girl line

Chapter 300 Maintenance Ship!

Chapter 300 Maintenance Ship!
"Congratulations to Miss Mingyue'er and Qingyue'er, your ships are all battlecruisers!" After the contract ceremony was completed, it was natural to identify different ship types, and Mingyue'er and Qingyue'er, who were the first to be identified, It is the star battlecruiser!

"Congratulations!" Hearing this result, the starship girls watching around, as well as the dean of Al Starship Girls Academy, and Qin Yan all applauded and congratulated Mingyue'er and Qingyue'er.Although it is not the best type of ship such as the space carrier and the star battleship, the star battlecruiser is second only to these two types of ships, and it is also one of the best in a hundred. This is indeed a worthy congratulations from everyone As a result, even Qin Yan's eyes shone with envy.

Although the society keeps emphasizing that all starship girls are equal, in fact, the starship girls know in their hearts that at the moment of completing the ship type identification, it is impossible for starship girls to have true equality.

However, this result did not exceed Liu Nianfeng's expectations at all, or as early as Liu Nianfeng's expectations, Liu Nianfeng even guessed which two ancient warship souls would be summoned by the connected summoning ceremony .

Obviously, Mingyue'er and Qingyue'er are Hiei and Haruna who have not yet appeared among the famous King Kong Four Idiots.

In fact, it's not just Mingyue'er and Qingyue'er, but Liunianfeng can probably guess what type of starship girl Jiang Yixian is.

"Congratulations, Ms. Jiang Yixian, your ship type is a star light cruiser!" As expected by Liu Nianfeng, Jiang Yixian was finally identified as a star light cruiser, which was exactly the same as the setting in the game.

"Hey... In fact, as far as the facts are concerned, Yixian is not enough to be a star destroyer!" Seeing this result, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help but sigh in his heart.In actual history, whether it is tonnage or weapons, Yixian is far inferior to the data of a star destroyer.The reason why it was able to become a star light cruiser was because the government at that time forcibly positioned Yixian as a light cruiser in order to boost morale.

"I don't know what level the soul of Yixian's last ancient warship is. If even Ninghai and Pinghai are peerless, then as the flagship at that time, wouldn't Yixian also have the possibility of being a peerless soul!" Liu Nianfeng I was a little excited to think that like Ning Hai and Ping Hai, the soul of the ancient battleship of the Yixian was also the soul of an ancient battleship that had never been summoned, so the level of the soul of the ancient battleship of the Yixian was still a mystery. .

[PS: The author actually doesn’t remember whether he mentioned whether the Yixian number was summoned by other admirals before. I looked through the previous chapters, but I couldn’t find any relevant descriptions.Readers, if you still remember, you can remind the author in this chapter.However, for the smoothness of the future plot, the author can only set that the soul of the ancient battleship of the Yixian has never been summoned. I hope readers can understand! 】

The only thing that makes Liu Nianfeng curious is actually Ono's ship type. Liu Nianfeng has never found any clues to determine the ship type on the opponent, so this is a starship girl who makes Liu Nianfeng feel curious from the bottom of his heart.

"Huh!" When the pastor finally identified Ono's ship type, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he looked at the crystal ball several times carefully before finally nodding his head and saying, " Congratulations, Ms. Matsuzaka Ono, your ship type has been identified as a maintenance ship! This is a very rare ship type, as rare as an aerospace carrier!" The priest said enviously.

"What! It's actually a maintenance ship!" Liu Nianfeng never expected that what Ono finally identified was a maintenance ship.What the pastor said is correct. As independent of the main battleship, the four special warships including the repair ship are all extremely rare ships, and the repair ship is second only to the universal ship in rarity. And the existence of the fortress ship, the rarity is indeed comparable to the sky carrier.

"Huh! Unexpectedly, this little guy is actually a maintenance ship!" Hearing this result, Admiral He Jing couldn't help showing a somewhat shocked expression on her face.

"Senior He Jing, why are you so shocked! Don't you also have a maintenance ship?" Seeing He Jing's shocked expression, Liu Nianfeng couldn't help but said. .

Liu Nianfeng remembered that there seemed to be a maintenance ship in He Jing's town guard mansion. At the beginning, it was this maintenance ship that was repairing the damaged Guanghui while advancing, so that when the Guanghui finally answered the star port, it was almost gone. Completely repaired.

"I don't have the character of Huahuang like you, so I casually tossed out a maintenance ship!" Even He Jing, who was extremely kind, couldn't help showing a jealous expression on her face at this moment. He took a deep look at Liu Nianfeng, and then said, "My maintenance ship is not really a maintenance ship, or I am just a simple maintenance ship... In fact, if my maintenance ship, all other tutelary forts also have .”

