girl line

Chapter 419

Chapter 419
In a starry sky, lights of various colors are constantly flashing. Two fleets are fighting selflessly in this starry sky. Each of these two fleets has seven warships, which can be said to be two equal opponents. Therefore, the battle is extremely fierce, and it will not be clear who has the hope of winning the final victory for a while!

It is worth mentioning that even though the battle is so fierce, the entire universe is extremely quiet, and no sound can be heard. After all, a vacuum cannot transmit sound.

[PS: Some readers pointed out to the author that a vacuum cannot be used as a medium for sound transmission, so it is impossible to hear the roaring explosion of cannons in the universe. The author has described the huge explosion several times, which is based on the theory The error, hope to fix this bug.

At first, the author also thought that this was indeed a bug, but after consulting the information, he found out that the premise of not being able to hear sound in the universe is that your body must stay in the vacuum environment of the universe without any protection. If your body is in an environment with air, but as long as it is a huge explosion, the vibration can be transmitted through the vacuum, and then the wave can be transmitted to the air through the armor, and finally transmitted to your ears through the air .

This means that as long as the energy of the explosion is large enough, such as a sun explosion, we can still hear the sound of the sun explosion on the earth.

However, in reality, when the explosion wave is transmitted to a place hundreds of thousands of kilometers away through the vacuum, it is estimated that the shell has already landed, and even the explosion of the main gun of the battleship will not produce enough energy. It spreads in a vacuum, so it is still impossible to hear the sound of gunfire on a distant battlefield in the universe. This is indeed a BUG
So I hereby amend it, the author will definitely pay attention to this problem in the future, and I am sorry for the previous BUG! 】

These two admirals are all energized, ready to use all their strengths to kill the opponent, and then obtain the precious fuel and ammunition in the opponent's warship to make up for their lack.

It's just that at almost the same time, fierce alarms sounded in the cockpits of the two admirals. The sound was so intense that it had reached the highest level of alarm, which meant that there were extremely powerful opponents near them.Then, they saw black light spots appear one after another on the radar, and began to quickly approach their position, and the total number of these light spots was more than 50.

The two admirals stopped firing at almost the same time, and then the main fleet began to retreat frantically in two different directions, leaving only one destroyer in place, intending to use this destroyer to observe the terrifying The truth about the fleet.

After that, they saw an extremely huge fleet, which was a huge fleet consisting of seventy or eighty warships. Dozens of destroyers cleared the way ahead, and nuclear guns and live ammunition were protected on the two wings. Finally, in the center of the entire fleet, there are battlecruisers and battleships with terrifying caliber artillery. These people even saw a trace of an aircraft carrier.

"Oh my god! This fleet may be able to instantly kill my fleet in less than 5 minutes!" An admiral said dumbfounded. In fact, he was wrong. If Liu Nianfeng really tried his best to kill him in an instant, he estimated that it would take only 3 minutes. Can't make it through.

And this fleet didn't seem to have any interest in these two admirals, even if the two destroyers were there to observe blatantly, the fleet did not send any warships to expel these two destroyers, it was completely ignoring the two destroyers. Existence... This made the two admirals rejoice and feel ashamed at the same time. They were the favored children of heaven all their lives, and they had never been ignored like this before!
Of course, even if they had a hundred guts now, they wouldn't dare to provoke this terrifying fleet.

"Where is this fleet going? Look at their direction. The dangerous Plum Blossom Galaxy Tutorial is in front of them. Could it be that they want to attack the Plum Blossom Galaxy tutelary right now!" The two admirals saw the advance of the fleet. After taking the direction, he subconsciously made such a guess, and then immediately threw this guess to the back of his mind... Are you kidding me? Although this fleet is indeed very large, there are still 150 ships in the Plum Blossom Galaxy Guardian Palace at this time. Cruel-level AI guards there, this is absolutely impossible for such a fleet to eat!
After this terrifying fleet completely left the radar range of the two admirals, the two admirals looked at the remaining opponents on the radar, then let out a roar, and once again began to kill each other selflessly.


"Admiral, it's really deserted here. Except for the two fleets just now, we haven't even seen a single fleet!" Seeing the empty radar, Alice said cautiously.

"It's nothing unusual. The current Plum Blossom Galaxy Guardian Mansion is not something ordinary people can eat. Looking at the delicious food in front of them, they can't eat their chopsticks and can only drool. If it's me, I don't want to come here in advance. Until the last five or six hours, there will be no players here!" Liu Nianfeng smiled slightly, and at this time, the core planet of the Plum Blossom Galaxy, that is, the Plum Blossom Star, the beautiful pink outline was also there. Fleeting Maple appeared in front of him.

