now. When Liu Nianfeng returned to the dormitory, it was already 9:[-] p.m., and it was also the time stipulated by the college that all must return to the dormitory. At this time, there were no starships walking outside in the college. She's a girl... Unless she was a girl who ran to her dormitory to attack at night like York John and Ai Yue'er, at the risk of violating school rules.

"It seems that the only way to get in touch is by phone! I can gather all my starship girls together and ask them to find some friends for me, confirm by phone, and rush to make the ghost contract early tomorrow morning , it seems that there is only one way to avoid the surveillance of the forces behind it!"

Liu Nianfeng's thinking was too focused and serious, so almost all the content of his thinking was said by talking to himself... It was only natural that these words reached Xue Long's ears.

"Ben Yu thinks that if you, an idiot, really do this, even if you make an agreement on the phone tonight, by tomorrow morning, all the starship girls you made an appointment with will change their minds!" Xue Long's voice was cold It rang.

"Why do you say that?" Liu Nianfeng looked at Xue Long curiously and asked.

"Can't you figure it out? Although that dark force may be eavesdropping on your call, after you make an appointment, the other party will come to your door to intimidate and lure you. I believe that you will almost be cold by the next morning."

"It makes sense!" Liu Nianfeng nodded involuntarily, he really didn't think of this.

"Then I can borrow the phone numbers of other starship girls... No, their phone calls are likely to be monitored as well. If I am that dark force, then I will definitely do the same!" Liu Nianfeng bit Grinding his teeth, he said, "I have to find a contact method that cannot be monitored."

"Apart from the phone, the only thing that can communicate with the outside world is the Internet. The phone is very easy to locate and monitor. Although the Internet is a bit more difficult, as long as my IP address is located, all my conversations and contacts will definitely be blocked. Surveillance!" Liu Nianfeng thought with a headache, he suddenly found that he seemed to have reached a state of desperation.

Seeing Liu Nianfeng's sore face, Xue Long couldn't help but pouted his mouth, and said disdainfully, "I said Liu Nianfeng, you usually look very smart, why are you so confused now? You forgot What do you usually do the most?"

"What do I usually do the most?" Hearing what Xue Long said, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help but look at the game cabin next to his bed.That's right, the game cabin is only connected with the game company's system, and all data is also protected by the game company's security system.

Unless the security system of the game company is breached, it is impossible to know what he said in the game.

And this game company is an industry directly under the royal family, and the security system of the game company is also in charge of the Royal Cyber ​​Security Company. If the power behind that dares to attack the Royal Cyber ​​Security Company, then this power may not live long, so For Liu Nianfeng at this time, there is nothing safer than communicating in the game, and the game cabin is indeed the only opportunity for Liu Nianfeng to communicate now.

Thinking of this, Liu Nianfeng was very happy for a while, but his face immediately became a little bit pained again.

It is indeed safe enough to communicate through the game, but there are only a handful of people in the academy who are qualified to play games, and it is impossible for me to get in touch with the other party without knowing the other party's game ID in advance.

If this is the case, then Liu Nianfeng has no choice but to find a starship girl outside the academy, other than that, Liu Nianfeng has no choice.

But the problem is, Liu Nianfeng is such a loner, how does he know the starship girl who exists outside the academy!
For a while, Liu Nianfeng fell into a desperate situation again.

(End of this chapter)

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