girl line

Chapter 308 The perfect ending

Chapter 308 The perfect ending
"Do you still want to eat?" After a burst of joy from the soul, Liu Nianfeng looked at Xue Long's bulging mouth, and at the same time made a swallowing movement in his throat, and said in disbelief.Never thought that Xuelong played so openly, far exceeding Liunianfeng's imagination!
"Stupid, if it's just an ordinary thing, it's an ordinary effect... Only by eating the milk that contains your psionic energy and psionic energy can you complete the contract... According to the research of our ancestors, that man's milk In fact, it should also contain psionic and psionic energy, and only the psionic and psionic energy contained in the milk can match up with the starship girl of our emerald green galaxy, do you understand!" Xue Long finally put Swallowing everything in his mouth, he answered Liu Nianfeng's question, and finally complained, "This taste is really unpalatable. It's fishy, ​​smelly and salty, and full of fishy smell. It's so unpalatable!"

"It's not that I forced you to eat... Also, is it okay for you to complain about yourself like this?" Liu Nianfeng stuck out his tongue, and at the same time sensed the ghost port in his body, and was pleasantly surprised to find that his ghost Sure enough, there is a trace of a starship girl in the port... This shows that I have successfully contracted with Xuelong. Xuelong has become my 15th starship girl, and I have become the first in history. A star admiral of a starship girl who owns the emerald galaxy.

Fleeting Maple once again created history!

"What are you still doing here? It's almost 11 o'clock, don't you still have to go to Dean Lexington?" Seeing Liu Nianfeng lying foolishly outside the water tank, Xue Long frowned and urged.

"Oh... I almost forgot... Thank you for reminding me!" Liu Nianfeng jumped down from the fish tank in a panic, and rushed into the bathroom, planning to take a shower and change clothes as quickly as possible. ...If he went to see Lexington with a fishy smell all over his body, wouldn't he be kicked out by Lexington directly.

"This idiot, he has already read the introduction of the mermaid clan attached to the "Regulations", but he was deceived so easily in the end, what an idiot!" Seeing Liu Nianfeng rushing into the bathroom, Xue Long suddenly rose up Mouth, with a somewhat depressed, but also somewhat joyful, very complicated smile on his face.

"This idiot, if he knows that our mermaids have two organs at the same time...the upper and lower mouths can both function as that organ, will he be pissed off by me!" Xue Long said faintly "However, it seems that what my mother said is correct, and the prophecy left by my ancestors is also correct. This man is indeed the reliance of our South China Sea lineage to re-emerge. He will definitely be able to be like the emperor of the Third Empire back then. Emerald Galaxy has established a brand new order!"

Speaking of this, Xue Long suddenly touched the belly and said, "Stomach, belly, you should be more aggressive, you have already seized an unprecedented opportunity, as long as you can conceive the blood of this annoying guy, then this fish will always stand It's invincible... I hate it... I'm so ashamed... What the hell is this fish thinking..."

"Well... but I heard from my mother that it is very difficult for us mermaids to conceive, and he is a human man, so the difficulty is even higher. The chance of success is too low... It seems that Ben Yu still has to find a way to trick him into saying more times!" Xue Long said while touching his still somewhat slippery lips, while Liu Nian Feng, who was taking a bath in the bathroom, shivered involuntarily, as if he was going to be squeezed clean Same.

But thinking about it carefully, what Xue Long said should not be a lie, and the special structure of the mermaid clan does allow the upper mouth of Xue Long to also take on the task of the lower mouth. It can be regarded as the first XXOO in life, and Liu Nianfeng is no longer that cute boy.

So here comes the question, for Liu Nianfeng, who has already done XXOO, will the psionic and psionic energy in his body decline next?This is a very serious and important topic, but it's a pity that it's impossible for Liunianfeng, who is taking a bath, to know about it for the time being.


"Your No. 15 starship girl is actually a fish!" Lexington rolled his eyes to the sky when he saw the procedures submitted by Liu Nianfeng.

"What did you say? Believe it or not, Benyu is accusing you of racial discrimination, my dear Dean! Why is Benyu a fish!" Xue Long said Benyu, while accusing Lexington of not being discriminatory I am a fish!
"Ahem, dear Dean, I have read the exam regulations more than a dozen times, and there is no rule on it that says that starship girls from the Emerald Emerald Galaxy are not allowed to be one of the candidates for the exam. , I am completely legal and compliant, please approve it, Dean!" Liu Nianfeng said with a flattering smile.

"Shut up, I know the exam rules better than you, of course I know there are no such rules!" Lexington gave Liu Nian Feng a hard look, then looked at the mermaid Xuelong who was being held by Liu Nian Feng in his arms, and stroked his chin Said, "The reason why this article is not stipulated in the regulations is because all human beings in the world know that the starship girls in the Emerald Emerald Galaxy are special. It is impossible to make a contract with them. Human beings have done countless experiments like this. There has never been a successful contract between an admiral of the stars and a starship girl Lingyou from the Emerald Galaxy. Now you tell me that the contract between the two of you is successful. Why believe you?" Lexington scolded.

"Ahem, dear Dean, I also want to remind you. Even if there are thousands of star admirals who have done the experiment, those thousands of star admirals are all women... But I am a man, It is also the only male star admiral, how do you know that a male star admiral cannot synchronize with the starship girls of the Emerald Emerald Galaxy?" Liu Nianfeng patted Xue Long's exposed belly, Xue Long understood, and immediately moved The battleship sky soul in his body was projected, and Liu Nianfeng introduced the battleship sky soul into his body at the same time.

Such a scene completely proves one point, that is, Liu Nianfeng has indeed completed the ghost contract with Xue Long, otherwise it is absolutely impossible for Xue Long's battleship Sky Soul to enter Liu Nian Feng's body.

"Damn! You have become the No. 1 in history!" Seeing the scene in front of him, Lexington was silent for a while, then a funny smile appeared on his face, and at the same time he scolded Liu Nianfeng.

"That... I have already been No. 1 in history, and it's no big deal to have one more!" Liu Nianfeng said cheekily.

"Okay, I understand. Since Ms. Xuelong has indeed become your starship girl, then I have no reason to reject you. Congratulations, Liu Nianfeng, you can take this year's college entrance examination!" Ke Xingdun nodded, and at the same time reported Liunianfeng's data to the Ministry of Education. After waiting for about 20 minutes, he received a confirmation reply from the Ministry of Education. Liunianfeng has truly become a candidate for the college entrance examination this year. !
(End of this chapter)

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