girl line

Chapter 400 Store Opening

Chapter 400 Store Opening

"The forces occupying the base won't secretly kill my Rodriguez!" The destroyer Rodriguez was sent to slowly approach the small base surrounded by more than 40 star warships. , the admiral thought very worriedly.With the opponent's astonishing number of warships, I'm afraid that with one round of salvo, his own destroyers will immediately be reduced to scum.

If possible, Li Cheng really wanted to turn around and leave, the farther the better, he would never come into direct contact with this terrifying force, but the admiral couldn't leave.

20 minutes ago, Li Cheng had just experienced a fierce battle, the fleets of both sides were 3v3, and the combat instincts of the two admirals were quite, almost identical.After a arduous battle, Li Cheng finally managed to defeat the enemy, and at the same time got two warships as his spoils.

Although this result is gratifying, Li Cheng is not very happy, because this battle has almost exhausted all of Li Cheng's fuel and ammunition reserves, and the entire fleet has become an empty shelf. For an opponent as tough as before, Li Cheng probably had no choice but to raise his hands and surrender.

So even though he knew that the small base was full of dangers, there must be many admirals gathered here, it was a very dangerous place, but Li Cheng still had to take the risk to come here, otherwise without fuel and ammunition, Li Cheng would still have only a dead end.

The tragedy is that when Li Cheng arrived at the small base, he found that the base was already occupied, and the more than 40 warships around the base were all lined up in a standard guard formation, and every warship was intimately connected. Rest assured to hand over his back and left and right wings to his teammates. Obviously, these more than 40 warships belong to the same faction. It is completely impossible for Li Cheng to obtain the fuel and ammunition in this small base. .

At the same time, Li Cheng also felt even more terrified. If the big force on the opposite side took a fancy to this battleship and sent a fleet to snatch it, wouldn't he be defeated for sure.

So almost as soon as he figured out the situation, Li Cheng turned around and wanted to escape here, but what Li Cheng didn't expect was that the opponent's warship didn't take any action, but sent a communication to Li Cheng's flagship. The meaning of the communication was very simple. The other party said that he did not have any malicious intentions, nor did he have much interest in Li Cheng's warships. Instead, he had a deal and hoped to discuss it with Li Cheng.If the deal can be reached, they are willing to give Li Cheng some fuel and ammunition.

Hearing what the other party said, although Li Cheng knew that this was likely to be a huge trap, but thinking of the empty oil depot and ammunition depot of his battleship, no matter how dangerous it was, Li Cheng had no choice but to send a group of people. A destroyer, as his emissary, slowly entered the area controlled by the enemy.

To Li Cheng's relief, the other party seemed to have no awareness of his own actions, but very politely led his warship to the interior of the base, and then Li Cheng's starship girl and a girl who seemed to be of a younger age, But the shrewd starship girl made contact.

"Hello, my name is Mingyue'er, and I'm a starship girl from the United Fleet of the Qingzhou Star District. The ship type is a star battlecruiser!" The United Fleet of the region, and also know that the opponent actually has such a powerful battleship as the Star Battlecruiser.

"Hello, I'm the starship girl of Admiral Li Cheng in the Yangzhou Star District. Nice to meet you!" The starship girl was talking to Ming Yue'er carefully in Licheng.

"Okay, don't be so nervous, I'll get straight to the point and talk to you and the admiral behind you about our deal!" Ming Yue'er said shrewdly in her eyes.

"I wonder what you want to trade?" the starship girl asked nervously.

"It's very simple, I know you are short of fuel and ammunition, right, these are the trading materials we can come up with!"

"Well, our fuel and ammunition are actually quite abundant, we don't need..." Of course, Li Cheng couldn't easily admit that he was in a state of shortage of supplies, otherwise he would have become a lamb at the mercy of others, so Li Cheng Also try to show that you don't care about fuel and ammunition as much as possible.

"Hehe!" Mingyue'er laughed dryly, her face changed instantly, and she said fiercely, "Well, since you don't lack fuel and ammunition, then this deal is nothing to talk about, what, see off! "

Ming Yue'er waved her hand and planned to send the starship girl away. She didn't seem to have the slightest intention to continue the conversation, but the face of the starship girl changed overnight, and finally she could only lower her head helplessly. Honestly admitted, "If possible, we really hope to popularize some fuel and ammunition, as long as the price is right, we are willing to pay!"

"That's right, everyone is an admiral, of course we have to help each other!" Ming Yue'er, who had been seeing off guests fiercely just now, became smiling and charming again at this moment, and pulled this girl up affectionately. Starship girl's hand, and said with a smile on her face, "Come, come, we still have a lot of fuel and ammunition here. First, tell me what you have that can be traded with us. Do you have battleships?"

"We can't give you battleships, not even one!" Li Cheng's starship girl said instantly vigilantly. In her mind, Li Cheng kept repeating her bottom line, that is, no warships could be traded.

"Hey, it scares you. Even if you give us warships, we don't want them... Unless you have space carriers and special warships... we can sell other warships to you!" Ming Yue Li Cheng covered his mouth and laughed, and Li Cheng's eyes turned red with jealousy.

I worked so hard to fight with others, and managed to get five warships, but the other party has completely looked down on my warships, how enviable this is!

"Then what do you need?" the starship girl asked nervously.

"As long as we can use it, whether it's equipment, equipment, props, or information, as long as we have useful things, we can trade them!" Ming Yue'er said very simply, "Well, Just according to what I just said, let you all make a list of materials that can be traded for us, let's see if there is anything we need on it, and we can talk about it!"