"Plum Blossom Star, because of the existence of a certain special mineral, the soil of the entire planet has a pink color, and the plants and animals on the planet, because of the long-term intake of this mineral, have the same body surface. Covered by pink, even the sea water is pink, so this planet is called Plum Blossom Star!" Alice read the introduction about Plum Blossom Star in the materials, of course, this is just a fictional planet !
"Alice, do you think there really is a pink planet in the universe?" Liu Nianfeng asked curiously.

"Of course there is! It's written in the Encyclopedia of the Universe!" Alice rolled her eyes at Fleeting Maple, "But it's a completely barren planet without even an atmosphere, otherwise if there are trees, sea water and atmosphere, you want to It would be almost impossible for the entire planet to be dyed pink!"

"Maybe there will be! Alice, you need a little romance in your head!" Liu Nianfeng shrugged his shoulders, and at this time the alarm sounded in the cockpit, and at the same time, Xueluo's voice also rang in the fleet channel." Commander-in-Chief, we are about to enter the alert area of ​​the tutelary fort of the Plum Blossom Galaxy, are we really going to attack this tutelary fort?"

There was doubt and even fear in Xueluo's words.This is also a very normal thing. When any normal person learns that less than 90 warships will be used to attack the Plum Blossom Galaxy tutelary fort guarded by 150 brutal AI ships, everyone will probably feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

"Of course, otherwise, what am I doing here!" Liu Nianfeng said with a bit of playfulness in his tone, "What? Do you regret it? If you regret it, then you can leave now, we are still friends, I will not have any opinions Yes! I won’t stop you either!”

"Commander, who do you think I am, Xueluo? I, Xueluo, will never betray a true friend. Even if the commander-in-chief sends my fleet to die, I won't hesitate at all!" Said firmly.

"That's right! Me too!"

"It's the same for me. Isn't it just annihilation of the whole army? What's so great about it? If there is no commander-in-chief, we will all be reborn!" Ohm Shaleton and Jialu Sonas also expressed their opinions.

"Well, since everyone has this attitude, then I will start to command the battle..." Liu Nianfeng nodded in satisfaction, and immediately began to assign combat missions to the entire fleet.


"Ju Zuo, if you are Liu Nian Jie Yuan, with the current strength, how would you plan to attack the Plum Blossom Galaxy's tutelary fortress?" On the other side, in the studio, I saw that Liu Nian Feng's fleet had indeed arrived at Plum Blossom Xing, the strategic intention of attacking the guardian mansion of the Plum Blossom Galaxy was fully exposed, the host couldn't help but asked Zhang Juzuo.

"Well, this question is very interesting, but I have never commanded a real battle, and I'm afraid it will be ridiculous if I analyze it!!" Zhang Juzuo said with some refusal, stroking his beard.

"President, you are being modest. You are an expert on star warships in our Qingzhou star area. You have boarded thousands of warships. You have also written several professional books on the analysis of battle tactics, and one of them was even selected into the Starship Academy. Among the extracurricular readings, although you have never really commanded a battle, your strategic vision is unquestionable, so please tell us about it!" The host is not willing to let Zhang Juzuo go, but Zhang Juzuo is also itchy It was terrible, so under the repeated instigation of the host, Zhang Juzuo spoke.

"If you want to win the battle, you must analyze the strategic situation of the enemy and the enemy, as well as the tactics and the distribution of warships."

"For thousands of years, the strategic layout of the Plum Blossom Galaxy's Guardian Mansion has not changed much, so Liunian Jieyuan now has a great advantage, that is, the advantage of knowing oneself and the enemy. For the Plum Blossom Galaxy's tutelary mansion, it is nothing more than Once the AI ​​is controlling the battle, they all have their own fixed tactical routines, in the eyes of experts, the next move of these AIs can be completely guessed, this is the biggest advantage of Liu Nian Jie Yuan!"

"Then look at the current defense layout of the Plum Blossom Galaxy's tutelary fortress... The defensive layout of the Plum Blossom Galaxy's tutelary fortress is very simple. Four strongholds are set up around the entire plum blossom star, and each stronghold has the same number of cruel AIs. Responsible for guarding."

"This arrangement has an advantage, that is, no matter where the enemy attacks from any direction, the guarding fleet of the Plum Blossom Galaxy can meet the enemy immediately, without worrying about being directly attacked by the enemy into the interior of the planet. But this also has a disadvantage , that is, the main fleet is forced to disperse, and the examinees only need to face 1/4 of the brutal AI in the first place!"

(End of this chapter)

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