girl line

Chapter 293 The Emerald Form of the Shura Field

Chapter 293 The Emerald Form of the Shura Field
"Okay, the next target is Alice, the little guy you mentioned? Where is she now?" After picking up Ming Yue'er and Qing Yue'er in the car, Liu Nianfeng asked Alice impatiently.

"She is in the orphanage where I stayed. She is the same as the orphan. In fact, she is an orphan after the destruction of her home planet. I will take you there now!" There was also some curiosity.Liu Nianfeng had never been to the orphanage where Alice grew up, and he didn't know what it was like in that orphanage.

The process went very smoothly, Liu Nianfeng was very careful, for fear that other mercenaries would come to ambush him.But the whole journey was unimpeded, and I arrived at the orphanage where Alice was very smoothly.

Of course, the orphanage is already in darkness at this time, only a corridor light at the gate still emits a faint light, indicating that the entire orphanage has fallen into a state of deep sleep.This made Liu Nianfeng feel a little troublesome. If he sneaks into the orphanage and takes people away at this time, it will definitely cause some unnecessary troubles... If the orphanage does not let Liu Nianfeng take this orphan away, then Liu Nianfeng must Grab it by force, otherwise it would be impossible to take this orphan away.

But if it is really robbed, the trouble will be even greater. It is impossible for a starship girl who does not comply with the law to be accepted by the education department. It's useless, maybe Liu Nianfeng will have to face a lawsuit.

"It's okay... If my guess is correct, that child should not be in the orphanage right now, you all come with me!" Alice saw Liu Nianfeng's worry, shook her head and comforted Liu Nianfeng very confidently road.

This also made Liu Nianfeng a little curious, where can a child be if she is not in the orphanage at this time, can she still go to the wilderness?

In the end, what made Liu Nianfeng feel extremely embarrassed was that Alice really brought them to a wilderness... As I said before, because of the highly developed transportation and network, cities on the planet are generally relatively small. It is small, and there are a large number of people living in a very remote location with excellent scenery... This orphan orphanage is also the same. It is built in a valley where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, and three streams flow through it. There is no better place for kids.

This also led to once they left the building range of the orphanage, they completely entered the wilderness, surrounded by dark forests one after another.

Except for Alice and Liunianfeng who were walking in the front who were very calm, sisters Xiyue'er and Shuanghai sisters showed obvious expressions of fear on their faces, especially Mingyue'er and Qingyue'er who had just joined, their hands were tightly held. Clutching each other together, their whole bodies were shaking. If Liu Nianfeng read it correctly, their palms should have been soaked with sweat, so that they continuously reflected the crystal light.

And the one who felt the most fear was not Qingyue'er, but Mingyue'er, who had been extremely calm and calm before, although she still forcibly supported her body and made herself the support of her younger sister.But Liu Nianfeng found that the other party's calmness was actually faked by force from her pupils that were flickering with panic and fear, and she was probably the most feared one among all of them!
"Cut! You are so old, yet you are still so afraid of the dark, useless little things..." Seeing the reactions of Mingyue'er and Qingyue'er, Xiyue'er immediately seized this rare opportunity and began to taunt road.

"No...we...we...have no fear..." Although Qing Yue'er retorted like this, she could still hear from the trembling tongue, what it means to be a dead duck with a hard mouth.

" two just pretend...I'll tell's said that there are zombies in this forest at night, as long as they bite you..." Xi Yueer's face showed a smug look. With a smirk, just as she was about to take down the two younger sisters, a hand knife hit Xi Yue'er directly on the head.

"Boss Alice...why did you hit me?" Xi Yue'er looked at Alice aggrievedly and asked.

"You are the oldest of the four sisters anyway. You are the older sister of all of them. How can you scare your younger sister like you!" Alice knocked Xi Yue'er on the head unceremoniously again, and Xi Yue'er Immediately, he didn't dare to say anything more, so he could only curl his mouth in aggrieved manner.

