girl line

Chapter 414 Who is the Oriole

Chapter 414 Who is the Oriole
"How did this happen? How did this happen!!!" TD0008 and TD0046 never imagined in their dreams that they suddenly became the target of public criticism. Their former teammates fired wildly at them. Suddenly, more than 200 warships The gunfire poured on them at the same time.

If the two of them can have the strength of Liu Nianfeng, then maybe they can still escape from this artillery fire.It's a pity that they didn't, so their ending is already doomed... The two admirals who fought for the three warships immediately got the reward of the world, and after just three or four minutes, they, together with all their warships, Under the artillery fire of friendly forces, they all turned into fireworks in the universe, and finally turned into unowned battleships.

Although the two of them and their starship girls still have a chance to be resurrected, even if they are successfully resurrected, they have no future to speak of.They can only become the killing points that set off the strength of others.

And the appearance of a full 12 brand new unowned battleships once again plunged these admirals into a situation of snatching spoils.No need for anyone to issue orders, as soon as those unowned battleships appeared, the surrounding admirals immediately launched their own transport boats, trying to get these warships as quickly as possible. Just like those two unlucky guys, they became the targets of others.

And as these battleships entered the account, an admiral suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his head, and found that he didn't seem to have to hunt down and kill Liunianfeng at all, and he didn't need to go to great lengths to snatch Liunianfeng's warships. Are there so many unowned warships?

Ever since, this usually very smart and slick admiral made the most stupid mistake in this exam. Relying on the strength of eight warships in her hands, she quietly aimed at the There is only a fleet of three warships beside me.

"This fleet is so weak... I can defeat them in just 5 minutes!" The admiral thought in his heart, and then his body began to follow the instinctive desire to turn the evil ship against the original friendly forces. gun.

And this unlucky admiral never dreamed that the teammates around him would silently point the naval guns at him... And the direct result of this dream was that he didn't even have 5 minutes, only 3 Minutes later, all her warships became the spoils of that admiral.

But at the same time, the sudden sound of artillery also shocked the other admirals.And the actions of this admiral also deeply reminded all the admirals in the fleet... They are not a firm alliance, but a criminal gang formed temporarily for profit!

"Boss! What are you waiting for, this is another battleship sent to us by the heavens!" Xueluo continued to whisper in TD0001's ear, TD0001 suddenly realized, and then shouted "Destroy this guy who dared to attack allies", and immediately Into the attack on the admiral.

The other admirals also suddenly realized, and began to announce that they would punish this kind of betrayal of the alliance, and they all shot together.

Ever since, the admiral who just took only 3 minutes to eliminate his teammates was also eliminated by his teammates 3 minutes later.

But this is just the beginning.

After the admiral's battleship was divided up, everyone began to search among the teammates to see if there were any uneasy and well-intentioned guys who tried to attack their teammates... Even if there is no such guy, they still have to find out Such a guy comes out.

Because at this moment, everyone has discovered that eliminating teammates is the best way to increase strength.

"Sisters, go ahead, I have something to do at the moment, I'll go first..." An admiral realized that something was wrong, and she, who was weak, immediately decided to pull out and leave this somewhat crazy temporary joint fleet.If she had left ten minutes earlier, it would have been an extremely correct decision.But if you decide to leave at this point in time, you are destined to have only one tragic ending.

Those admirals, whose eyes were blinded by greed, immediately set fire to kill the admiral who was about to leave in the name of traitors, and at the same time carve up her battleship.

Now, none of the other admirals who wanted to leave dared to do such a thing that everyone criticized.

And if this is the case, it seems that everyone can't find a reason to attack other admirals.

But it doesn't matter, if you can't find a reason, then you can create a reason!
"Boom!" Just when everyone's nerves were stretched to the tightest, another burst of violent artillery roar shocked everyone's nerves, and then they heard a person shouting tragically in the United Fleet channel, "TD0045, You actually attacked me! You actually attacked me! Big sister, this TD0045 is a traitor, she suddenly attacked me!"

This voice came from Xueluo, she was unexpectedly attacked by someone!And at this moment, the tail of one of her destroyers was indeed glowing with thick flames.

"I didn't... I didn't do it... I didn't do anything... You fired it yourself... I saw it with my own eyes... Your own warship fired and hit your own warship!!" TD0045 panicked immediately argued.

"What a joke! How could I fight my own warship?" Xueluo immediately blocked back with a single sentence, and then immediately privately sent a sentence to TD0001 and the other two sisters from Kiran Star Academy, "Sisters are still in a daze What are you doing, hurry up and share this guy's battleship, everyone, don't waste my bitter plan!"

After saying this, Xueluo took the lead with his own fleet to kill that TD0045.

"It's inappropriate to do this..." TD0001 had such a thought in his mind, but in the next second, the other two sisters from the same academy immediately led their own fleet to surround and kill the unlucky TD0045.

