girl line

Chapter 339

Chapter 339

"In other words, there are many people scolding me on the Internet now!" When he came to the examination room the next day, Liu Nianfeng saw Chen Shihan smiling and said to himself.

Chen Shihan told Liu Nianfeng that because Liu Nianfeng burned the imperial decree, there are now tens of billions of people on the Internet who are yelling at Liu Nianfeng for disregarding the holy grace and disrespecting the royal family, and demanding that the government severely punish Liu Nianfeng.It is also fortunate that Liu Nianfeng did not open social media such as Weibo, otherwise there would be a lot of unsightly words under Liu Nianfeng. Anyway, no matter what era it is, tearing is inevitable.

"What about the admirals? What do the admirals think of me?" After seeing the netizens yelling at him, Liu Nianfeng didn't care too much. What he really cared about was the attitude of the other admirals.If the other admirals have the same attitude as the netizens, then Liu Nianfeng really feels that he has lost a lot.

"Most of the admirals didn't express their opinions, and they didn't bother to express their opinions, but a small number of admirals took the initiative to explain to you that you were really drunk. Chen Shihan said with a smile.

"Then there's no problem, let's continue with the exam!" Liu Nianfeng grinned, and at this time, the next day's exam officially started.

The second round of exams is actually a battle between admirals, but it is different from fighting alone. This time it is a 5V5 battle. The five candidates from the same college are a natural team, and the 800 college representatives who qualify from the eight groups The team will be divided into 100 different groups this time.

Yes, you read that right, 800 teams will be divided into [-] different groups, with each group consisting of eight colleges.That sounds silly enough, but it is what it is.According to the rules, the college with the highest points in the group will be assigned to the colleges with the lowest points in other groups, and the same group will have seven rounds. The academy will all be eliminated.

That is to say, as long as you can qualify in the second round, it is equivalent to obtaining the qualification for the examination, and you can go to the imperial capital to take the examination for the college entrance examination.

In a group, there can only be one winner.

Because Fleeting Maple made it to the 46th round for an unprecedented time, she got an extra 200 points.Therefore, No.1 in Group G finally fell into the hands of Zhiyuan Starship Girls Academy, and the total points were also the highest among all eight groups in the first round, so Liu Nianfeng was finally assigned to the academy from the other seven teams. The last place in the group, that is to say, Liu Nianfeng is facing the worst one in each group.

After understanding this point, the results of the second round of examinations are self-evident.

The 5V5 battle on Zhiyuan star completely swept away the other seven colleges in the same group, and they won all seven games. Of course, they passed the second round of examinations as the first in the group, and obtained the qualifications for the government examination.

It is worth mentioning that in the second round of the group battle, Lian Nianfeng hardly had a chance to make a move.Miyamoto, Musashino and the other four actually united before the match and told Liu Nianfeng straightforwardly.In the 5V5 battle, Liu Nianfeng is only in charge of commanding the battle, but he and his fleet are not allowed to appear... Unless they encounter an unexpectedly strong enemy and ask for help from Liu Nianfeng, otherwise Liu Nianfeng is absolutely not allowed to make a move.

In their words, Liu Nianfeng's strength is too perverted. If such a perverted guy joins the battle, he will not be able to get practical training, and he may cast a lifetime shadow on those poor admiral candidates. Feng still obediently put the fleet in the base for defense.

Liu Nianfeng expressed quite helplessness about this, but since this was the unanimous decision of the four people, and Liu Nianfeng reckoned that there would be no powerful academy among the seven groups, so he finally agreed.As a result, Liu Nianfeng didn't even have a chance to fight in the previous six rounds of the group stage, and the whole battle ended in a 4v5 battle between the other four, Chen Shihan.

Until the seventh round of the group stage, the victory of the Zhiyuan Starship Girls Academy was determined, and no matter whether they won or lost, they were destined to participate in the government examination, so the whole team naturally became a little slack.

As Liu Nianfeng's opponent, after losing the chance to qualify, the opponent decided to let himself go completely, and actually made a rather bold decision, which was to use two non-main fleets as bait to lure the main fleet of Zhiyuan Star to the On another battlefield, their main force gathered to attack the base defended by Liu Nianfeng, trying to fight a blitzkrieg, and wiped out Liu Nianfeng before the fleet of the other four returned to help.

Although it still won't be able to win the final victory in this way, as long as they can unite, Liu Nianfeng, the guy who made a big splash in yesterday's exam and broke the record of the universe.Even if they don't have the chance to take the government examination, they can also gain a great reputation, and the benefits they get are even more than those colleges that successfully participate in the government examination.

