girl line

Chapter 367 The Destroyer

Chapter 367 The Destroyer

"Okay, now it's time for you, Mr. Fleeting Maple!" After all the starship girls had finished choosing their treasure chests, Ivanka Trump slapped her hands, and the whole warehouse was shaken. The boxes slowly fell from the ceiling, and finally all fell in front of Liu Nianfeng.

"This is the legendary prehistoric equipment box, my God, it looks like I want to snatch it." Seeing three colorful boxes falling in front of her, Xi Yue'er licked her lips, He said without hiding the greed in his heart.

In fact, except for a few starship girls, the rest of the starship girls almost showed a bit of greedy expression on their faces. Starship girls who are not interested in prehistoric equipment boxes... of course, they don't exist. !
"Come on, everyone is tired today, I think it's okay, wait a few days to open these three boxes!" Liu Nianfeng yawned and said, which immediately aroused the glaring looks of the other starship girls, Liu Nianfeng was surrounded by these angry starship girls, and then changed his words with a wry smile, "Everyone, don't get excited, it's just a joke, how dare I do such a thing."

Of course Liu Nianfeng didn't dare to do such a thing, otherwise he probably wouldn't be able to leave the warehouse standing up.

"Then open this one first!" Liu Nianfeng didn't want to shake any more burdens, and walked straight to a colorful box, entered his DNA information, and then the whole box slowly opened after a distance of vibration, There was a dazzling light.

"Colorful! Colorful! Colorful!" Although Liunianfeng kept shouting the word "colorful" in his heart, it turned out that it was useless. How could prehistoric level equipment be obtained so easily, and it was finally presented in front of Liunianfeng It's just a golden light.

"The Kuangshi class is also good!" Liu Nianfeng sighed, although he had already made such preparations in his heart, but when the facts were presented in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"Quadruple 533-meter Lingyou induction torpedo!" When he saw the equipment that finally appeared in the box, Liu Nianfeng's disappointment became even greater.

Name: Quadruple installed 533m Lingyou induction torpedo

Grade: Queer Class
Manufacturer: Baiying Heavy Industries.



Penetration Chance: 20%
Launching angle: 30-120 degrees

Special ability: ghost sensing: can automatically sense the enemy's psionic energy and ghost energy, and automatically aim within a certain range (sensing range 20 kilometers)
Equipment skill: Penetration increase: For units whose armor thickness is above 1000 meters, the penetration rate increases by 100%

This is a set of data that looks very powerful, completely crushing all the torpedoes currently equipped by extremely destroyer starship girls.And after obtaining this piece of equipment, it is believed that the ability of a star destroyer starship girl can be increased by more than five times.

Such a torpedo could kill a destroyer of the same level in one shot, but if all four hits, even a battleship would have to be killed on the spot.

But Liu Nianfeng didn't have much joy on his face, instead it became very ugly.If it was a Queer-level box, Liu Nianfeng would also laugh when he saw this result, but the problem is that this is a colorful prehistoric-level equipment box.

After all, the colorful prehistoric-level equipment boxes can at least produce unrivaled-level equipment, and this unrivaled-level torpedo is extremely bad among all the unrefined-level boxes, and it is the result that Liu Nianfeng does not want to see the most One, if it is necessary to arrange all the peerless equipment in the shape of a pyramid, then this torpedo will undoubtedly be placed at the top of the pyramid, and it will even be buried in several layers of soil.

This does not mean that the torpedo equipment is very weak, in fact, on the contrary, the torpedo is an extremely important equipment, which can turn the original crisp-skinned destroyer into the most vicious killer in the universe. As long as it can get close to the target, the equipment All the torpedoes were released, even if it was a star beast, it would have to go around without enough food.

The damage that a single destroyer's torpedo can cause can often be equal to the damage of a dozen battleships... Of course, there is a premise for this, that is, all of these torpedoes hit the star beasts.

To achieve this goal, the destroyer itself is of course important, and torpedoes are also extremely important. Good torpedoes can make this goal easier to achieve.

For the five major heavy industry groups, it is natural that they can manufacture general-purpose equipment such as torpedoes, but each heavy industry group has its own field of expertise, and in terms of torpedoes, Baiying Heavy Industry is really inferior to other heavy industries. is too far.

According to the consensus of all the admirals and starship girls, the best torpedo maker in the world is probably Sakura Heavy Industries, because they have mastered the magical sword element technology, which is not fully deciphered by other heavy industry companies so far. A technology that simply cannot be imitated.

