girl line

Chapter 315 Dumplings

Chapter 315 Dumplings
After the old man Su Mobai woke up again, he immediately pulled Liu Nianfeng to ask about Ninghai and Pinghai in detail. The old man first blamed Liu Nianfeng for not bringing these two cute little girls here, they are all of the Yanhuang lineage, so they should get closer.

It wasn't until Liu Nianfeng promised to bring Ninghai and Pinghai to the old man Su Mobai to see him next time, the old man finally nodded with satisfaction, and at this time, Su Mobai's husband, an old man named Li Tianhua, finally brought him The dumplings were cooked, and she walked over tremblingly with a large plate of hot dumplings.

Looking at Su Mobai's husband who was also old, Liu Nianfeng suddenly had a strange emotion in his heart. When Su Mobai fainted three times just now, Li Tianhua, the husband, seemed to have stayed in the kitchen and never came out... ...would this be too calm?
Although I have such doubts in my heart, this is family affairs after all, and Liu Nianfeng is too lazy to think about it. After repeated warm invitations from the old man Su Mobai, he finally picked up a dumpling and put it in his mouth.

"The ingredients of this dumpling are quite solid, and the taste is actually not bad, but the filling does not reflect the fragrance of the dumpling at all... and the dumpling skin, not only does not have any chewiness, but it is so pulpy that it tastes like batter !" After eating the dumplings into his mouth, Liu Nianfeng made such an evaluation.If one were to rate this dumpling, Liu Nianfeng would only be able to score 30 out of [-] points.For Liu Nianfeng, who runs a snack bar at home, the dumplings are really bad enough. After eating one or two, he has no desire to continue eating, let alone compare with the dumplings in the snack bar. Even the dumplings made by ordinary people in the previous life are completely incomparable!

Also, the shape of this dumpling doesn't have half the shape of the original dumpling. The round one looks similar to a bun. If someone hadn't told Liu Nianfeng that it was a dumpling, Liu Nianfeng would have thought it was a bun.

Liu Nianfeng politely ate two or three dumplings, then put down the chopsticks.But to Liu Nianfeng's surprise, Jiang Yixian ate very happily, kept shouting that it was delicious, and unknowingly ate most of the dumplings, and the two old people also ate with relish, I didn't mean to dislike the unpalatable dumplings at all.

"Well, I forgot, the food in this world is pretty much the same!" Liu Nianfeng was thinking about it, and all the dumplings were quickly swept away.

"Old man... go and make some more dumplings..." Su Mobai said to Li Tianhua, Li Tianhua nodded silently, then walked into the kitchen slowly, while Su Mobai grabbed Jiang Yixian's hand and said with a smile, " That old man is slow to make dumplings, let's not wait for him, I'll help you reform it first, otherwise your admiral will be impatient to wait!"

"Where...don't dare...don't dare..." Liu Nianfeng quickly said in embarrassment, "I'll go too, I'll help senior you!"

"What are you going to do? You are not allowed to go!" Su Mobai slapped Liu Nianfeng lightly on the head, and said with a kind smile, "It's fine if you're a girl, why are you messing in like a man? This is our women's business, you just sit here and wait for the dumplings to be eaten. Don't worry, your starship girl will not be lost!"

"Eh..." Liu Nianfeng then remembered that during the transformation of the soul of the ancient battleship, it seemed that the whole body was needed, not only Jiang Yixian wanted the whole body, but even the old man Su Mobai seemed to want the whole body, As a man, there is no need to get involved.

"By the way, is your ghost relic ready?" Su Mobai asked again.

"Here, there were originally 12 relics, but now there are only nine left. I don't know if it's enough!" Liu Nianfeng immediately took out the spirit relics on his body, because the previous failed experiment wasted three spirit relics. Yu relic, so there are only 9 pieces left.

"Should be enough!" Su Mobai glanced at the nine relics lightly, then took them into his hands, and led Jiang Yixian into his bedroom.

Let Liunianfeng stay in the living room alone, Liunianfeng also felt a little embarrassed, and at this time there was a sound of kitchen knives colliding with the cutting board in the kitchen, Liunianfeng immediately walked into the kitchen, and said to the person who was making stuffing The old man Li Tianhua smiled and said, "Senior, let me help you!"

"No need!" The old man Li Tianhua refused dryly.

"It's okay, I'm really good at making dumplings. My parents said I made them delicious!" Liu Nianfeng said with a smile, and then walked to the old man Li Tianhua, washed his hands, and picked up the fermented dumplings. The dough starts to beat up and down.

"..." The old man Li Tianhua stared at Liu Nianfeng for a while, and Liu Nianfeng felt a little nervous, so he asked suddenly, "Why are you throwing this dough around?"

