girl line

Chapter 324 One Step Hell

Chapter 324 One Step To Hell

"Actually, you are more suitable!" After Miyamoto Musashino left, von Hindenburg suddenly walked to Liu Nianfeng's side and whispered in his ear.

What von Hindenburg said is correct, Fleeting Maple is indeed more suitable for this exam than Miyamoto Musashino, because in this week's joint training, almost everyone admired Fleeing Nianfeng's terrifying commanding ability No end, even the proud Miyamoto Musashino has to admit that Liu Nianfeng's command ability is better than his own.

And more importantly, Liu Nianfeng's star battleship is the least number among the five people.

Some viewers may find it strange, wouldn't the fewer star warships be the more disadvantaged?How come it has an advantage?
The reason is very simple, because according to the rules of the exam, the admiral must bring all his starship girls with him, so the fleet with the fewest number of starship girls has an easier way to form a formation, and the things to consider are also simpler , requiring fewer commands.

The simplest example is whether it is easier to arrange three chopsticks into a triangle, or to arrange six chopsticks into a triangle. I believe the answer to this question is clear to everyone without thinking.

Von Hindenburg understood this point, and so did Miyamoto Musashino. Of course, she knew that Fleeting Maple was the best choice, but Miyamoto Musashino still expressed his hope that he could play. The taste is very unusual.It seems that even if he says he doesn't mind, Miyamoto Musashino still has a bit of grudges about the existence of Liu Nianfeng, so he urgently needs to show his ability to gain the leadership of the entire least in some That's what the black-bellied Fleeting Feng guessed in his heart.

The Zhiyuan star sent Miyamoto Musashino, and the Kiran star sent Shi Guanyin, because the two academies scored No.1 and No.2 in the last exam, so in the exam Throughout the whole process, the main camera of the live broadcast was aimed at these two academies. Obviously, in the eyes of the director, this second match was another battle between Reach and Kilan.

And at the beginning, the script does seem to be the case.

At the beginning of the test, Miyamoto Musashino and Ishi Kannon took the lead. These two completed the transformation with the fastest speed, and at the same time kept their formation with the fastest average speed, directly leading all candidates.

In the first five formation changes, Miyamoto Musashino and Ishi Kannon can be said to be on the same level. The time difference between the two to complete each formation change is less than two seconds, and the difference in straight-line distance is even There is not even a thousand kilometers, and the two sides are almost biting each other to compete.

However, the number of Shiguanyin Starship Girls is one less than the number of Miyamoto Musashino Starship Girls, and the missing starship girl became the last straw that broke the camel's back.After Miyamoto Musashino changed formation for the fifth time, Shi Guanyin was ahead by two seconds, and the distance was finally opened by a thousand kilometers. Shi Guanyin's advantage has become obvious stand up.

And after Miyamoto Musashino realized this, he couldn't help becoming a little impatient.Knowing that Liu Nianfeng is more suitable, she still asked herself to fight this time. In fact, she is not as black-bellied as Liu Nianfeng imagined. To ensure her position as the leader, Miyamoto Musashino just wanted to Just express yourself.

Liu Nianfeng's victory in the first match was too dazzling, and Shi Guanyin was tightly bitten by an extremely rare universal ship, which made Miyamoto Musashino feel a little bit unwilling.

This Miyamoto Musashino looked very silent on weekdays, she was an admiral who was not happy, as if many things could not affect her mood.But in fact, Miyamoto Musashino desires victory more than anyone else, and values ​​her own honor more than anyone else, so she must beat Fleeting Kaede in the second round...Miyamoto Musashino has nothing to do with leadership. She just wanted to prove that she was not weaker than Liu Nianfeng.

But Miyamoto Musashino, who had such an idea in mind, found that he was lagging behind, a sense of unwillingness welled up in his heart, and decided to speed up his deployment speed again, catching up with Shi Guanyin, who was gradually surpassing him.

As the saying goes, haste makes waste, and Miyamoto Musashino's own strength is indeed not as good as Shi Guanyin's. He blindly disrupted his rhythm and tried to go faster. The result is that his original rhythm cannot be guaranteed. Miyamoto Ben Musashino's command also became chaotic.

And following a fatal mistake, a destroyer under Miyamoto Musashino's command actually deviated from its original position and appeared where another star light cruiser should be, directly causing the two warships to collide.

"It's over!" Seeing this scene, Miyamoto Musashino trembled all over. She knew that she was completely defeated.

"No.1, Kieran Starship Girls Academy, with a speed score of 248 points, a skill score of 240 points, and a total score of 488 points!"

"No.2, XXX Starship Girls Academy, with a speed score of 231 points, a skill score of 222 points, and a total score of 453 points!"


"The 670th place, Zhiyuan Starship Girls Academy, scored 240 points for speed, 231 points for skill, 200 points for collision, and a total score of 271 points!"

