girl line

Chapter 392 Your Courier Has Arrived

Chapter 392 Your Courier Has Arrived

"You little fool, that's not the enemy's destroyer, it's our destroyer!" Liu Nianfeng touched Qingyue'er's little head lovingly, and at the same time said to Haman with a smile on his face, "Haman, that destroyer is still Yours, hurry up and take the transport boat to receive that destroyer!"

It turns out that according to the rules of this test, after successfully sinking an enemy warship, the enemy warship will be revived with full blood on the spot and become an unowned star warship again... This unowned star warship has nothing but Except that the admiral who was used by the previous admiral cannot be owned again within 10 minutes, the rest of the admirals can send starship girls to accept this starship, which can also be understood as the spoils of victory after victory.

As for the opponent who has lost the battleship, he must either completely defeat all his opponents, and then wait another 10 minutes to send the starship girl to capture the star warship, or he will pull his fleet to escape quickly and use the spoils to stall for time.

If all the warships are sunk, then the admiral and her starship girls can only drive a lifeboat to be resurrected in another location. It’s okay to die early like the admiral just now, and it’s possible Pick up other unowned warships.If it is at the later stage of the exam, if the entire army is wiped out, even if there are two chances of rebirth left, it is almost like nothing... After all, at the later stage, it is impossible to have a star warship with no owner and full ammunition for you to use.

So at this moment, the destroyer that appeared at the location where the destroyer exploded just now was the reward left to Liu Nianfeng by the admiral, and this admiral had a unique name in the circle, called "Express Delivery".

It is worth mentioning that although the destroyer has been restored to its original state after the explosion, and the battle damage has been restored to [-]%, the ammunition inside will not be restored. In the later stage, many admirals can pick up the destroyed Other admirals deliberately discarded the unowned star warships in the starry sky, because such star warships have used up all the ammunition, and carrying it is a burden instead. It is better to use up all the fuel in the battleship and let other warships use it.

"Woodrow, be careful around the surroundings to prevent anyone from hitting our black guns!" When Harman boarded the traffic boat and went to receive the destroyer, Liu Nianfeng still instructed Woodrow very cautiously.When accepting a star warship, it is often the time when the entire fleet's defense is weakest, because the entire fleet has to stay near the leftover star warship for a few minutes, so it becomes the enemy's activity to some extent. Target, if the enemy fleet stays in an area where the radar can be shielded and slaps him coldly, then Liu Nianfeng's fleet will really face a lot of danger, so Liu Nianfeng dare not relax for a moment at this time.

But it turns out that Liu Nianfeng was overly worried. Harman's traffic boat entered the destroyer very smoothly, and also took over the control of the entire destroyer very smoothly, and this destroyer also became part of the fleet of Liu Nianfeng. the second battleship.

"Very good! Harman, you are the first to control the battleship to the EDF90787 area, and explore the entire area to find out if there are any star warships that can be used!" After getting a destroyer, Liu Nianfeng immediately ordered the destroyer Haman to set off first. Search, as for the battleship Washington, because of its speed, it can only be boarded behind the destroyer Harman... But a certain safe distance is always maintained between the two, so that once danger is encountered, the Harman can get Washington immediately. number of support.

"Report to the admiral, no unowned star warship was found, but a sailing light cruiser was found. That light cruiser has already spotted me and is chasing me!" After a while, Haman sent like a fleeting maple. Battle report.

"Hey! Another courier is here!" Liu Nianfeng showed a satisfied smile, turned his head to look at Yixian beside him and said, "Yixian, get ready to receive your battleship!"


"Dear viewers and friends, what we are watching now is the first-person combat live broadcast of Admiral Liu Zhuantian, Xie Yuan from the Sili Star District. This student Liu Zhuantian is worthy of being known as the second battle star district in the universe. No.1 in the Sili star area, with superb abilities, was besieged by three admirals when he was born, but he was able to escape with only a lifeboat. After discovering a destroyer, he relied on This destroyer sank a battleship and two light cruisers, what a thrilling battle!"

"Now Admiral Liu Zhuangtian has a fleet consisting of two destroyers, two light cruisers, and one battleship, a total of five battleships, and at this time the entire exam time has only passed 40 minutes! According to the map, you can see , there is no fleet around her that can match her, it seems that this Liu Zhuangtian can sweep the entire central galaxy!" In the studio of Qianqiu TV, the host tried hard to stimulate the atmosphere of the audience, and was exerting all his strength. explaining.

It's a pity that the atmosphere in the studio is not very good, even a little stiff.Because at this time, through the glass of the studio, we can see that Feng Feiyang, the owner of Qianqiu TV Station, is sitting in the monitoring room with a gloomy face. The gloomy air on Feng Feiyang's face that seems to be able to drown the world has successfully infected him. All the people in the studio were trembling and did not dare to smile, for fear that Feng Feiyang would think they were laughing or something, and they would die.

"Make them laugh! They all look like dead fish faces! How can you please the audience!" Feng Feiyang in the monitoring room cursed furiously. The 10.2% at that time dropped to 7.8% now.

Feng Feiyang's heart was almost broken when the ratings did not increase but dropped. This is the broadcasting rights that Feng Feiyang spent almost all of his wealth on. I am afraid that the stock price will be wiped out overnight, how can this prevent Feng Feiyang from worrying.