"Damn! Wait for me, save some for me!" Seeing this scene, TD0001 couldn't think too much, and immediately joined the siege of TD0045.

Seeing such a wonderful performance by their own commander, the members were stunned for a while, and then immediately realized that they just made up an excuse for themselves?Who wouldn't do this kind of operation?

So in just a few seconds, more than a dozen admirals' destroyers were shot, and then turned around and killed the other weak admirals around them... Some admirals simply didn't even need the most basic performances, and directly faced the sky. Fired a cannonball, said that he was attacked, and then began to kill and kill.

Less than 40 minutes have passed since the start of the encirclement and suppression of Liu Nianfeng, and the United Fleet, which was quite united before, has completely turned into a group of lunatics blinded by greed ... They began to frantically attack the original teammates around them, and began to snatch the battleships of their teammates.

Those admirals who were already weak were the most unlucky. They immediately became the targets of the powerful admirals. They were wiped out in the blink of an eye, and their warships became the enemy's spoils of war.

And with the disappearance of the weak admiral, those powerful fleets with more than 20 battleships naturally set their sights on the medium-strength fleet with more than ten battleships... Compared with the small-strength fleet, Although the middle-strength admirals are not opponents, they are not so easy to be wiped out for a while, and they can carry out fierce counterattacks. The devouring operation of the large-strength fleet cannot be carried out so smoothly.

Moreover, the middle-strength admirals quickly began to hug each other to keep warm, and the two of them immediately united into a large-strength fleet, and the situation was reversed in an instant.

In this way, in this dark forest area, the more than 60 admirals who were originally the closest teammates were divided into more than a dozen different groups, relying on friendship, or regional relations, or simply interdependent interests. A small group that sticks together.

They unite with each other and fight each other, and the entire dark starry sky is dyed into a day-like world by their crazy ammunition. They are engaged in the cruelest battle in the universe... But because of the unowned battleship, After the battleship sinks, you can still get new battleships.

At the same time, because there is no admiral who can crush all the heroes, no force has the ability to defeat all opponents, so this most brutal battle has become an unending battle at the same time!

Even though the battle has been going on for three, four, and 10 minutes, there are still 300 warships on the battlefield, but the owners of these warships have changed one after another.

And such a high-intensity battle, which cannot be terminated, has only one result... that is the violent consumption of war materials! !

"Sister, it's not good, my shells are almost empty! Give me some!" TD0002 suddenly shouted in the team channel.

"I don't have any anymore! I'll give it to you somewhere!" TD0001 said with sweat on his forehead, she was telling the truth, and the ammunition in her inventory was less than 1/10 of the original ammunition. It is estimated that such a high-intensity battle can only last for a few minutes.

And this kind of situation is not an isolated phenomenon, on the contrary, it is a common situation. Soon these admirals found that whether it was themselves or the enemy, the original crazy firepower gradually became thinner, and finally even took half a day , Only then did they hold back a shot... Then they stopped firing at all, because their battleships had used up all the ammunition.

"Everyone stop! Everyone stop!" As the firepower decreased, calmness gradually returned to their heads, and TD0001 immediately sent a message to everyone through a large-scale broadcast... As for the previous United Fleet channel, it has long been At the moment the war started, everyone was automatically withdrawn.

As soon as TD0001's broadcast came out, everyone really stopped... It's not that TD0001 has such a high prestige, but because they really have no shells, so they had to stop.

"Everyone listen to me! Now is not the time to continue the fight. In my opinion, the ownership of the current battleship is the main one. Whoever owns this battleship now belongs to it. Everyone should stop fighting and go separately. Finding ammunition is the last word!" When TD0001 said this, even if some admirals were reluctant, they had to admit that this was the only way to end the battle now, so they could only admit it with their noses held.

TD0001 on the other side also breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time showed a big smile on his face.Through the chaotic battle just now, she harvested a total of twelve warships, and now has a total of 19 warships... Such an astonishing total number of warships made TD0001 extremely proud. disappeared.

"Damn it, it's just that most of the battleships are out of ammunition, and I don't know where to get some ammunition!" TD0001 thought in his heart, and then said to his teammates, "Everyone, get ready, let's leave the dark forest area , find some lonely admirals and snatch the ammunition!"

The sisters all nodded in agreement, and at this moment, Xueluo suddenly said something like this, "You say, what would happen if Liu Nianfeng didn't leave, but stayed aside and watched us fight?"

"How is this possible? Don't be joking. Liu Nianfeng managed to break out of our encirclement. He had already disappeared without a trace. How could he have the guts to come back!" TD0001 was startled by Xueluo's words, and then immediately He said quickly, half of what he said was analyzing, and the other half was about comforting himself.

It’s just that the consolation came too late. As the voice of these words fell, more than 50 light spots appeared in all directions on the front, back, left, and right sides of the battlefield at the same time... These more than 50 warships replaced the more than 300 warships on the battlefield. , Surrounded like this!

(End of this chapter)

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