I have to say that the idea of ​​this academy is very good, and it is indeed the most correct decision for them.It's just that they overestimated themselves and underestimated Liu Nianfeng. They felt that with three fleets and nearly 60 warships, they could definitely wipe out Liu Nianfeng's 15 warships before Chen Shihan and the others came back to help.

When the audience saw this situation, they were taken aback.Although they knew that Liu Nianfeng's strength was extraordinary, the problem was that Liu Nianfeng had to use 15 warships to fight 60 warships. There are too many, and it is not just the accuracy of the shot that can determine the outcome.

Therefore, most of the audience agreed that Liu Nianfeng would probably die in the face of such a siege.

At the same time, some intelligence personnel who were watching secretly shook their heads when they saw this scene.They are all ordered to evaluate Liu Nianfeng's real combat level, so they are tactical masters themselves. Those tricks that are very subtle in the eyes of the audience are extremely clumsy in the eyes of these professionals. If you're more sophisticated, you won't be fooled by such a clumsy trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

But Liu Nianfeng fell into the trick so foolishly, and didn't react at all, until the opponent appeared within the radar range, he suddenly realized, and hurriedly fought.

Ever since, while shaking their heads with a sigh, these intelligence personnel wrote the comment of "poor command ability" on Liu Nianfeng's evaluation form, and at the same time secretly lamented that no one is perfect in this world, and Liu Nianfeng's shooting ability How awesome is his command ability!

The intelligence personnel's vision is very accurate, the opponent's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain is indeed very clumsy, how could Liu Nianfeng fail to see the problem.It's just that Liu Nianfeng has been idle for six games, and he didn't even have a chance to fire a shot. Naturally, his hands were itchy. After finding out that the opponent wanted to siege him, Liu Nianfeng was ecstatic, and immediately pretended to be the general who fell into the trap. The others were ordered to go out, so that they could have a chance to fire a few shots, otherwise Liu Nianfeng would have mushrooms growing on his body.


When Chen Shihan and the others came back to aid, Liu Nianfeng had indeed lost 12 warships, leaving only the three main battleships, the Glorious, King Kong, and Washington, which seemed to have suffered heavy losses.

But the other party's 60 warships had less than ten ships left, and their admirals were completely stunned by Liu Nianfeng. Although they still had an advantage in numbers, they began to flee in all directions instead of flying to Liu Nianfeng. The courage to attack.

The result was naturally that Chen Shihan and the others who came back to aid were directly surrounded and wiped out.

The girls who originally wanted to step on Liu Nianfeng's head to become famous became a big joke in the examination room.

The intelligence personnel were dumbfounded, and waited until the game was completely over before taking out their notebooks, and solemnly wrote "Liu Nianfeng's fighting instinct: abnormal". As for the comment of "poor commanding ability", After a while of hesitation, he still stayed on the notebook.

At this time, Liu Nianfeng has already attracted a lot of attention. The TV station does not broadcast other battles live, but only broadcasts the battle of Zhiyuan Star. Only after the battle of Zhiyuan Star is over, it will broadcast live the battles of other colleges that have not yet finished.

As for the last battle on the Zhiyuan star, almost two trillion people in the entire Qingzhou star area watched it at the same time, and this unlucky academy became a complete laughing stock among the audience.The audience with some good things combined the two numbers 60 and 15 very cheaply to form the meme of 6015.

Whenever this college is mentioned in the future, the number 6015 will be used instead of this college, and the students of this college have become the biggest laughing stock in the audience of Qingzhou, so that the students are unwilling to sign up for this college. Students native to this planet would rather go to school on a nearby planet than on their own.

As a result, the number of people in this academy dwindled and gradually disappeared, to the point where the school was about to be abolished.

So much so that the remaining students of the 6015 Academy had to organize together to form an admiral idol group named 6015, and participated in various idol activities, and they were actually a great success, which attached a completely different meaning to 6015 ...Of course, these are all things to say later.


"I said that since we have already qualified for qualifying, and the four of us are exhausted, we can take a good rest tonight!" After the second day's competition, Chen Shihan stretched Lazy, looked at Liu Nianfeng expectantly and said.

"What are you resting for?" Liu Nianfeng gave Chen Shihan a white look, "Tomorrow's exam is the real highlight, but I said something in front of the reporter. The Jie Yuan in the Qingzhou Star District is none other than me. I will give that Jie Yuan to me tomorrow." Get it, and then you can think about resting!"

"What! A tormenting devil!" Chen Shihan said bitterly.

(End of this chapter)

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