Compared with the torpedoes of other companies, all torpedoes using Jiansu technology have double the sailing speed and double the range. All kinds of data completely exploded the torpedo products of the other four heavy industries.

In addition to Heavy Sakura Heavy Industries, the torpedoes of Junkers Heavy Industries, Royal Heavy Industries, and Donghuang Heavy Industries are all stronger than White Eagle Heavy Industries. In addition, White Eagle Heavy Industries itself does not pay enough attention to torpedo technology, so White Eagle Heavy Industries' torpedoes are all The bottom-ranked existence among the five major heavy industries.

The torpedo data of this White Eagle Heavy Industry looks really good, but compared with other heavy industry's peerless torpedoes, it is instantly killed in terms of data, and there is not even scum left. Sakura Heavy Industries' elite torpedoes are not as good.But such a ridiculous-sounding assertion won the approval of many admirals, and it slapped Baiying Heavy Industries' face.

So for Liu Nianfeng, there is nothing more disappointing than driving a Baiying Heavy Industry's peerless torpedo.

"Admiral, it's all right!!!" Alice noticed something wrong with Liu Nianfeng's expression, and immediately comforted Liu Nianfeng softly.

"Well, this is a piece of peerless equipment after all, isn't it!" Liu Nianfeng smiled wryly, accepting the somewhat tragic result, and then set his sights on the second box.

It's just that compared with the first time, Liu Nianfeng was no longer able to open the box decisively and quickly. After a while of hesitation and prayer, Liu Nianfeng finally injected his own DNA slowly, and this time, from the box What bloomed inside was still golden.

"Is it still a peerless class!" Liu Nianfeng's face turned cold again, he thought that he could get out the prehistoric class equipment this time.But after all, the probability is only 1/10. Even if the three boxes are all of the golden peerless grade, that is a matter of course. Apart from being disappointed, Liu Nianfeng doesn't have any other thoughts.

It's just that when Liu Nianfeng saw clearly the specific things contained in this box, he, who was still crying just now, had a very dramatic change at this moment, and all the depression and unwillingness disappeared in this instant There was no trace, replaced by a burst of great ecstasy.

"Hahahahahaha! Cool! Cool! Cool!" Liu Nianfeng was so happy that he lost his composure, and couldn't help shouting at the sky, and this also attracted the great curiosity of the other starship girls, who walked to the box one after another, Probe and head to look inside... So, in the next second, almost everyone's eyes were on Alice, and their eyes were full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

To paraphrase a phrase that has been used badly, if eyes can burn people, then Alice must have been burned to death, because what is placed in the equipment box at this time is not other things, but rows of neatly arranged items. giant humanoid armor.

There is no doubt that this is the space-breaking mecha that only space carriers can equip, and it is a full sequence of 100 space-breaking mechas. This is a space-breaking mecha that makes all the starship girls jealous equipment, especially when these starship girls can clearly see the specific type and data of the space-breaking mecha written on the nameplate of the equipment box.

Equipment Name: Destroyer Bomber Specialized Air Breaker Armor
Attribute: Bomber

Manufacturer: White Eagle Heavy Industries

Flight speed: 80 knots under full load and 180 knots under no load

Carrying Psychic Cannon: 20m Psychic Cannon*2
Carry psionic bombs: 1600 lb psionic bombs*2
Special Attribute: Flame Burning: Each bomb has a 30% chance to cause a burning effect on the enemy, causing the opponent to suffer a total of burning damage equal to the explosion damage in the next 20 seconds.

Special skill: Flesh and Flesh: When all two bombs hit the opponent, it can cause the effect of Flesh and Flesh, which doubles the damage received by the opponent, and at the same time causes 100% burning effect.

If it is said that the equipment that White Eagle Heavy Industries is least good at manufacturing is torpedoes, then White Eagle Heavy Industries is well-known among all starship girls and admirals for their space-breaking mechs. From the day White Eagle Heavy Industries was created From the beginning, they are the best companies in this universe that are good at manufacturing space-breaking mechs. In terms of space-breaking mechas, the ones that make every space-breaking fighter girl feel the most climax are the space-breaking machines from White Eagle Heavy Industries. First.

The lifelong dream of countless air-breaking fighters is to obtain a space-breaking mecha manufactured by White Eagle Heavy Industries. This is also the reason why White Eagle Heavy Industries can finally become the five most powerful heavy industry companies in the universe.

On the model list of White Eagle Heavy Industries' complex and dazzling array of air-breaking mechs, the first and most eye-catching one is always the bomber-style air-breaking mech named Destroyer.

(End of this chapter)

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