"This is to increase the toughness of the dough!" Liu Nianfeng explained in detail and patiently, "After being beaten, the dough can be more firmly bonded together, and the dumplings cooked with such dough are also more delicious. It’s muscular, it won’t rot if you boil it on your back!”

"Oh!" The old man Li Tianhua nodded thoughtfully, he didn't make the dumpling stuffing in his hand, just watched Liu Nianfeng beat and kneaded continuously, and finally pressed the dough into round pieces with a rolling pin dumpling skin.

"I'll do this, you will do this!" The old man suddenly snatched the rolling pin from Liu Nianfeng's hand, and then directly changed places with Liu Nianfeng, placing Liu Nianfeng in front of the stuffing.Liu Nianfeng smiled wryly, and could only start to redo the fillings according to his own memory... Because some seasonings seemed to have disappeared completely in the future, Liu Nianfeng had to choose some seasonings with similar effects to match the fillings he was satisfied with .

After the stuffing was finished, Liu Nianfeng had to demonstrate in front of Li Tianhua how to make a normal-shaped dumpling... By the time these things were busy, the sky had completely darkened, Looking at the time, Liu Nianfeng was surprised to find that an hour and a half had passed.

"That's not right! Isn't the remodeling usually completed in about half an hour? Why hasn't it come out after an hour and a half?" Liu Nianfeng looked at the bedroom with the closed door worried, wondering if it might be during the remodeling What's the problem, the meeting has reached this point and it hasn't come out yet.

And just when Liu Nianfeng had such doubts, the door of the room opened suddenly, and Jiang Yixian walked out of the room while arranging his clothes.

"You go!" The silent old man Li Tianhua stepped back from Liu Nianfeng, and Liu Nianfeng was pushed out of the kitchen, bumping into Jiang Yixian who came out, the corner of his mouth was still slightly touching Yixian's cheek for a moment.

"..." Jiang Yixian's face immediately blushed, and at the same time, Liu Nianfeng's nostrils wafted a few scents, such a delicate fragrance that Liu Nianfeng had never smelled from Jiang Yixian.

Then Liu Nianfeng discovered that he used to be half a head taller than Jiang Yixian, but now Jiang Yixian was almost as tall as himself.

Look down again... According to the training that Liu Nianfeng has gained in getting along with the starship girls this year, Liu Nianfeng can say with certainty that Jiang Yixian's European style is definitely a lot bigger, at least about half a cup.

Finally, Jiang Yixian's legs... The long stockings on Jiang Yixian's legs were originally deep into the skirt, and the edges of the stockings could not be seen.But now the edge of the stockings is even with the corner of the skirt, and the black and white flesh is even more faintly visible.

"Don't look at me like this... I know my body has become strange..." Jiang Yixian lowered his head and said very distressed and shy.No one knows his body better than Jiang Yixian himself. Jiang Yixian has long since discovered that his body is different from what it was before the transformation, and there are many changes that Jiang Yixian can't even imagine.

"It's okay, this is a normal phenomenon, the girls after transformation will be beautiful!" Su Mobai who came out from behind said with a smile on his face, and Liu Nianfeng also nodded, Su Mobai was telling the truth, After the transformation of the starship girl is completed, the body will undergo considerable changes.

There will be comprehensive changes in height, figure, body fragrance, temperament, and sometimes even IQ and EQ.

In fact, Jiang Yixian's changes are relatively small, at first glance it looks similar to the original one, and it won't make people feel that the changes are too abrupt.And some starship girls will completely change into another completely different image after the transformation is completed, as if they have changed completely, even her parents can't recognize her anymore, so they have to go through DNA comparison Only then can the identity be determined.

As for the reasons for these changes, human scientists have never been able to thoroughly study and understand. They can only say that this is the chain effect on the starship girl's body after the transformation of the ancient battleship soul in her body.At the same time, only after such transformation can the body adapt to the soul of the newly transformed ancient battleship.

"It smells so good! Old man, what are you eating? Why is it so fragrant?" Su Mobai asked excitedly when he suddenly smelled the strong fragrance coming from the kitchen.

"Dumplings!" Li Tianhua's answer was still so concise.


"Young man, I must come here again tomorrow! Old man, I can't do without your dumplings. You must make me a thousand dumplings tomorrow!" When leaving the two old men, Su Mobai pulled Liu Nianfeng said without letting go of his hand.

"Yes! I promise to come tomorrow!" Liu Nianfeng naturally had a smile on his face, but he was full of bitterness in his heart, regretting that he shouldn't be involved in the technique of making dumplings.

Just kidding, for a thousand dumplings, I'm afraid I will have to make four or five hours tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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