girl line

Chapter 326 1 to 1

Chapter 326 One on One
"In the 21st round, the shooting distance is 63000 kilometers, the shooting target is changed from a heavy cruiser to a light cruiser, the moving speed is 22 knots, and the shooting time is 1 minute!" As the system's prompt sounded in everyone's ears, apart from Fleeting Maple, Zhiyuan Star The hearts of everyone in the Fleet Girls Academy clenched together.

"It's done!" And just five seconds later, Liu Nianfeng said to his companions easily, saying that he had already made a hit, which made everyone curse in their hearts. It is obvious that Liu Nianfeng successfully hit with the first shot. hit the target... and such a terrifying hit rate has appeared for 21 consecutive rounds. In these 21 rounds, Liu Nianfeng hit all of them at the first time without any mistakes. This is even Miyamoto Musashi. Ye also absolutely can't do it, and the word "pervert" Liu Nianfeng is well-deserved.

"I got it done too!" said Miyamoto Musashino with a sigh of relief after 30 seconds. She completed the goal second. At 47 seconds, von Hindenburg also raised his hand to signal himself After completing the goal, all the pressure is now concentrated on Chen Shihan. At this time, Chen Shihan has gone through three rounds of shooting, but none of the shells successfully hit his opponent.

The fourth round of "I shoot" is also the last chance to shoot within 1 minute. Even though Chen Shihan concentrated all her energy, under the tremendous pressure, Chen Shihan inevitably committed a crime against Miyamoto Musashi. Due to the mistakes made before, after a salvo, the target ship was still intact, and this also meant Chen Shihan's complete failure.

"I'm sorry!" Just like Chu Liuli just now, Chen Shihan also became extremely depressed.

"It's okay, leave it to us!" Liu Nianfeng said lightly.


"The 21st round has all come to an end. This time, a total of more than 200 candidates have failed. Now only 90 candidates are still fighting tenaciously in the examination room, and the 48 colleges have also decayed to only 24 colleges left. , The number has been reduced by half!" The host sighed, and then couldn't wait to call up the data of Zhiyuan Starship Girls Academy.

When the host saw that there were only three candidates left in Zhiyuan Starship Girls Academy, he was slightly relieved. It seemed that Zhiyuan Star only scored 30 points this time, and the difference of 82 points has been reduced to 52 points.This point difference seems to be able to catch up in just two more rounds, but the host knows very well that the difficulty of the 22nd round is twice as high as that of the 21st round. It's normal to lose one to two people, or even three people. In fact, your victory is already very stable.

Thinking of this, the host couldn't help feeling a little smug, and secretly glanced at Zhang Juzuo from the corner of his eyes, thinking that Zhang Juzuo should write a perfect thrilling story for himself.

"Oh! The undefeated golden body of Kiran Starship Girls Academy has finally been broken!" Zhang Juzuo said suddenly. One candidate was also lost in this round, leaving only four candidates still in the examination room.

"Xueluo, why is it you again? You are too weak!" Seeing that Xueluo's shots all missed, the other three teammates muttered in dissatisfaction.

"I'm sorry!" Xueluo said with her head down, but a raging anger was burning in her heart.I have persisted until the 21st round, surpassing 92% of the opponents, my strength is definitely at the captain level in other colleges, but these guys still mock me like this, is it true that I am so useless in the hearts of these people ?

Thinking of this, Xueluo wished he could hit these people's heads with a hammer, but of course Xueluo knew that this was impossible, so he could only lower his head and say nothing.

"That's enough, get out! We don't want to see you!" The other candidates on Kilan star said disdainfully. Xueluo was so angry that a mouthful of blood came out of her throat, but she finally swallowed it back, obediently. She left the waiting room, and Shi Guanyin didn't say a word the whole time... Although Shi Guanyin never mocked Xueluo, it just showed another point, that is, Xueluo, a companion, was never let go by Shi Guanyin. In my heart...Of course, the other three teammates, Shi Guanyin, also didn't take it to heart.


"I can't do it! I'll leave it to you!" After the last round of salvo, von Hindenburg shook his head helplessly and said to the other two companions.In the 22nd round at this time, the shooting distance has increased to 66000 kilometers, the moving speed has increased to 24 knots, and the shooting time is only 55 seconds... This kind of difficulty is not completely absent based on von Hindenburg's previous achievements hope.However, with the previous 21 rounds of shooting, von Hindenburg, who kept a high concentration all the time, has actually become very tired, and the remaining energy can no longer cope with such a high-intensity test. Failure is also reasonable, so in this way, only Miyamoto Musashino and Liu Nianfeng are left in Zhiyuan Star.

"I don't know how far we are from the [-]th place?" After watching von Hindenburg leave, Miyamoto Musashino said with a bit of worry in his heart.

"I guess it should be about 30 points short!" Liu Nianfeng said with a smile.


