girl line

Chapter 312 TV Interview

Chapter 312 TV Interview
So here comes the question, what happened to Liu Nianfeng?Why hasn't the Zhiyuan Star team appeared at such a critical time?

Of course, the problem is not with Liu Nianfeng. After confirming his quota for the college entrance examination, Liu Nianfeng took all his starship girls to Kiran Star immediately, and then directly rented a 500-square-meter flat on Kilan Star. In the large villa, he brought all his starship girls to start closed training.

It was Von Hindenburg who really delayed everyone so late. This girl could not be contacted until the last day of the registration deadline, and the registration requirement must be that all five admirals of a college must sign in at the same time, otherwise there will only be four people. It was impossible, so even though Liu Nianfeng and the others were so anxious that their hearts were about to jump out of their mouths, they still had no choice but to keep contacting von Hindenburg.

Fortunately, on the last day of the check-in, von Hindenburg's personal communication was finally connected, and von Hindenburg also stated that he was rushing to the battleship on Star Kilan and was expected to arrive at 4 pm.

The final sign-in time is 5:20 p.m., and it takes about [-] minutes for von Hindenburg to arrive at Kiran Star Academy from Starport, which is enough time.But the problem is that when von Hindenburg's battleship arrived at the Stargate, an accident appeared.

Because many people are planning to come to Kiran Star with their families to watch the re-examination of the college entrance examination, and the star gate that von Hindenburg must pass happens to be one of the most important transportation hub star gates on Kiran Star , and a stargate can only accommodate up to ten large passenger ships to pass through at one time, and each pass requires 15 minutes of waiting time.

And von Hindenburg came with his entire fleet of more than 20 star warships. The direct consequence was that von Hindenburg was blocked at the Stargate for 40 minutes. When von Hindenburg arrived It was already 4:40 pm when we arrived at Xinggang.

Liu Nianfeng and the others couldn't care less about blaming von Hindenburg for procrastinating for such a long time. They drove the Xinggang shuttle bus directly exceeding the speed of 1500 kilometers per hour stipulated by Xinggang, reaching a speed of 5 kilometers per hour. With [-] minutes left at the end, he finally returned to the ground of Star Kilan through the Tower of Babel, and rushed towards the nearby Taiyuan Academy like a fly.

"Hey! Viewers, look, following the direction of our camera, the man who is running towards Taixue should be our only male admiral Liu Nianfeng!" The host saw these five people rushing towards him. The guy said immediately excitedly.

Then without further ado, he took his cameraman and walked towards Liu Nianfeng, intending to interview Liu Nianfeng.

"Mr. Liunianfeng, why are you so late? May I ask what you think of the college entrance examination this time?" The host hadn't finished asking the question, and she flew up. When she landed again, she found that Liunian Feng and the others had already rushed into the Tai Academy, not giving the host a chance to interview at all.

"Wow! This action is so handsome! Liu Nianfeng is so handsome!" What the confused host didn't know was that in order to get rid of this annoying host directly without causing any trouble, Liu Nianfeng quickly moved this With the host in his arms, he made a Thomas cross cycle in the air, and then put it directly behind him, which can be called a perfect and handsome movement.

And this perfect movement also completely triggered screams from the female audience in front of the TV. They never expected that Liu Nianfeng would actually perform such a handsome thing in front of the TV, and immediately began to shout excitedly , Liu Nianfeng's favorability immediately began to rise in a straight line!

"Damn! What are you pulling!" But the host was very upset. Although she didn't suffer any harm, she was thrown aside by Liu Nianfeng like this, which still made the host feel extremely upset. Uncleanly muttering to himself.

"Bah, this host is too shameless. He only has 5 minutes to sign in. How can he waste time with you!" The conduct of the interview was so inappropriate.

Although she was complaining in her heart, the host did not leave the gate of Taiyuan Academy. She obviously wanted to wait for Liu Nianfeng and the others to come out before conducting the interview.

However, after 10 minutes, the panting Liu Nianfeng and others finally came out of the Tai Academy.

"Hello, admirals! Are you ready to accept my interview now? You just threw me aside!" The host immediately rushed up again with the microphone, this time because he was no longer anxious Because of this, instead of throwing the host behind him with the Thomas chain again, he stopped helplessly.

"I'm not interested in answering questions!" Von Hindenburg took the lead in bluntly saying, this guy has delayed for such a long time, and now he has become so procrastinated, which made Liu Nianfeng a little angry.

"I'm tired!" Miyamoto Musashino also said lightly.

"The two of us are not interested!" The other two members also refused one after another, but the microphone was finally handed to Liu Nianfeng's mouth.

"Me too..." Liu Nianfeng originally wanted to refuse directly like the previous four, but the host immediately answered, "Several admirals, our live broadcast is aimed at the audience in the entire Qingzhou Star District." , the audience's impression is also very important to you!"

In the re-examination, in addition to the basic exam, there are also audience impression points, which means that the ten points are scored by the real names of the viewers who watched the live broadcast. It's nothing, but one point is worth one point. If the interview is rejected here, and I lose a few audience impression points out of thin air, it will not be fun.

Thinking of this, Liu Nianfeng could only helplessly say into the microphone, "Then I will simply answer a few questions, but I believe dear audience friends have also seen it, we are all very tired, and we can only answer three questions at most." Just a question, thank you all!"

"OK!" The host accepted it as soon as he saw it, and immediately asked, "Why are you late? Is it because you don't pay attention to the college entrance examination?"

"Ahem, I'm late because I caught a cold yesterday. I got a bad cold. I've been resting in the hospital today. I didn't expect to fall asleep and almost missed the sign-in!" Liu Nianfeng said shyly and ashamedly. Von Hindenburg's body froze when he heard that, and he looked at Liu Nianfeng with complicated eyes.

Liu Nianfeng actually took the responsibility on himself, which made the corners of von Hindenburg's eyes moist, who was already in an extremely bad mood.As for the other members who knew the truth, of course it was impossible to expose the truth at this time, they all shut their mouths and acquiesced to Liu Nianfeng's speech.

"As for not paying attention to this college entrance examination... If I really didn't pay attention, how could I rush here in the last 5 minutes?" Liu Nianfeng continued.

"Okay, the second question..." Before the host could say anything, Liu Nianfeng smiled, patted the host on the shoulder and said, "This beautiful hostess, this is the third question." The first question, not the second!"

"What the hell..." The host was dumbfounded for a moment, and the cameraman in charge of filming couldn't help laughing, until the camera shook.

"One, why am I late? One, do I attach importance to the college entrance examination? These are two questions!" Liu Nianfeng said, shaking his fingers, and the host had no other choice but to be speechless.

"Okay, for the third question, please Liu Nianfeng must answer me with the most sincere answer!" What is your expectation for taking the college entrance examination this time? What ranking do you want to get?"

"This question is simple!" Liu Nianfeng showed a bright smile on his face, "Jie Yuan, our goal is only Jie Yuan!"

Jieyuan is a term handed down from China thousands of years ago. In layman's terms, it is No.1 in the government examination!
Including the host, everyone was startled by Liu Nianfeng's answer. Liu Nianfeng, a student who took the college entrance examination after only one year of college, actually expects to become Jie Yuan?This is too nonsense!

(End of this chapter)

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