girl line

Chapter 432 An Unexpected Hard Battle

Chapter 432 An Unexpected Hard Battle

The battle started without any hesitation, and this time the situation facing Lian Nianfeng is even more dangerous, with 15 warships facing the attack of 190 warships, this is a scene where all the admirals can't help but tremble when they hear it, Lian Nianfeng But still commanding the entire battle calmly.

But the battle was not as simple as Liu Nianfeng imagined at the beginning. Originally, Liu Nianfeng thought that with the existence of the guard house behind him, as long as the whole line was not defeated within 5 minutes, those sunk warships would be able to continue to flow from the battleship. Fighting out of the guarding mansion, as long as the initial time is delayed, the victory of this battle still belongs to oneself.

But this must be based on one premise, Liu Nianfeng could not meet the top admirals among the candidates, but this time Liu Nianfeng was very unlucky, he not only met, but also met two top admirals in one breath.And one of the admirals was also the admiral who had fought against Liu Nianfeng, which became a huge trouble for Liu Nianfeng.

Because they had already prepared for Liunianfeng's strength in advance, this time the enemies Yagami Hinata and Li Yaqi put aside their previous grievances and chose to join forces to entangle with Liunianfeng, and at the same time they completely changed their tactics.

Li Yaqi's previous tactic was to kill Liunianfeng's star battlecruiser and battleship first, and after destroying Liunianfeng's main firepower, he could logically defeat Liunianfeng's defense.

But this time the two of them chose completely different tactics. Li Yaqi and Yagami Hinata chose to simply ignore the battleships and battlecruisers of Fleet Nianfeng, and instead focused their battle targets on those destroyers and light cruisers.The idea of ​​these two people is very simple, that is to get rid of the things that are in the way outside first, and then they can concentrate their firepower on the battleships and battlecruisers.

And the most important point is that because those destroyers and light cruisers are all fighting guerrilla tactics in the outlying areas far from the tutelary fort, once the destroyers and light cruisers are sunk, then their starship girl will be considered as a successful escape. cabin escaped from the destroyed warship, but their escape pods must also face a large group of warships... As long as they can destroy the escape pod before it escapes back to the tutelary mansion, these starship girls will have to wait. It takes half an hour to be reborn by the admiral's side, and what half an hour means to a war with a huge disparity in numbers, both in Liu Nianfeng's heart, Yashen Hinata's and Li Yaqi's hearts, they all know it clearly .

It has to be said that this is a very vicious move, and at the same time, it also seized the tactic of Liu Nianfeng's death spot. Facing the siege and interception of nearly two hundred warships, Liu Nianfeng's already fragile destroyer was the first to die, the Harman He and the Little Swan were the first to be sunk by the opponent.And although Harman managed to escape back to the guardian mansion in the escape boat by relying on his extremely dexterous positioning and the extremely small size of the escape cabin, Lin Chouchou was not so lucky. The moment her escape pod appeared, hundreds of battleships fired at the same time. The cannon fire fell on Lin Chouchou's escape pod like rain. Lin Chouchou didn't even have time to let out a scream. It was beaten into scum, and it had to wait for half an hour before it could be revived again.

At the same time, this is just the beginning. After the Harman and Little Swan were sunk, the Ninghai, Pinghai, and Yixian became poor orphans left outside, returning to guard The road to the mansion was blocked by enemy warships, and it was impossible to return to the guard mansion first.

"Clear the way, clear a way for me!" Although under the command of Liu Nianfeng, the five battleships and battlecruisers including King Kong tried their best to clear a way home for the three light cruisers wandering outside. way out.But those destroyers rushed over recklessly, blocking the way back... Although Liu Nianfeng could take away seven or eight of these destroyers with a single salvo, the number of these destroyers is really too much A few, and Liu Nianfeng's salvo even with the equipment blessing, it takes about 40 seconds to cool down.

As long as the other party is willing to lose the destroyer, they can block the Yixian, Ninghai, and Pinghai outside the guardian mansion within at least 10 minutes, and they will never want to go home.

However, the Ninghai and Pinghai could not hold on for 10 minutes. Although Liunianfeng had already exerted his fighting instincts to an extremely high level, in the face of artillery fire like a torrential rain, even though Ninghai and Pinghai were under the pressure of Fleeting Fengling Under the command of Resonance, the position has been extremely coquettish, and at the same time counterattacked with their own artillery, the two killed more than a dozen warships, but they were still hit by the enemy one after another, losing a lot of battle damage. Only the last bit of blood left.

"Admiral, let's go!"

"Admiral, we'll be back in 30 minutes!" Seeing that his HP had bottomed out, Ning Hai and Ping Hai immediately said this to Liu Nianfeng, and then the two warships rushed directly into the area where the enemy's warships were most densely populated. In the area, before the other party realized what happened, the two warships exploded at the same time, and the huge flame instantly swallowed half of the universe in sight. After the flames were extinguished, a total of fifteen warships accompanied Ning Hai and Ping Hai. He blew himself up and was reborn together.