"Oh, now the gap between Zhiyuan Star and the 30th place has narrowed to [-] points, it's really amazing, to have fought so hard!!" The host looked at the final results and exclaimed.Don't look at the host's words of blessing Liu Nianfeng and others, but at the same time, a small drum began to beat in his heart.

Originally, according to the host's estimate, in the 22nd round of the Zhiyuan Star, two or even three people should be eliminated, but in the end, only one was eliminated and 20 points were obtained. It is very dangerous!

"Bless! Bless these two people to be eliminated immediately!" The host couldn't help but prayed in his heart, and the 23rd round of shooting began.

"Eliminate! Eliminate them all!"

"Eliminate! Eliminate all!" Although the host prayed continuously in his heart, God obviously didn't hear the host's prayer. After the 23rd round, the two candidates of Zhiyuan Starship Girls Academy were still standing in the examination room Above, and the difference between them and the 12th place has been pulled to only [-] points.

"Oh my God!" The host just felt dizzy for a while. Could it be that he really wants to run naked all over the entire Kiran planet?
"Unexpectedly, there are only three candidates left. It seems that the exam has come to the final moment!" Zhang Juzuo on the other side said calmly, looking at the data with great interest.

"Really?" The host brought himself back to his senses, forced a smile, looked at the data in his hand, and found that there were only three candidates left in the examination room, and two of them were naturally ours. Miyamoto Musashino and Liu Nianfeng, and the last one is Shi Guanyin.

And in the 22nd round, Shi Guanyin's other three companions all made mistakes, missed the target ship, and were completely eliminated. The same was true for all the other candidates. There were only these three left, and the entire G The group contest suddenly turned into a contest between Reach and Kilan.

"In the 23rd round, the shooting distance is 69000 kilometers, the shooting target is a light cruiser, the moving speed is 23 knots, and the shooting time is 50 seconds." With the announcement of the system data, the 23rd round of examinations began.And just like before, after only five seconds, Liu Nianfeng announced that he had finished shooting.

At the same time, in another examination room, after five seconds, Shi Guanyin also announced that his design was completed. As for Miyamoto Musashino, he could only watch helplessly as his shell exploded near the target, and did not land on the target. on their own goals.

"Ammunition loading is in progress, and the loading time is 12.8 seconds!" Looking at the data reported to him by the battleship, Miyamoto Musashino regained his composure.After the first round of volley failed, I only had two chances left, and in these two rounds, Miyamoto Musashino had put everything aside and decided to fight with everything he had.

"Boom!" Following the second round of shooting, Miyamoto Musashino's face instantly turned pale, because the second round of salvos also failed, and Miyamoto Musashino had only one last chance left. .


"Concentrate!" Miyamoto Musashino kept admonishing himself in his heart, trying to concentrate all his energy on the naval gun, and as the reloading cooling time continued to decrease, the third round of salvo was also The trigger for the last salvo was finally fired again.

"I..." At this moment, Miyamoto Musashino suddenly felt the scene in front of him change, and the two warships collided abruptly in his field of vision... This happened in the last exam This scene, which directly caused Zhiyuan Star to fall behind hundreds of people, once again appeared in front of Miyamoto Musashino.

"No!" Miyamoto Musashino suddenly let out a roar, and then he felt his eyes go dark, and he was directly ejected from the virtual warehouse.

"Alarm! Alert! Candidate Miyamoto Musashino's mental wave is too weak, please go to the medical team for treatment immediately! Please go to the medical team for treatment immediately!" With a somewhat shrill siren sounded in the virtual building, and the medical team that had already prepared The team quickly opened Miyamoto Musashino's medical warehouse and carried Miyamoto Musashino out.


"Ahem, let me tell the audience an urgent piece of information. Miyamoto Musashino had to suspend the candidates due to a temporary decline in the mental wave. He will be treated as a failure. The only one who is still in the examination room is Shi Guanyin. Classmate and Classmate Liu Nianfeng are two classmates, let us offer our blessings to these two classmates!" The host said with a very sad expression, but felt very grateful in his heart.

Now Miyamoto Musashino is finished, and Zhiyuan Star is only 2 points away from qualifying. This is the host's last hope. As long as Liu Nianfeng makes a mistake in the 24th round, then the host You can win the bet.

"It seems that I have won!" The host suddenly said to Zhang Juzuo at the side.

"Yes, it seems that I am really going to lose!" Zhang Juzuo couldn't help showing a wry smile, and the audience began to ask curiously. Obviously, as long as Liu Nianfeng wins the 24th round again, he will be able to lead Zhiyuanxing's successful group to qualify. , why the host announced that he has won!

"Because the range is not enough!" Zhang Juzuo seemed to see the doubts in the hearts of the audience, and calmly explained to the audience, "Generally speaking, except for the Kuangshi-class destroyers, the range of destroyers is only 7 kilometers. And the shooting distance of the 24th round has reached 72000 kilometers, which is beyond the shooting range of the destroyer, so Liu Nianfeng may not be able to hit the target of the 24th round again!" Zhang Juzuo said regretfully.

(End of this chapter)

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