"Okay!" With Ming Yue'er's words, Li Cheng immediately began to rack his brains to think about what he could trade with the other party, but in the end Li Cheng found sadly that what he had was all his own. For the things that are useful, there is nothing superfluous that can be traded with the other party.

In desperation, Li Cheng could only write down a few pieces of destroyer equipment and equipment on this list... Although these are the equipment that Li Cheng can use now, if there is not enough fuel and ammunition, these equipment will probably end up in the end. It can only be cheaper for others, so why not take it out now in exchange for the fuel and ammunition you urgently need.

What made Li Cheng want to vomit blood was that when Li Cheng handed over the list to Ming Yue'er, Ming Yue'er just glanced at it, then threw it aside in disdain, and said lightly, "We don't need this rubbish, Keep it to yourself!"

"My own treasure is trash in the eyes of others!" Li Cheng once again felt a deep sense of frustration, and at the same time, he was slightly thankful that his equipment seemed to be saved...but immediately despair came to his heart again, the equipment It was saved, but where are the urgently needed fuel and ammunition?Didn't I get nothing in this transaction and waste time?
"I'll give you 3 minutes. If you still can't produce the trading items we need, then I'll have to see off the customers!" Ming Yue'er said flatly, and Li Cheng could only start to think desperately about what he could use for trading. Finally, remembering what Ming Yueer said just now, she asked nervously, "By the way, here is a key. I wonder if it can be used as a trade item."

"Key? What key?" Ming Yue'er asked blankly.

"It's the key to the secret treasure house of the Plum Blossom Galaxy Guardian Mansion! This is a very important treasure!" Li Cheng immediately exaggerated the preciousness of this key through his starship girl. As long as you have this key, you can open the secret treasure house of the tutelary mansion of the plum blossom galaxy and get the important treasures inside! Otherwise, even if you occupy the tutelary mansion of the plum blossom galaxy, you will never be able to open this secret treasure house!"

"Hmph! Then we must be able to occupy the tutelary mansion of the plum blossom galaxy!" Ming Yue'er rolled her eyes at the other party. !"

"..." The starship girl smiled awkwardly, and then flattered, "With the strength of your joint fleet, you can definitely occupy the tutelary fortress of the Plum Blossom Galaxy. If your combined fleet is not qualified to occupy the tutelary fort, then No one in the entire Plum Blossom Galaxy is qualified to occupy this tutelary fort!"

"Hehe... Do you believe it when you say it like this?" Ming Yue'er said with a dry laugh, and Li Cheng was also speechless. Indeed, the popularity of the Guardian Mansion of the Plum Blossom Galaxy is incomparable, and the competition situation is better than that of this small base. How many times more intense, without thousands of warships, who can guarantee that they will be able to occupy the tutelary fortress of the Plum Blossom Galaxy.

"Forget it, this key is just a thought anyway, how about this, how much fuel and ammunition do you want to exchange for this key?" But in the next second, Ming Yue'er's mouth loosened, letting Li Cheng heaved a sigh of relief.

"Five tons of fuel, three units of destroyer ammunition, and two units of light cruiser ammunition?" Li Cheng asked tentatively.

A unit of destroyer ammunition refers to the ammunition that can replenish the ammunition depot of a destroyer.

"Hehe, it seems that your admiral wants to make up for the ammunition and fuel you lack in one go, right! Why is the idea so good!" Ming Yue'er said with a sneer, "Come on, we don't want this key anymore, you guys go!"

"No, no, no... Otherwise, let's cut it down a bit, and give three tons of fuel, two units of destroyer ammunition, and one unit of cruiser ammunition!" Li Cheng quickly changed his words, reducing the price to 2/3.

"Dream! I'll give you up to 5000 kilograms of fuel, and a unit of destroyer ammunition!" Ming Yue'er cut it down to 1/10 very simply.

"That's too little! It's impossible!" Li Cheng's starship girl screamed.

"Send off the guests!" Ming Yue'er didn't give the other party a chance to argue, so she reincarnated and was about to leave here.

Facing Mingyue'er's strength, what can Li Cheng do, if he leaves empty-handed, then there is definitely only one dead end.So in the end Li Cheng accepted this extremely tragic transaction agreement, and exchanged that very precious key for fuel and ammunition that were only enough for one-tenth of the fleet's needs.

"Hey, let's go to another base to see!" Li Cheng thought sadly when he sent the destroyer to deliver the keys and receive fuel and ammunition by the way.

"Admiral, the number is wrong!" Suddenly, the starship girl in charge of receiving it reported to Li Cheng in surprise.

"What's the matter? The other party still wants to deduct our pitiful amount?" Li Cheng asked sadly and angrily.

"'s not that the other side gave us less, but more things...the other side directly filled up my entire battleship!" The words of the starship girl surprised Li Cheng. If all the battleships are fully supplied, it is equivalent to paying a ton of fuel and a unit of destroyer ammunition, which is twice the agreed amount. What happened to the other party?Could it be that the Virgin Mary is possessed?
"Hehe, these are the promotion fees we gave!" A communication suddenly connected to Li Cheng's flagship, and it was actually a man's voice.

"What does this mean?" Li Cheng asked blankly, somewhat ignoring the surprising point of the man.

"After you leave, you can pass the information that our Qingzhou star sector joint fleet hopes to conduct a fair, just and reasonable transaction to any admiral you meet, and then come back with the fleet that is willing to come. In this way, once the transaction is successfully carried out , then we are willing to give you a supply of 1/10 of the transaction value of the admiral you brought, what do you think?"

"Understood! Guaranteed to complete the task!" Li Cheng's body immediately burned raging flames, and his enthusiasm for work seemed to be the same as those newcomers who just joined the job!
(End of this chapter)

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