girl line

Chapter 349

Chapter 349

"This is a relatively reasonable price!" Liu Nianfeng couldn't help but stop his footsteps, looking at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him and said.

Just from the appearance, the man in front of him is extremely embarrassed, his body is covered with wet soil and traces of green weeds.Although he was wearing a suit that looked like a world-renowned brand, this suit had obviously experienced many years of vicissitudes, and some threads were exposed.

Based on this appearance, Liu Nianfeng didn't believe that the guy in front of him could take out 20 billion star coins in cash, but since the other party can appear here, he must have his own capital to speak, and Liu Nianfeng is willing to listen to the other party's end What do you plan to do.

"Feng Feiyang, why are you here?" Seeing this man appear, the deputy director was obviously startled, obviously the deputy director knew this man named Feng Feiyang.

"Mr. Liunianfeng! I am willing to pay a price of 20 billion after tax to purchase the exclusive broadcasting right of your battle video for one month, as well as the permanent copyright for 20 years. I have already prepared the contract, Mr. Liunianfeng. Just sign it!" Feng Feiyang pulled out a contract from his pocket tremblingly.

Feng Feiyang looked disheveled and extremely embarrassed.But the contract in his arms was very well preserved, the paper was flawless, without the slightest dirt.

Liu Nianfeng took over the contract, but did not read the contents of the contract in detail, but only read the words on the contract, and found that it was actually a contract written by hand, and it was written beautifully with a pen.To put it bluntly, in Liu Nianfeng's opinion, this kind of pen writing looks better than Pang Zhonghua's pen calligraphy.

Looking at people from words, one can know that the man in front of him is not simple.

"Student Liu Nianfeng, don't listen to this guy's nonsense, let alone 20 billion now, he can't even get 20 yuan, and he still owes more than a billion to outside creditors, how can he have money to pay?" You, don't be fooled by this guy!" The deputy head said in a hurry, unceremoniously exposing Feng Feiyang's old background.

"That's not the case!" Feng Feiyang's face turned red, and he immediately argued, "I'm rich, I'm really rich, as long as Mr. Liu Nianfeng is willing to sign, I can pay you 20 billion now!"

"Hmph, you're still uttering nonsense here, look, I've exposed your old background!" The deputy head snorted coldly, and in front of Liu Nianfeng, other admirals, and hundreds of starship girls, he told the wind that this wind was wrong. Feiyang Lao Di said it again.

Comrade Feng Feiyang is indeed an old man in the TV station circle, or a celebrity in the circle.

The four generations of Feng Feiyang's grandparents and grandchildren have been in the TV station business. In the most prosperous time, they owned the largest private TV station in the entire Qingzhou Star District, and their ratings once surpassed Qingzhou National TV Station, becoming the TV station with the highest ratings in Qingzhou.

It just passed to Feng Feiyang's mother, because Feng Feiyang's mother's unrestrained commercial placements, wantonly playing all kinds of shady scenes in variety shows, forced a 16-year-old boy who hadn't even formally attended film school , who has only learned the violin for a few years, but his parents are young boys with top connections in the circle, who won the championship of a certain acting variety show!

Although Feng Feiyang's mother may indeed have obtained the contacts she wanted, the reputation of the TV station has plummeted. Viewers have expressed their disgust for this TV station. The ratings are in a difficult situation, so that in the end, it is insolvent and is on the verge of bankruptcy.

Feng Feiyang's mother also gradually fell into darkness because she regretted that damned decision, and finally jumped to her death for no apparent reason.

He also knew that when Feng Feiyang's mother died, she had been spending time and drinking outside, and Feng Feiyang, who was reluctant to leave, was forced to take over the mess of the family TV station, and was also burdened with a foreign debt of more than one billion yuan owed by the TV station.Although Feng Feiyang tried his best to cheer up, it is said that when people are unlucky, drinking water will get stuck between their teeth. How can a building that is about to collapse be restored so easily.

If the dynasty is used as a metaphor, except for Liu Xiu, the son of the plane, there is no royal heir who can restore the crumbling dynasty.

According to the deputy director, Feng Feiyang TV station is at the last moment. If the foreign debt of [-] million yuan cannot be paid off within a month, the bank will judge Feng Feiyang TV station to go bankrupt, and Feng Feiyang's life will be destroyed. It's all over.

That's why the deputy director can say with certainty that the Feng Feiyang in front of him will definitely not be able to spend 20 billion.The reason is very simple, if Feng Feiyang can really come up with 20 billion, then it will be enough to use the money to pay off the debt, why come to Liu Nianfeng to buy the exclusive broadcasting rights of some videos.

