girl line

Chapter 332

Chapter 332
After Liu Nianfeng shot the 46th shot, whether it was the studio, the examinees in the game, or all the audience outside the game, everyone fell into silence at this moment, and everyone's heart was raised. When it reached the throat, the entire Qingzhou star area seemed to have been hit by a silence spell at this moment, and no human voices came out.

Only Liunianfeng and Woodrow in the cockpit had such a shameful conversation.

The distance of 10 kilometers is really long. After 20 seconds, the shells are still flying in the universe... From this, we can also see how difficult the 46th round is. This has surpassed Most of the human imagination.

This kind of silence continued. In the 23rd second after the shell was fired, when the target ship was burning with raging flames, everyone was still in silence... It was not until another three or four seconds passed that no one responded. , foolishly said to himself, "The target ship is on this a hit?"

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

"We broke the cosmic record!"

"Our Qingzhou star region has broken the cosmic record! Our Qingzhou star region is no longer a belly!"

In the next second, the entire Qingzhou star area began to cheer wildly. People who had been huddled in their homes before came to the street in unison, chanting the slogan above, and at the same time threw all the things that could be thrown into the air. , used to express the uncontrollable joy in my heart.

This kind of joy, just like the national football team entered the World Cup and the LPL won the S series championship, made all the audience excited and uncontrollable.

"Flowing Maple! Flowing Maple! Flowing Maple!" And with the shout of the leader, the name of Flowing Maple began to resound in all the streets... This name started from Kiran Star, faster than the beam of light The Internet spread countless times throughout the entire Qingzhou star area.

According to the memories of later generations, on that day, Liu Nianfeng's name was spread in all corners of the Qingzhou star area, even in the obstetrics and gynecology department. fade away.What makes people laugh and cry is that it is said that the baby born on that day, the first sentence in his life is the three words Liunianfeng... Even his parents can't call it, and he has already learned to call him Liunianfeng .

This made many fathers feel jealous, as if they were greened by Fleeting Maple... But they were quite happy to be greened.


"Boss, I'm not mistaken, this Fleeting Maple actually broke the record of the universe!" In a small room, Ye Lily, who almost blocked Fleeting Maple from the gate of the college entrance examination, looked at the person next to her in disbelief. The Wolf of the Abyss said.She never imagined that she almost blocked a candidate who broke the universe record from the college entrance examination... This even made Ye Baihe feel a little guilty. You must know that Ye Baihe is also from Qingzhou, so of course she knew that she was rejected The people from Qingzhou, who are called fish belly by everyone, are so eager for this cosmic record.

"'s nothing matter what happens to this guy, I'm not surprised..." The Wolf of the Abyss curled his lips, as if all this had been expected.


"My man... so handsome... As expected of the man I fancy..." In addition, in a luxuriously decorated room, Ivanka, who hadn't appeared in the room for a long time, looked at the woman in front of her with an idiot look on her face. Holographic projection.

This is the latest holographic projection technology. It can directly project the picture into the room without entering the virtual warehouse. The simulation accuracy is as high as 90%. It is said that such a set of equipment is worth more than one billion star coins, and only the rich Only affordable equipment.Of course, such a set of equipment is nothing to Ivanka at all.

Because of the high degree of simulation, from Ivanka's point of view, Liu Nianfeng was standing in front of her alive, commanding the warships under her command vigorously, creating an unprecedented record.

In fact, the moment Ivanka saw the target in the distance being hit by Liu Nianfeng, Ivanka suddenly felt that her whole body was conquered by Liu Nianfeng. He crawled hard to Liu Nianfeng's feet, trying to rub Liu Nianfeng's thigh... But it was all for naught. Ivanka's head hit the air directly, and she lay on the ground in a very embarrassing condition.

"Liu Nianfeng...Master...I seem to see you again...I miss you so much...My body is about to explode..." Ivanka looked at Liu Nianfeng's illusory figure, and stretched out her hand to Below, one side murmured foolishly.


"This kid is so obsessed with this man. Husband, hurry up and think of a way, or our daughter will be doomed!" What Ivanka didn't know was that her every move was being controlled by millions of dollars. The parents who were light years away showed the truth.

Seeing that her daughter turned into this damn slut, Ivanka's mother Hilary *** felt hopeless, and cried to her husband *** ***.

"What can I do?" ***·*** asked his wife angrily.

"Otherwise, let's go find someone, shape him into that Fleeting Maple's appearance, and send it to Ivanka!" Hilary *** suggested.

"Do you think this method is useful? Will our daughter not use this method? Do you think it's just a problem of appearance? If it's really just a problem of appearance, let alone plastic surgery, I'll carve him from the embryo It's not difficult for a man who is exactly like Liu Nianfeng to come out!" ***·*** snorted coldly, while Hilary *** stopped talking, as a mother, she couldn't see that her own The daughter was completely conquered by Liu Nianfeng. I am afraid that there is no other way to solve the problem except to make Liu Nianfeng really become Ivanka's man.