"You two sisters, don't be frightened by this bad guy. I grew up here, and I am very familiar with the surrounding environment. I often sneak out at night to look at the stars and the moon... so I can I assure you, this is a very safe and peaceful place, there are only one or two cute little rabbits at most, there will not be any dangerous or scary things, I assure the two sisters!" Alice walked to the bright moon Beside Qingyue'er and Qingyue'er, one left and one right held the hands of the two newcomers.

After hearing Alice's warm words, Qingyue'er heaved a long sigh of relief, and at the same time couldn't help holding Alice's hand even tighter.But on the contrary, after hearing Alice's words, Ming Yue'er gave Alice a meaningful look, then threw Alice's left hand unconsciously, and turned her sister's hand from Alice's. He snatched it back from his hand, and said lightly, "Thank you!"

"Hehe!" Seeing Mingyue'er's reaction, Alice couldn't help laughing coquettishly, and then continued to lead the way. This sudden little story came to an abrupt end.

"Women are really scary..." Liu Nianfeng, who watched all this secretly from the corner of his eyes, couldn't help but complain in his heart. The second hill of the city is about to be erected, and God knows what will happen in the future.


"We're here! It's here!" Under the leadership of Alice, everyone walked for more than ten minutes before stopping. It was a clear lake, and the bright moon reflected in the water seemed to be dyed the whole world. There is a layer of light yellow halo.

"It's so beautiful here!" Seeing the beautiful scenery in front of him, even Ming Yue'er couldn't help admiring from the bottom of his heart.And the other starship girls were directly immersed in this beautiful scenery. They never imagined that a night scene under a bright moon can be so beautiful!
"This place is called egg yolk's not the light yellow yellow, but the yolk of the egg yolk you eat...I chose this name because every time I see the moon in this lake, I can think of delicious food. Egg yolk. When I was a little girl, I sneaked here almost every two or three nights, because only here can I find peace in my chaotic heart!" Although the name of Egg Yolk Lake is very Want to complain, but with Alice's faint and slightly sad commentary, everyone seems to be able to feel the indescribable emotion in Alice's heart from the word egg yolk.

But then again, when everyone got out of this beautiful scenery, they started to wonder why Alice brought them to this place. Could it be that the girl is here?
As if to confirm the guesses in everyone's minds, Alice suddenly walked to the river, picked up a small pebble from the river bank, and then gently threw the pebble into the lake. After the ding dong, I saw the bushes not far away shaking, and then, there was a meowing sound.

"Wow! There's a kitten here!" Qingyue'er called out in surprise, then couldn't wait to run to the bushes, and got into the bushes with a look of crazy love for cats.

But only three seconds later, Qingyue'er ran out of the grass in a panic, screaming strangely while running, "It's bad, there are monsters! There are cat demons!"

"Cat demon?" Everyone couldn't help but looked at each other, and then became extremely vigilant.They didn't think that Qingyue'er was lying, but they thought that Qingyue'er might really have met a monster.After all, this is the age of the universe, and the species in the universe are endless, and there are all kinds of possibilities. If it is not guaranteed, there will be a cat-like alien from other planets wandering to Zhiyuan Star, and then met by Qingyueer. possible things.

So everyone immediately became highly vigilant, and at the same time prepared to join hands to deal with this sudden monster.

"So it's a cat today?" Only Alice muttered in a low voice, and then motioned everyone to keep calm and said, "Everyone, don't be nervous! She is not a cat demon! She is the person I am looking for!", and then Alice was alone He walked into the grass, and then walked out with a big animal in his arms.

"Cat demon! Look, this is the cat demon!" Qingyue'er immediately said in horror, and at the same time, everyone noticed that in Alice's arms, there was a cat with turquoise fur and a turquoise tail. An animal with two turquoise cat ears standing on its head... It's just that compared with ordinary cats, this cat's size is a bit too big, and it's already close to the size of a leopard.

"What? Isn't this just an ordinary cat! It's so rare!" Ai Yue'er said disdainfully.

" look at her look at the face of this cat demon..." Qingyue'er was dealing with it, and at this time the cat just turned its head, and then, everyone saw a dull face. human face.

"Wow! Cat demon!" Ai Yue'er screamed loudly, her voice was no less than that of Qing Yue'er just now.

(End of this chapter)

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