"Damn! There is such a skill as self-explosion, what a ghost!" Seeing the destruction of 15 battleships, Iori Hinata's heartbroken skin was about to ooze blood. These 15 battleships were all her Iori Hinata The warships under his command.What's even worse is that at this time, the reorganized combined fleet has lost more than 50 warships in order to strangle the five small fishes on the periphery, which is equivalent to 1/4 of the casualties of the entire fleet. Tian seemed to be able to imagine why Li Shiqi's fleet was defeated by these 12 warships before.

"Everyone cheer up, now there is only one trash fish left." The only thing that comforts Yagami Hinata is that at this time, the opponent only has one star light cruiser left. As long as this light cruiser is also If you kill them, then your own fleet can besiege the five slow-moving battleships and battlecruisers without any scruples, and at the same time completely block the entrances and exits of the tutelary mansion, completely establishing the victory of the entire battle.

Of course, in order not to suffer heavy losses due to the self-exposure just now, Yagami Hinata very wisely ordered the rest of the warships besieging Yat-sen not to get too close to the Yat-sen, and to ensure that they stay outside the range of the self-explosion, far away. It is enough to kill the opponent with a concentrated fire from a distance.

Yagami Hinata's decision was indeed very wise, but she didn't know that the battleship she was facing was the Yatsen.

"Alice, don't go with them anymore. Your air-breaking mecha formation is ready to dispatch to clean up all those miscellaneous fish! Be sure to clear a channel that allows warships to enter and exit the tutelary fort!" Seeing In this scene, Liu Nianfeng finally decided to use the hole cards that were still buried in the palm of his hand, and this first hole card was Alice's space-breaking mech, and a team of peerless space-breaking machines from Alice, a prehistoric space carrier, A, the horrific firepower of the two elite-level air-breaking mechas directly burned the opponent's fleet into a sea of ​​flames, otherwise the tutelary mansion might really fall.

As for the Yixian who was still fighting outside, although Liu Nianfeng didn't say anything, she had tacitly agreed that the Yixian would follow in the footsteps of her two little nieces and died heroically.What makes Liu Nianfeng feel a little uncomfortable is that this Yixian has been fighting for about 3 minutes, and the volley has been fired for seven or eight rounds, and even the missile salvo skill has not been triggered for one round, otherwise Yixian The No. [-] can kill another five or six destroyers.

But as the saying goes, Cao Cao and Cao Cao will be here soon. When Liu Nianfeng felt sorry that the missile salvo skill had not been triggered, Yixian's communication came just in time.

"Admiral... My missile is going to launch again... My feeling is coming again..." The Yat-sen said, and upon hearing the sound of the Yat-sen, Liu Nianfeng couldn't stop imagining The beautiful skin of the Yixian number wrapped in black silk kept trembling slightly... In the previous battle, because the Yixian number was holding back for too long, even if it left the battlefield, it returned to the battlefield. In front of Liunianfeng, Yixianhao's body could not help but tremble and shiver.

And those two extremely alluring black (harmonious) long legs, also accompanied by the trembling, evoked circles of ripples, this beautiful scene, almost hooked Liu Nianfeng's soul at that time Gone.

Cough cough, let’s get down to business, since the long-awaited missile volley skill came, Liu Nianfeng naturally didn’t hesitate at all, anyway, this skill has been demonstrated before, and there is no hole card to hide, so Liu Nianfeng immediately ordered Yixian No. Immediately launches the missile salvo skill.

"Boom!" Following Liu Nianfeng's order, six Eagle Strike missiles spewed out, automatically tracking the six destroyers closest to him, and slammed into them all at once, making these six destroyers lose all their energy in the blink of an eye. Ashes to ashes.

"Congratulations, you have killed the admiral xx, and got [-] kill points!"

"Congratulations, you have killed Admiral xx, and you have obtained ten kill points!" To Liu Nianfeng's surprise, two of the six destroyers were the flagships of a certain admiral, and with the six destroyers After the destroyer was finished, Liu Nianfeng also successfully harvested 20 kill points.

"This is really an unexpected joy!" Liu Nianfeng sighed, but there was a bit of regret in his heart. After all, this should be the last unexpected surprise. With the passing of this round of missile salvo, Yixian About to be sunk by the opponent.

But after all, this world is full of all kinds of accidents. Less than two seconds after the six warships sank, Liu Nianfeng's voice once again sounded in Liu Nianfeng's ear, "Admiral... what should I do... how do you feel?" coming!"

As for what Liu Nianfeng didn't know, Yixian Hao was almost lying in the air and said these words to Liu Nianfeng. Yixian's left hand covered his mouth to prevent himself from making too many embarrassing sounds.But her right hand had already got under the skirt of her cheongsam, and the whole cockpit was filled with a sense of temptation.

(End of this chapter)

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