"But you should think of a way. Do you want to let our daughter sink like this? At least you should create an opportunity for our daughter so that she can develop a relationship with this Fleeting Maple!" Hilary *** He stomped his feet and said.

"That's right, we can't procrastinate like this... Wife, I remember you are from Qingzhou too, right!" ****** suddenly looked at Hillary*** and asked.

"I am, what's the matter?" Hilary *** asked puzzled.

"OK, there's a reason for that!" ***·*** showed a satisfied smile on his face, "As the son-in-law of the Qingzhou people, our Qingzhou students have made such impressive achievements, shouldn't we Send someone to congratulate you!"

"Hey, Dak, it's me, I'm ***·***. You immediately prepare one hundred elite-level equipment boxes, and five peerless-level equipment boxes, and send them to Kiran immediately. In the hands of the lady. Don't ask too much, the lady will naturally know what to do!"

"I don't have any other skills, but the ability to throw money at people is enough!" ******* said meanly after hanging up the phone.


"Old man, look quickly, Liu Nianfeng really succeeded!" On another planet tens of millions of light-years away from Kiran, the house is exactly the same, even after moving. The starship girl of the Huaxia system, senior Su Mobai, showed two incomplete teeth, and said with a smile while watching the TV.

"What's so strange about this... If he is really the son of the boss, it is normal for him to be able to do this. For the boss, let alone 100 million kilometers, even if it is 1000 million kilometers, the boss can I'll show you the cum!" Su Mobai's wife Li Tianhua said calmly, but no matter how he heard it, there was a sour taste in it.

"Cut, that's for the future, you know when the boss is as old as his son, can he have such abilities?" Su Mobai glared at his wife, "It's just you talking nonsense, get out and make dumplings for me." Go, if you can't taste the dumplings made by Liu Nian Feng, you won't even think about going to bed today!"

"..." The old man Li Xianhua stopped talking, and immediately got into the kitchen very obediently.


"Master Hongmeng Priest, your prophecy has been verified. Liu Nianfeng has indeed broken the cosmic record in the government test. This is intelligence data!" In a huge temple that is so vast that it cannot be seen, it is like a sea.A man in a black robe entered the intelligence data in his hand into a device.

"This deity knows!" A girl's voice sounded in the ears of the man in black robe, but what was surprising was that the girl's Chicheng fruit body was soaked in a cylindrical glass container at this time. Filled with a stream of green liquid.

If you take a closer look, you will find that this girl has long pure white hair that is almost as long as her body. This snow-like long hair covers most of the girl's body, so that the girl's most important position will not be Happy together!

"Master Hongmeng Priest, I will send out people right now to prevent Liu Nianfeng from continuing to take the college entrance examination!" After the black robed man finished speaking, he was ready to go down and arrange people.

"Wait!" The girl in the glass container said slowly, "I told you many times, there is only one chance, and we are destined to be unable to stop this man! Forcibly destroying fate will only lead to the backlash of fate! I can no longer I have to bear the backlash of fate for the second time, are you trying to kill me by doing this, Hei Lian?"

"Subordinates dare not!" The man in black immediately fell to his knees and stood on the ground in a panic, with a terrified expression, as if the girl staying in the glass container could kill herself immediately.

"Don't forget, our destiny is one. If I die, everyone will die!" The girl said lightly.

"But my lord, according to your prophecy, if we can't stop Liu Nianfeng, then our temple will inevitably come to that end, and that couple may come back to take revenge on us at any time!" the black-robed man said. Said in horror.

"Hey!" The girl's snow-white long hair suddenly began to twist quickly, and finally passed through the glass cover directly, appearing in front of the black-robed man.

The man in black immediately raised his hands high respectfully, and the long white hair flashed in the man's hand, and there was a small golden bead like a longan in his hand.

"People outside the gate of fate cannot intervene, so the only way to do it is to let people inside the gate of fate do it."

"This is the Hongmeng Soul Gathering Pill, which can double the fighting instinct of Admiral Xingchen within an hour after taking it. You give this bead to Liu Tianyin, and she will do what we want... Although this A Hongmeng Soul Gathering Pill has some side effects, but I don't think Liu Tianyin will care about the ten-year life of her cheap daughter!" After saying this, the girl immediately fell into a deep sleep again.

And the man in black left the temple with the Hongmeng Soul Gathering Pill as if he had found a treasure.


The above fragments are just a small part. In fact, almost all the forces in the human empire received the information that Liu Nianfeng broke the record of the universe at the same time.After these forces received the news, some expressed serious concern, some felt indifferent, and some threw it to the ground in disdain.

But no matter what, Liu Nianfeng's name resounded throughout the human empire... It's just that this time Liu Nianfeng didn't rely on his gender, but on his amazing strength.

(End of this chapter)

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