"Chairman, this is the questionnaire that just arrived, please take a look!" The secretary quickly rushed into the office and handed a questionnaire to Feng Feiyang. It was a questionnaire about why the audience wanted to change channels.

Feng Feiyang grabbed the questionnaire fiercely, and after reading it in detail, he collapsed on the seat helplessly.

The questionnaire was very clear that those viewers who had watched Qianqiu TV's live broadcast before switched channels because the content they expected did not appear.In the past, Qianqiu TV broadcasted the special program of Liu Nianfeng every day, so these viewers thought that by watching Qianqiu TV, they could watch the live broadcast of Liu Nianfeng's battle.But I didn't expect to see the picture of Liu Zhuangtian when I turned on Qianqiu TV.

Although Liu Zhuantian's fighting ability is also very strong, but Liu Zhuangtian is not from Qingzhou. Of course, the people of Qingzhou would not like to see such a guy... They would rather see the scene of their own local classmate Liu Nianfeng killing all directions. So these viewers naturally chose to switch channels.

"Damn China Central Television, what are they doing? Don't they know that in our Qingzhou, the live broadcast of Liunianfeng's battle is more popular!" Feng Feiyang angrily knocked on the table.

In fact, he had expected this a long time ago, but the problem is that Qianqiu TV Station only has the right to receive the signal, but it has no decision on what content the signal broadcasts... It can only broadcast according to the live broadcast content determined by China Central Television... Although China Central Television Theoretically, the Jieyuan of each star area must be given a certain picture, which was also done by China Central Television in the past. After all, the issue of the great harmony of the empire must be considered.

But this time the hospital test was completely different. The National CCTV did not know what went crazy, and actually used most of the shots on Liu Zhuangtian. In the previous 40 minutes of live broadcast, 70% of the time It was all used on Liu Zhuantian alone, and it almost became Liu Zhuantian's personal live broadcast.

Among the other star regions, that is, the Youzhou star region is better, and their Jieyuan can still get 20% of the live footage. As for the admirals of the other ten star regions, they can only get a pitiful 10% of the footage. As for Xie Yuanliu Nianfeng in the Qingzhou star area, until now, there hasn't been a single shot, as if it has been completely forgotten by the National CCTV.

"There's something tricky about it! There's definitely something tricky about it!" Feng Feiyang angrily knocked on the table.You must know that Liu Nianfeng is not some unknown Xie Yuan. As the first male admiral in human history, he is also a male admiral who broke the record of the college entrance examination. With such a hot live broadcast topic, the entire Central National TV Station did not give Liu Nianfeng any one. Lens, this is something that seriously violates commercial interests.

Before, because of the huge commercial interests behind Liu Nianfeng, Feng Feiyang felt that no matter how he went, he should give Liu Nianfeng about 10% of the shots, and maybe he could get about 30% of the shots... But absolutely nothing Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a result of such zero shots.

If there is no one secretly operating behind this, deliberately trying to suppress Liu Nianfeng's reputation, then Feng Feiyang would not believe that such a situation would happen.

"Let me ask you, is there any way for us to get Liu Nianfeng's live view immediately!" Feng Feiyang asked his secretary while clenching his fists.

"It's impossible..." The secretary was stunned for a moment. Feng Feiyang is a pragmatic person. He didn't choose those young and beautiful girls as his secretary, but chose a mature and prudent one who worked hard in the TV circle for a long time. A man who has been around for ten years is his secretary... This man knows a lot about the TV industry, he can be said to be a living dictionary, so Feng Feiyang will choose to ask this secret art at the first time.

It is also such a living dictionary in the TV circle, after hearing Feng Feiyang's request, he shook his head helplessly and said, "There is no way, there are only two signals coming out of the entire government test battlefield, one of which is the central National TV, which is the signal we are getting now, is firmly in the hands of China National TV, and we have no right to decide anything."

"What about the other one? Isn't there two signal sources!" Feng Feiyang asked excitedly.

"The other one is even more impossible!" The secretary laughed harder, "The other one is the exclusive signal source of the royal family and the military department, so that the adults of the royal family and the military department can have a detailed understanding of the situation in every place on the battlefield The source of the signal... Unless you can get the consent of the royal family, it is impossible to obtain the broadcasting rights of this signal source."

"I understand!" Feng Feiyang nodded, and then solemnly said to the bewildered secretary, "Immediately send an application letter to the royal family, expressing that our Qianqiu TV station hopes to obtain the royal family's exclusive signal source for broadcasting, and It shows that Qianqiu TV is willing to pay any price."

"It's impossible... No matter how much we pay, the royal family can't..." The secretary immediately shook his head and refused.What a joke, this is like giving a memorial to the ancient emperor, expressing that he hopes to walk around the Forbidden City, sleep again, and finally watch the morning court from the sidelines. This is impossible anyway.

"Go as soon as I tell you to go, why is there so much nonsense! It's just a letter, and I'm afraid the royal family will eat us!" Feng Feiyang cursed, the secretary had no choice but to build up his courage, follow Feng Feiyang's instructions, and forcefully Scalply sent an application letter to the royal family.

(End of this chapter)

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