"That's just a simple maintenance ship, a simple space battleship controlled by a computer system, that is to say, this is a pure space battleship that has not undergone ghost reincarnation with the starship girl... This kind of maintenance There are more than 20 warships in my tutelary mansion, all of which are driven by ordinary people, and usually stay behind the battlefield, and can only be repaired after the battle is over, or after our star warships withdraw to the rear."

"If it is a real maintenance ship controlled by a starship girl, then no matter when and where, in any place, even without directly contacting the starship girl who is fighting in front, it can be directly repaired. ...This is the real maintenance ship, do you understand?" After He Jing finished speaking, she couldn't help but hum, her tone was full of deep jealousy, this Liu Nianfeng was indeed a Huahuang through and through.

At the beginning, when the rumors about Liu Nianfeng's pedigree began to spread, He Jing still didn't believe it, thinking that Liu Nianfeng was just lucky for a while, and as time went by, he would be beaten back soon. In the original form, how could it be possible to summon so many elite-level ancient battleship souls every time the soul of the ancient battleship was summoned? This is completely nonsense, a blind cat hitting a dead mouse.

But this time, when Liu Nianfeng identified a starship girl with maintenance ship qualifications, comparable to space carrier qualifications in front of her, He Jing couldn't help but feel that this Liu Nianfeng might be real. With Huahuang's bloodline, this is too awesome!

"This... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... It's my fault... I'm ignorant!" Hearing He Jing's words full of jealousy, Liu Nianfeng could only pat his head with a smirk, and then said desperately He was ignorant, so as not to hurt He Jing's face.

"Forget it... But since you have encountered a repair ship, I still have a gift that I can give you! After you finish summoning, I will give you that gift!" He Jing looked at it lovingly. Like Liu Nianfeng, he suddenly thought of something and immediately said a few words to the dean beside him. The dean nodded and left the contract hall directly.

"How embarrassing this is... this is really embarrassing..." Liu Nianfeng is really embarrassed, He Jing has helped herself so much, and she still wants to give herself another gift, which really makes Liu Nianfeng too embarrassed up.

"It's okay, just treat it as a debt of favor, and you will have to pay it back in the future!" He Jing said lightly, and Liu Nianfeng couldn't say anything more, so he could only keep nodding his head, expressing that he would definitely pay it back. Favor account!
With the identification of the ship types of the four starship girls completed, it was finally time to summon the soul of the ancient battleship.

Like the summoning hall on Reach Star, there is also a huge crystal globe in the summoning hall on El Star.It's just that compared with the Reach Star, the crystal earth on Ayer's planet contains about 1/3 less earth fragments than the Reach Star.

This is a very normal thing, because the Al star is farther away from the core of the human empire than the Reach star, and it is still in the stage of being guarded by the guard house. The alien beasts belonging to the stars may invade the nearby planets, so Ai No matter the population, the history, the establishment time of the Starship Girls Academy and the number of students, Erxing is a bit worse than Zhiyuan Star, so the souls of ancient battleships contained in the Crystal Earth are also a little less, which is very normal.

It's just that this can't help but make Liu Nianfeng a little worried, what if there is no match for Shang Mingyue'er and their ancient battleship souls in this crystal earth.

But reality can't allow Liu Nianfeng to worry too much, he can only call Mingyue'er and Qingyue'er to take the lead in summoning the fragments of the earth...Of course, before the summoning begins, Mingyue'er and Qingyue'er also ask Liu Nianfeng gave them a set of lucky buffs inherited from the family... that is, licking the pinnae.

Liu Nianfeng had already become very proficient at this, and after licking the two little guys until they were soft, he let them leave his arms and went to summon the soul of the ancient battleship.

The process is almost a replica of Xi Yue'er and Ai Yue'er, only four earth fragments responded to the call of the two of them. The soul phantom also appeared soon after, and finally the souls of these two ancient battleships were also identified as the star battlecruiser Hiei and the star battlecruiser Haruna.

It is worth mentioning that among them, Mingyue'er is the name of Hiei, and Qingyue'er is the name of Haruna, and it is exactly as Liunianfeng expected, the famous family of four idiots of King Kong, just before the government examination, was killed by Liunianfeng. I got it all together!

"I don't think that lucky buff is useful... Whether it is used or not is the same ending..." Liu Nianfeng couldn't help complaining in his heart.

But what Liu Nianfeng didn't know was that behind him, He Jing and Qin Yan looked at the soul of two elite-class ancient battleships in succession with their perverted eyes, but they still had unhappy expressions. Fleeting maple.

"This guy...he can't be happy only at the Kuangshi class... This Huahuang has reached this level... The elite class I have obtained in 60 years is not as much as this guy... I have more than 60 years It's a waste of time..." He Jing had ten thousand muddy horses running past her, and she had a completely new understanding of the name Huahuang in her heart!
(End of this chapter)

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