"Oh, it's really unexpected. We originally thought that the Zhiyuan Starship Girls Academy could get the top two, but this time they only scored 271 points, ranking 672nd. This is really beyond our expectations!" In front of the TV, the host said regretfully.

"Indeed, I have been paying attention to this Zhiyuan Starship Girls Academy before, not because there is Liu Nianfeng there, in fact, before Liunianfeng entered the Zhiyuan Starship Girls Academy, I have paid attention to this academy, because The existence of Miyamoto Musashino-san."

"This student Miyamoto Musashino is a very good classmate. I passed by Zhiyuan Star three years ago. At that time, Zhiyuan Star was holding the grade entrance examination. I was invited to visit it. I happened to see Miyamoto Musashi I said at the time that this classmate is amazing and very talented. He will definitely become the backbone of our Qingzhou Star District in the future, and it is even possible to pass the palace exam for our Qingzhou Star District. I have always Some people follow this classmate!" A middle-aged man with a friendly smile appeared in front of the TV camera, and this was Zhang Juzuo who hadn't shown up just now.

It is probably because the staff of the TV station has rushed to Zhang Juzuo's home, so Zhang Juzuo's face has appeared in the live broadcast of the TV, and he is chatting with the host remotely.

And this expert who was temporarily pulled to rescue the scene won the love of the audience in just ten minutes because of his unique and humorous commentary. Whatever the bureau seat looks like, there is this scene of rushing to the other party's house temporarily.

As a matter of course, Zhang Juzuo became the guest speaker for the whole exam, and he started to talk freely with the host, and the host even felt that he couldn't hold this expert professor who was full of talkativeness.

"Oh! It turns out that the bureau seat has such a high opinion of this classmate!" The host said in surprise.

"Yes!" Zhang Juzuo nodded, "As you can see, Miyamoto Musashino has performed very well, and he is only one step away from Shi Guanyin. If it weren't for the chaotic order just now, the two warships would have If there is a collision, 2 points will not be deducted at all, so now Zhiyuan Star is still No.[-]."

"Hey, it's a pity..." At this point, Zhang Juzuo shook his head and sighed, "It's too young, it's still too young. It would be nice if you were older and calmer. But it doesn't matter, this is just a It's just an exam, we can fully expect Miyamoto Musashino's next performance, I believe she can perform even better."

"But Zhang Juzuo, although I also believe that this student can perform even better in the future, but the current situation is already very unfavorable for Zhiyuan Star. Although they were No.1 in the first round of exams, but because of the second round Due to the loss of too many points in the exam, their current total score has dropped to 278th place, which is still 100 points away from the 92th place, unless Zhiyuan Star can give this 92 points to the chasing team in the third round of exams. Come back, otherwise Zhiyuan Starship Girls Academy's journey in this college entrance examination will be over!" The host said with a bit of reluctance, as for whether he was happy or not, only God knows.

"Yeah, it's really difficult, let's see if there is a miracle!" Even Zhang Juzao, who was very optimistic about Miyamoto Musashino, shook his head helplessly at this time.Obviously, it is too difficult to catch up with the gap of 92 points. Zhang Juzuo doesn't think that Zhiyuanxing still has a chance to catch up.


"I'm sorry! I'm sorry everyone!" Miyamoto Musashino, who had returned to the lounge blankly, suddenly fell to his knees on the ground with a bang in front of all his companions.Miyamoto Musashino, who has always been strong and expressionless, suddenly shed two lines of hot tears. She looked at her companions in despair, and at this time the analysis of the situation also happened to reach everyone's ears.

"Forget's okay...let's treat it as a tourist...Boss, get up quickly!" Chu Liuli, who has the best relationship with Miyamoto Musashino on weekdays, said quickly, and at the same time tried to make Miyamoto Musashino was supported up, but Miyamoto Musashino's body remained motionless. Even with Chu Liuli's strength, he couldn't help Miyamoto Musashino's body up.

"Chu Liuli is right... think about it... For the college entrance examination, if you don't get the Jinshi qualification, it doesn't matter if you fail the government test. The result is the same, so don't blame yourself too much All four of them will make mistakes!" von Hindenburg also persuaded, and at the same time wanted to help Miyamoto Musashino up from the ground.

As a result, the two of them exerted their strength together, and Miyamoto Musashino still knelt there motionless, which was a bit strange.Chu Liuli has little strength in her small arms and legs, but von Hindenburg is from a military family and has great strength, but he has nothing to do with Miyamoto Musashino. Obviously, neither can Miyamoto Musashino. It's as simple as it looks on the surface.

In the end, even Chen Shihan went into battle together, but there was nothing he could do about Miyamoto Musashino. The other party remained motionless, staring intently at Liu Nianfeng who was sitting on the sofa without saying a word. The crux of the problem was still on Liu Nianfeng.

"Who said we're going back home!" Liu Nianfeng suddenly stood up from the sofa, squatted in front of Miyamoto Musashino, looked at her somewhat pale pupils, and suddenly a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth " We will qualify, but from now on, you owe me a favor, and you must pay me back in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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