Although he didn't like the deputy director's attitude very much, Liu Nianfeng had to admit that after hearing the deputy director's words, he also began to doubt Feng Feiyang's sincerity. Can he really spend 20 billion?
"I'm rich! I'm really rich!" Feng Feiyang had no choice but to repeat this sentence.

"Well, if you are really rich, transfer the money now, and I promise I won't rob you!" The deputy director said with a smile, as if he was ready to watch a good show.

"Not yet..." Feng Feiyang began to feel embarrassed, lowered his head and said, "Wait a little longer, wait a little longer, my people are raising money, I believe we can get it soon!"

"Hahaha, I'm really laughing to death, how long is your time?"

"Seven minutes?"

"One hour?"

"Still a year?"

"Oh, your TV station will go bankrupt in a month!" The deputy director laughed happily, turned around and looked at Liu Nianfeng and said, "Student Liu Nianfeng, how did you decide? Did Feng Feiyang collect enough 20 billion yuan? Or should he sign this 2000 million yuan contract with me first?"

"Oh, Liu Nianfeng, I assure you that as soon as you sign, the money will be transferred to your account immediately. Of course, we are not responsible for the 20% personal income tax, so the final account is 1600 million! "The deputy director said to Liu Nianfeng with satisfaction, as if Liu Nianfeng had no choice but to sign his contract.

"..." Liu Nianfeng didn't speak, but he seemed to have an emotional expression, while Feng Feiyang fell into complete anxiety.

In his early years, he was indifferent to his mother and only cared about his own happiness. Anyway, the family had plenty of money.But with his mother's suicide, Feng Feiyang fell into absolute remorse, regretting why he spent so little time with his mother and never cared about her.

After being sad, Feng Feiyang felt that the only thing he could do was to fulfill his mother's last wish and revive the TV station.But this is not easy, Feng Feiyang was originally a prodigal son, it took him three years to get familiar with the daily affairs of the TV station, but the TV station has reached the last juncture.

After countless nights of insomnia, Feng Feiyang felt that the only way to save his TV station was to broadcast a program with an explosive ratings, and to increase the audience and ratings of the TV station again.

It's just that it's not easy to find a program with a high ratings. Feng Feiyang racked his brains and couldn't think of where to get such a program, until he saw Liu Nianfeng's live broadcast that was popular all over Qingzhou, and saw the terrifying With the highest simultaneous audience rating of 90%, Feng Feiyang found his goal.

So Feng Feiyang began to pay close attention to Liu Nianfeng. When he saw that Liu Nianfeng's team was stagnant in the last test, Feng Feiyang also suspected that he might have chosen the wrong target.But when he found that the team's performance began to increase rapidly, and at the same time all the audience were full of doubts about what happened, he wished to find out immediately.

Feng Feiyang realized right away that if he could get the exclusive rights to broadcast this video and solve the doubts in the hearts of countless viewers, then it would be time for his family TV station Xianyu to turn around.

So Feng Feiyang didn't even have time to turn on the computer, he just picked up a pen and wrote out the contract in front of him, but Feng Feiyang was not qualified to enter Taixue, so he deliberately changed into a green camouflage uniform, and then Secretly crawled in from a dog hole behind Taixue specially for wild dogs, and then climbed all the way along the lawn to this location, then took off the camouflage uniform, changed into a suit, and then lurked in the bushes, waiting for Fleeting Maple Coming out of the virtual building, this is why Feng Feiyang is covered in dirt and weeds.

Seeing that I have already met Liu Nianfeng, and as long as Liu Nianfeng signs his contract, his TV station can be brought back to life, but Liu Nianfeng shows a hesitant expression. With the last strength, I shouted, "Student Liu Nianfeng, I am really rich. I have already decided to sell the all-round ship left by my grandma. As soon as I find a buyer, I can sell this ship immediately." I'll give you the money! That's worth more than 100 billion star coins, I won't lose your money!"

"Almighty ship!" Liu Nianfeng's eyes lit up instantly, and the deputy director at the side started to laugh again and said, "You fool is finally willing to sell your grandma's almighty ship, we have already asked you to sell it!" No, you don’t want to. If you had sold it earlier, how would you be in the current predicament? But it’s too late. Although the Almighty Ship is really valuable, but not everyone in the Qingzhou Star Region can afford the Almighty Ship There are a few more."

"Even if they have money, they are not interested in buying your second-hand almighty ship. The price of renting a star port alone costs 300 million yuan a month. If you can afford it, you can't afford it. You almighty ship is afraid Even if it takes two to [-] years, it will not be sold."

"Student Liu Nianfeng, please listen to my advice, let's sign the contract, otherwise you will collect the money after two or three hundred years! Hahaha" the deputy director smiled very happily.

(End of this chapter)

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